
Hate that won’t change

***Anastasia's POV ***

" Ouch why does my head hurt " I said out loud. My head felt as if it had been hit with a mullet .

" You're awake " I heard Alexander's voice , he was standing near the door of the closet .

Oh no, I went to the party and got drunk . I wasn't supposed to get drunk .

He must be fuming , but how'd I get home though.

Did he … I remember..he came to pick me up

" Are you done having an inner turmoil " he said , I couldn't tell if he was angry or not .

" Alexander it wasn't my fault , I wanted to go and I didn't think I'd be late ."

I said hoping he forgets this matter .

" I don't care about any excuse you're about to give , I gave a directive and you ignored it and for that they'll surely be consequences " he said , now I know he's angry .

" Look Alexander, it won't happen…" he cut me off before I could complete my statement

" Oh I'll make sure it doesn't, as from now on you are not permitted to work in my company, you're fired " he said and I felt angry course through my veins.

" How can you say that Alexander, you don't have the right to …" I was talking when he interrupted.

" Oh , but I do have the right . It seems like the over familiarity has made you forget who you are ."he grabbed my arm in a tight hold before continuing .

" Your family practically sold you to me for a collaboration got that , you're just a danmed woman ok . If you go against me again this'll be the least of your worries " he said before pushing me away .

I fell and hit my head but he didn't seem to care as he just walked away .

I can't believe I called him knight , he looked like knight a little but I know he wasn't . My knight would never say that he'd never hurt me , my knight was dead .

I sobbed so hard I shocked myself. The last time I cried was when I was at the hospital and Xavier told me knight died .

Maybe because of his face I got carried away but I won't make that mistake again never .

I'm still hurt that's a given but I'll be fine . I cleaned my tears away and noticed blood on my forehead.

I cleaned it away and put a band aid on it .

Somehow how all the hurt I've felt aren't compared to his . No it's not love , it's just crushed hope

***Alexander's POV***

I drove to the office, the driver was too slow so I kicked him out .

I was pissed off . How dare she , who does she think she's?

I'm not angry because she went out I'm angry because of that name and what she said when we were in the car .

*** in the car ***

Fuck she's drunk , first she she went against me and then she didn't have the decency to come early .

" Knight I can't believe you're here I can't believe it you came back " she said excitedly .

She's calling me that name again , as if she actually loved me and I left ?

She's definitely drunk .

"Why did you leave me with them, I knew I said we wouldn't be friends but that can't be it ,right? " she said

That sentence hit a nerve , if I had just listened and stayed away all that happened wouldn't have happened.

All the hate rose up again , I hate you so much Anastasia, I hate you and that can never change , it wouldn't be fair to HER if it did …