
Project: Eterdise alpha - Elearia (fan fic)

The world wants him dead. It's not like his fate is to die, he must die in order to maintain the current state of affairs. On the verge of death a mysterious man used his magic to heal him and transport to place in different dimmension. Will he be able to survive and get revenge? Or maybe will he be stuck in this another dimmension?

Project_Eterdise · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs


At this moment strange man with black eyes wearing a robe was standing in front of a kid.

"What are you doing alone here? And who are you? I have never seen you here. Oh, by the way, my name is Asura"

Though he looked scary, his words were reassuring.

"I-I... I don't know"

A: "Hmmmm? Strange. A kid abandoned in forest? Something like this shouldn't have happened in this world.

Boy, there is a village nearby where I am living. Do you want to go with me?"

"O-Ok, I will go."

After a while they entered the village. There were a lot of houses but it was too quiet like a ghost town.

"Why is it so quiet here?"

A: "They are probably scared of new thing such as you are.

We need to go to village chief. There you might be accepted as a member of our community."

"If you say so."

In the middle of the village there was a house that was standing out from other. It was separated from other ones and taller. It looked kinda like a watchtower.

Inside the house was one person. Old man with short sideburns, moustache and beard tho his hair was longer and combed back.

O: "Hmmm, so this is the story."

A: "Yes, even I don't know how it might have happened."

"Ummm, how should i call you?"

O: "Just call me old man, it's easier that way, isn't it?"

"You don't have a name? Or maybe you just forgot it..."

O: "Are you the one to talk here?"


O: "Pfff... Ahhahahahah

I have a name but everybody here calls me chief or old man so I kinda forgot about it.

But here is the problem. If you don't have a name then maybe I can just give you one.

Hmmmm... What about 'Chron'? Do you like it?"

C: "Y-Yes, I like it"

O: "So let it be it.

Now Chron, tell me what happened that you ended up in the forest."

C: "Ok, but i don't know if you will believe it."

O: "Hooo? I have lived for a long time and I don't think that a story of a few years old brat could possibly made me shocked. Then. Let us hear your story."

Sorry for laet updale.

I have a lot of family matters and i simply don't have time :/

As a compensation I should release few extra chapter tomorrow.

Hope you will understand.

Project_Eterdisecreators' thoughts