
Progress Under the Sun

The story starts with the death of Ra (the sun god) and as long as Ra is dead the sun will not shine putting the people of Egypt in darkness forever, one god had attained the Blood of Ra, and this god's name was Imhotep the god of healing and medicine. Through his countless experiments on the blood, he could duplicate it. He gave this blood to the divine doctors(people contracted to him, through that contract they’d gain his powers). They misunderstood the assignment and started experimenting with the blood on children, trying to create a new sun god, a new Ra. Here’s where our main character's parents come in. Magnolia’s mother was pregnant with him, and about to give birth.

Progress_uts · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Snake and Fire

Minutes go by then Magnolia finally finishes shining the rocks. Isamu walks into the room 


"Mag, you're finished already?" asked Isamu


"Yea!" Magnolia said eagerly 


Magnolia walks over and takes the shinned rocks and the chain for the necklace then he turns his back facing away from his father, he takes his hand while it glows a dark orangish light then melts the rock and the chain together. 


"Father! Can you put the chain around my neck?" Magnolia asked

"yeah I'm on it" responded Isamu 


Isamu puts the chain with the shinned rocks on it on Magnolia's neck, magnolia rushes outside and looks into a pool of water 


"Wait up!" yelled out Isamu

isamu catches up to Magnolia and he looks at him with the necklace and it reminds him of Nadia his wife… 


"you look great! It's getting late mag, come inside" said Isamu out of breath

"oh okay Father" Magnolia responded 


Magnolia heads inside for bed while his father sits over him waiting for him to go to sleep. A couple minutes later Magnolia falls asleep and Isamu gets up closes his door, walks to his room, and goes to bed as he starts to dream about his wife since seeing Magnolia with the necklace reminded him of her. He hears rattling from a bush nearby 


"Is someone there?!" said a startled Isamu 


He gets up out of bed and walks over to see what is there and realizes it is nothing so he heads back to bed.

A few minutes later as Isamu is in bed…


Isamu opened his eyes and hunched up on His elbow. 


"What was that?! Oh never mind, it's probably magnolia using that bathroom or something." thought Isamu as he drifted back to sleep. 




Isamu opened his eyes again and stood up from out of his bed, his gut was telling him that this wasn't just Magnolia using the bathroom. "DAD!!!!!" Magnolia screamed


Isamu ran from his room, nearly ripping his door off the hinge. When Isamu got to his son's room he almost jumped back in fear, holding Magnolia was a dark shadowy, humanoid snake-like creature, the thing had a black danger in its hand, it was about it stab Magnolia. 

Swallowing his fear, Isamu rushed towards the creature, slamming his shoulder into the thing. The creature dropped Magnolia and Isamu … and the dark creature crashed through Magnolia's window, landing outside. Isamu placed his forearm on the neck of the thing, as it was trying to struggle. 


"Why, why are you here, trying to kill my Son?!" Isamu said with anger and confusion. 

"Kekeke…..Lord Apophis Demands the blood of Ra!!!" the black assassin said


Isamu fell on the ground as the creature disappeared into a shadowy smoke, he quickly got up and rushed back into the hole in Magnolia's room. 


"MAGNOLIA!!!!? MAGNL-" Isamu yelled


"Father I'm right here!" Magnolia says tapping his dad on his shoulder


Isamu ran towards his son and embraced him with a tight hug, a tear slipping from his eye. Magnolia looked up at his father and asked. 

 "Father, who is Apophis….?" 


 "That doesn't matter now, we must leave now!" Isamu said firmly


"Yes Father" 


They gather everything of importance and head off north. And relocate to a small shack with a bunk bed for the night, 


Magnolia and Isamu both put their things down as magnolia takes off his necklace for him to sleep and hangs it on the end of the bed. 


"Father, why was that snake-man attacking me?" 

"That doesn't matter Mag… Just rest Now" 


Isamu closes his eyes as he falls asleep, Magnolia shrugs in defeat by not knowing the information he desires… Magnolia wakes up early in the morning as he sees his father is not in his bed. 


"Father?!" Magnolia says in a distraught 


"Mag! I'm outside by the back" Magnolia walks out to the back as he sees his father getting wood to build a fence so wild animals annoy them. 


"hey mag, where's your necklace?" Magnolia feels his neck and is surprised to him not feeling anything but his bare skin, Magnolia then remembers he put it at the end of the bed last night. He then goes rushes off and finds it where he put it last night. 


"Father I got it, can you put it around my neck again?" Magnolia asked


"Yeah sure" replied Isamu 


Isamu puts it around Magnolia's neck as it begins to glow a bright reddish-orangey color it burns his hand Isamu: Ouch! 


"Father?!" Magnolia said worried


"I'm okay Mag just ticked myself" Later magnolia helps his father finish building the fence, later Isamu tells magnolia to stay as he goes off to find some rocks to help rebuild Magnolia's collection. Hours go by and Isamu still hasn't returned yet, It's getting late but magnolia is curious and worried for his father, he soon contemplates whether he should go out to find his father since it's already dark outside. He ultimately decides to leave and go off to find his father