
Project Zelba

A pause... Silence... I can't Breathe... My ears hear nothing, the breeze caresses my skin and yet... Nothing. 'Shut Your Eyes!!'... Lingering thoughts that just don't register... A scream... 'That's right, it’s my voice.'... They're killing him in front of me... The man I love is being ripped away from me, being ripped out of our world, being ripped out of my life. 'A hand? No, wait, that's my hand.'... My hand reaches for him but he's already gone. My head suddenly hit something hard... A bright white flash and the sound of bones crushing and flesh ripping was my last memory... I remember nothing after that, absolutely nothing... 'How did it get to this!?'... Maybe I should first explain just what and where it is happening... Explain why I am in such a damned mess...

WolvenAssassin · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter: 21... Ice Cold


27 June 3035

How I wished we had picked up on the impending doom that night 4 months ago. If we had picked up on it earlier would we have been able to prevent everything that lay ahead? I honestly wonder.

"Alaric~" Alice's voice fluttered towards me. She smiled brightly.

"Sorry sexy I got distracted, what's up?" I hummed gawking at her mindlessly.

"I asked what we were going to eat tonight babes?" She giggled slightly, making me strangely 'uncomfortable.'

We had converted the cave into a type of living area. We had beds and everything, and thanks to Alice's newly found electrical Talent we even have electricity for cooking and lights. We had everything we could possibly need.

"Uh, maybe, Fish? That is your favorite after all." I contemplated trying to wish away my sudden uncomfortableness.

"Yay!" She rushed off towards the makeshift counter.

"Welp Leo... Let's go catch some dang fish." I huffed, still dang uncomfortable.