
Project: Paragon Ascendant

story about a warrior named Khronos growing stronger. tags inglude: action, isekai, magic, cultivation, system, dark mc, fast paced, no romance, no-harem

LorienO_o · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Three days had passed, yet Khronos remained seated, cross-legged, in the same spot, his stillness a testament to his unwavering dedication.

Khronos's eyes, slowly opened, and he felt the surge of newfound strength coursing through his veins. A whispered word escaped his lips: "System."

The holographic window materialized before him, casting an ethereal glow on his stoic face. His gaze scanned the information, and a small, enigmatic smirk played on his lips.


Paragon Ascendant



Worlds Conquered: 1

Abilities: Chrono Loop, Spatial Slip, Time Dilation, Gravitational Anchor, Echo Sense, Tactical Overmind, Close Combat Mastery, Weapon Omnipotence, Omni-Adapt, Oculus Insight, Energon Dominion, Psyche Resonance

Items: Soulcleaver

Cultivation Level: Spirit Novice (Low 3)

Next cultivation level: Spirit Novice (Mid 3)

Next rank: Core Disciple


The smirk lingered, a hint of satisfaction on his face, as Khronos's eyes lingered on the updated status.

"I must have definitely broken some records with this cultivation speed. Omni-Adapt and Energon Dominion are truly usefull abilities to have. Who even needs spiritul root?"

Khronos's imposing figure rose from the cave floor, his movements fluid and deliberate. With a mere thought, he activated his Energon Dominion, and the air around him shimmered with anticipation. The Soulcleaver, his brilliant red sword, materialized in his hand, its presence radiating an aura of power.

As the sword coalesced, Khronos's Weapon Omnipotence ability suddenly flared to life, responding to some unseen stimulus. The air seemed to vibrate with an electric tension. He sensed that he could effortlessly take on opponents far stronger than himself.

In that instant, Khronos grasped the concept of sword intent, a profound understanding that transcended mere technique. It was as if the Soulcleaver had become an extension of his very being, a focal point for his will and strength.

As Khronos moved towards the cave's exit, he found himself thinking about his three creators - Dark Empress Nyx, Mutator, and Arkirya the Arachne. Each one had contributed significantly to his creation, granting him the immense power he now possesses. He activates his 'Echo Sense' and 'Oculus Insight' abilities, ready to navigate the unfamiliar land cautiously while staying alert for any potential threats.

Khronos walked through the forest, his hands empty but his focus unwavering. He had willed his bright red sword, Soulcleaver, to disappear, but he could summon it in an instant if needed. His 'Echo Sense' and 'Oculus Insight' abilities remain active, painting a vivid picture of his environment. Suddenly, a wolf emerged from the underbrush, its eyes fixed on Khronos. The wolf's cultivation level, Mortal Initiate 7, is palpable. Khronos's eyes narrow, his focus intensifying as he prepared to defend himself. He stood tall, his presence radiating an aura of superiority, his power vastly surpassing that of the wolf. The wolf's attack is swift, but Khronos is unfazed.

With a swift, economical motion, Khronos sidestepped the wolf's attack, his red eyes fixed on the beast. He raised a hand, and the wolf was caught in a localized gravity field, its movements slowed by Khronos's 'Gravitational Anchor' ability. The wolf struggled, its jaws snapping wildly, but Khronos was untroubled. He took a single, deliberate step forward, and the wolf's body was halted, suspended in mid-air. With a faint, almost imperceptible movement, Khronos's hand closed, and the wolf's body went limp, defeated. The forest fell silent once more, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves as Khronos stood victorious.

Khronos approached the wolf's lifeless body. He knelt down, his fingers probing the wolf's fur as he searched for any signs of value. A moment later, he extracted a small, glowing core from the wolf's body - a Rank 1 Beast Core. Khronos's gaze lingered on the core. He decided to keep it, aware that such cores could be used as currency. With the core secured, Khronos rose to his feet, his attention returning to the forest surroundings. He continued his exploration, his senses on high alert as he ventured deeper into the unknown terrain.

Khronos explored the forest, his senses on high alert as he navigated through the dense underbrush. He encountered several beasts, each one attacking him on sight, like mindless beasts. Khronos dispatched them with ease, none of them proving to be a match for his skills. He took the beast cores from each of the fallen creatures. The battles were brief and one-sided, with Khronos emerging victorious every time. After a while, he finally stumbled upon a dirt road. Khronos chose a direction, his eyes fixed on the horizon, and began to walk. He hoped to find a human settlement, or at least some sign of civilization, and continued on his way, his senses still on high alert.

Khronos walked for a few hours, the sun's warmth gradually giving way to the coolness of impending dusk. As the light began to fade, the forest grew darker, shadows deepening and twisting around him. Though he knew it would be reckless to press on in the darkness, Khronos decided to continue, as it would be better than just staying in one place. Fortunately, his Omni-Adapt ability had long since adapted his body to the darkness, granting him a form of night vision. With his eyes glowing like embers, Khronos pushed on, his footsteps quiet on the dirt road as he navigated through the darkness.

Khronos had walked for a few hours, occasionally fighting off beasts that attacked him. However, he noticed that the beasts' cultivation levels were getting lower, and fewer of them attacked him as he progressed. This implied that a human settlement might be nearby, and Khronos's intuition was proven correct when he eventually spotted a city in the distance. Though he was tempted to enter the city, Khronos decided not to get closer, at least not yet. He knew that trying to enter the city at night, without any identification or knowledge of the local customs, he learned about cultivation, but not social norms. It would be suspicious and potentially dangerous. So, he chose to wait, his eyes fixed on the city's outline, as he bided his time until dawn.

Khronos sat on a tree branch, his eyes fixed on the city in the distance, waiting for the sun to rise. He remained still, his senses on high alert, as the darkness gradually gave way to the light of dawn.

Eventually, he decided the sun was high enough, and he jumped down from the tree, his movements silent. As he observed the city from a distance, he noticed some caravans moving out of the city, and his gaze lingered on the clothes the locals wore. Most of them wore robes, but he also spotted some other types of clothing, which might mean that wearing robes might be a social class thing or a display of wealth. Khronos's expression remained impassive, but he didn't really like the idea of wearing robes, preferring his black vest and pants. Robes would only hinder him in a fight.

Khronos approached the city gates, his eyes scanning the surroundings, taking in the bustling activity of the morning crowd and the 2 guards.

End of chapter 2

I changed how cultivation levels work a little.

Do point out mistake, if you find any, thank you!

LorienO_ocreators' thoughts