
A long night (2)

We arrived at the Anderson mansion and I felt my fear increase .

Alexander walked out of the car and opened my side of the car .

We went inside with me holding on to his arm .

When we got there , father was there and welcomed us more like welcomed Alexander into the house .

The event was for the company's 100th year anniversary.

Father introduced us to some business men , mostly showing off the fact that Alexander was his son-in-law .

I could see rage in Alexander's eyes he must not like what father is doing.

" Alexander you should dance with Anastasia " said father ,finally noticing me .

I looked at Alexander and he led me to the dance floor .

" Your father is really good at boot licking " he said

" I guess " I said not caring that he just insulted my father .

We continued to dance until the music stopped , I could feel no passion in it .

After the dance I excused myself and went to the courtyard where I saw Cain . I went to him and saw him looking into space .

" Hi Cain , " I said still standing behind him .

" Yes Ana " he said like he wasn't interested in anything I had to say .

" Thanks for the gift " I said not expecting an expressive reply

" Hmmm " he said and walked away , Yh he cared about me .

That's just how much an Anderson can show any emotion.

I was about to go back inside when heard someone yell my name ,

"Ana , Ana wait up " it was Mathew . The most cheerful Anderson you'll meet as cheerful as one could get

He wasn't SpongeBob cheerful, he was just a little caring and carefree exactly why he got punished the most .

" Hi Ana , how've you been " he said with a cold face but gentle voice .

" I'm good Mathew. " I replied

" Mm I've been busy with work " he said. Translated as " I'm sorry I didn't have your time "

Mathew was in charge social status development and well-being. Going and organizing social events and working at the family's company .He was the younger twin between him and Cole , they were both 26 .

Cain was in charge of our growing airline sector. At his young age of 24 only a year older than me .

Cole the other twin well he , he handled all the dark sides of our family because he was cole and he was dark and heartless .

Xavier was leader of all sectors , he was 30 and answered to no one and his word was law . He got punished the least , he was perfect. But I know like all of us he gave up things he loved for his perfection.

" Ana are you listening " Mathew said

"Yes , I am " I said

" We'll let's go in then ." He said and then we headed towards the living room .

I felt a strong horrifying aura coming from the bar . I looked and saw that it was Alexander he was drinking Alcohol like it was water . Everyone was looking at him but didn't dare go near him .

When he finally saw me he started coming close to me as sober as he could but I knew he was drunk .

I swear at that moment I felt more fear than I'd ever felt in all my life . He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the house and into the passenger seat of the car and then turned around , grabbing the keys from the drivers arm before sitting in the driver's seat.

He started driving fast , so fast .

" slow down Alex" I yelled calling him Alex without realizing but he didn't listen and continue to drive , I honestly thought we would die but then we stopped in front of the house.

He dragged me out , and into the house .

" Anastasia listen to me , if I ever see you go to your maternal house I'll kill your I swear ." He said

What happ…

"Aaaahhh Anastasia I'm sorry, I hurt your wrist because of all the dragging right , I'm sorry ." He was apologizing.

He hugged me and continued to sob and I led him to our room where he passed out on the bed .

I took off his shoes as that was all I could do,

…worst night ever….