
Project Gemini

When new recruit Elena Anderson is given a chance to prove herself at, she is excited. It is an easy task of locating and recovering a scientist who has been working on a classified weapon. What could go wrong? Things start to fall apart when someone from her past comes back into her life... wanting the same thing. She has to put aside all the her past feelings and get the job done. Things get more complicated when the line between right and wrong is blurred. One side wants to use the weapon for good while the other wants it to start a war.

Emma09 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

"What is your business here today?" asked the receptionist.

"We are here to see Mr Giilian. We have an appointment with him," answered the tall guy in a suit. He took off his glasses and neatly put them away. He handed the receptionist a letter which she examined carefully.

"Mr Gillian is a very busy man and I didn't know he was seeing… well anyways, let me just call him and let him know that you guys are here to see him."

"Thanks love," smiled the guy.

After a few moments, the receptionist put down the phone and gestured to them to take a seat.

"You know what to do?" he whispered to the woman behind him. "I'll try and keep him busy and like we planned you will only have around 10 minutes before they work out that you aren't here with me."

The woman following him stepped closer and she disappeared into the crowd. She went into the lift. She waited as slowly one by one the people started to leave the lift and then it was her only. Then finally the doors opened again and she came out. She quickly slid into one of the open office doors and waited.

"Ok, now will be the best time to turn the cameras off. I'm in position and ready," she whispered in her ear piece. "By the way, we may have a little problem… The guard is still at the doorway. How am I supposed to get through him?"

"You will need to come up with something. We can't get Walesh to come and help you," said the voice in her ear piece.

"OK… great."

She straightened up and tied her hair up in a messy bun. She opened her jacket buttons and put on her pair of eyeglasses. She stepped out and walked towards the guard. He looked up at her and she noticed him straightened up a little.

"Excuse me ma'am, but you shouldn't be here unless you have an ID."

"Oh, I'm sorry but I'm new here and I got a little lost. I thought I was on this floor but clearly it isn't the right place," she smiled.

"That's fine, but you need to leave this area. Where are you meant to be?"

"I was meant to go see Mr Gillian."

"He is a level down from here. This is a very private level and no one is allowed up here."

The woman just gave him a smile and as she turned around to leave, she tripped and stumbled on the guard.

"AAWWW!!!! That really hurt. I can't put any pressure on my ankle… it hurts," she yelled as she tried to take a step."

"Ummm… I will take you to the main office and get it checked out," said the guard.

"No, I can't walk on this leg. Can I sit down here and just get an ice pack?" she said sliding down against the wall and pressing on her ankle.

"Ok but I can't…"

The woman yelled even louder before he could finish.

"Ok, stay here and i'll be really quick. Someone will be patrolling this area… i'll let them know what about you."


She watched as the guard walked away. She quickly jumped up and looked around the corner to make sure that the guy was gone. Once the coast was clear, she turned around made her way to the doors to enter the office.

"As I can see, the guard is gone and like he said another one is around there. Be quick and go in."

"Yeah I'm trying." She stopped and looked around. "This door needs a card, I hope this card works?"

"You stole his key card?" came a smirky voice from the earpiece.

"You know me way too well or we have been workin together too much," she retorted back.

She swiped the card at the door and waited for it to open. There card made a beeping noise and blinked red. She tried again and this time it worked. As she opened the door, she sneaked inside. Inside there was a long hall of doors. She looked around to see any sign of anyone. She knew this was going to be hard as they didn't know much about this place and what exactly they had to be looking for.

"Now the hard part, trying to find the right office without raising any suspicion that I don't belong at this office."

She started to walk around looking. These were not like the normal so called officers that she thought it would be. Inside from the small gaps in the glass door that she could see, she noticed large machines and the next door she saw a dark room with a red light room.

"Jackpot… we finally have enough here…"

"What are you doing here and why are you hiding?"

She closed her eyes hoping that she could find a way to get out of this. Why was this getting harder and all the information that she had gotten about this place was wrong.

"I… I I'm new here," she said as she turned around and saw that this new member who had come in wasn't alone. He had friends and was the guard from outside.

"I knew there was something wrong with you. Looks like your ankle is fine too," he remarked.

"Who do you work for and why are you here? Looks like you have been poking around places that your pretty head shouldn't be in."

"Ok, so your cover is blown, keep them busy… back-up is on their way."

"That's what I was hoping you didn't have to say. I knew I should have worn pants instead of this skirt."

She tried to turn and run away from the guys but one of them pulled her hands and she went backwards slamming into the other guy who grabbed her. She stomped on the foot of that guy and when he left her hand free. She swung her hand around and punched the third one. She ducked in time as the first guy tried to pull her but caught the other guy. When she was finally free, she did a backflip and slid in between the legs. She side kicked, jump kicked and then grabbed one of the guys hands and cracked his fingers, elbowed him in the chest and flipped him.

Two more men came running in and ran toward her. She jabbed one in the stomach, round houd kicked and punched. Just then the doors busted open and more suited up people stormed into the room. She turned around hoping it wouldn't be more guys to fight but to her relief it was backup.

"I have done the most of the heavy lifting boys," she smiled.

"Are you OK? I hope they didn't workout too hard?"

"Rach…. Please shut up."

"Thanks Miss Stone, we got it from here," said one of the new guys.

"Elena, Elena… are you ok," came in Walesh with his guys out aiming at the guys on the floor.

"A little late there buddy," Elena smiled as she limped and rubbed her ribs. "I think I really did hurt my ankle."

"Oh are you getting all softy are you? I mean I thought you were a badass but now I think you need to workout more."

"I wish I had my gun with me so I could shoot you. Whoever gave us this information about this place really didn't do their homework. Either that or we just walked into a trap."

"We have to go back and check our intel. Elena, are you sure you are Ok. You seem a little… bruised up."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go and check out these officers and get all the evidence that we need to close up this case. We have been after these guys for a long time and we finally have his place and all this evidence. Besides, my head is only spinning a little and my chest hurts. But I'll be fine after I walk around a little."


"We have been through all those boxes and the guys are talking them back to the office. I'm so tired of going through these stuff and collecting them. Do we have enough to charge this company and the man behind it all?"

Walesh laughed at this and nodded his head. I know what you mean. I really wished that we would have finished by now so I could get home to my wife who said to me that she hasn't seen me around the house for a long time," Walesh added.

"This was a long case and you know what, you should go home to your family. We have it under control here and if something happens I'll let you know."

"Are you sure?"

But before Elena could answer, the doors opened again and a woman in a fancy suit walked in. She had a smile on her face as she looked around at the other officers and agents going through the files.

"Jenny, how come you came down here?"

"I just wanted to check in on how things are going here. I mean this was a hard case and you all put a lot of effort into it. I hope now you all will be able to have some rest," smiled Jenny.

"Yeah until the next case comes along and we have to start all over again."

"Hahaha!!! About that, Elena can I speak to you for a second?"

Elena looked at her surprised. Walesh was the senior in the partnership and having Jenny ask her to speak to her privately was a scare thought. Had she done something wrong?

"Stop thinking about it and just hear her out. Why do you keep doing this?"

"Elena, are you even listening?" whispered Walesh.

"Yes…. Just because I have that look on my face doesn't mean that I have completely zoned out."


"Hey Jenny, what's up?"

"How long have you been working with me?"

"Ok, you know when you start a conversation like that, it doesn't mean good things."

"No, I just have a case that is very sensitive and thought you would have been great for this job. Are you interested?"

"Let me think about it… YES!!!"

"Meet me in my office tomorrow morning. I'll have everything ready for you tomorrow."

"I take it that I have to keep it all under the tables from everyone."

"You can't even tell Walesh. Like I said, this is a sensitive case and the less people know the better. Don't know who to trust."

Jenny left Elena in her thoughts. What she said made her think about their current case about the information given to them. Could Jenny be right? What if there was a mole in the agency?

"No… Elena, why are you over thinking about this. I need to keep my imagination in check. I have been spending too much time with Ameila and all her movies and TV shows."


"Look who finally came home and not when it was an odd time," remarked Amelia when Elena came in.

"I'm so tired and all I want to do is have a hot shower and sleep."

Ameila laughed and passed her glass of wine that she was drinking. I was just finishing my presentation for the project and then it was Netflix. Wanna join?"

"That is the problem. I have been spending so much time with you and your Netflix that it is now affecting my work and my imagination."

"No honey, it's not me but now that you have relaxed yourself from your old tight up, neat freak and organised self… you are more open to crazy and imaginative things."

"Sometimes you just have to step out of your comfort zone, especially with my line of work."

"You have come a long way. All you now need is a boyfriend."

Elena stopped and her smile faded away. She took a deep breath and sang deeper into her seat.

"Can we not get into this again. I have been out on dates before, but it just didn't workout with my job," she said.

"Ok fine I'll drop it again but we need to address this again. We aren't getting any younger. By the way, you need to put ice on that eye of yours. It will bruise."

"I would go get some ice or peas but I'm really sore to even move."

"I got you babes. And someone called for you earlier but when I asked who it was, they hung up. Were you expecting any calls?"

"No, but i guess if it was important they would call again."

"I wonder who it was and why they didn't leave a message or who it was?"