
Professor Kal

Countless years were spent deep in his lab, perfecting the solution to an age-old problem. Finally, with the success he had been searching for, an undead Lich is finally free from the shackles of his kind. With years of knowledge and skill, he embarks on a journey to explore the surface, to study the unknown, and to make use of his newfound power. Link to the discord is here: https://discord.gg/yes9qJuF

Mungknut · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs

The Enchanter [Bonus chapter]

Several days had passed since the horrific incident in Säravast. The smoke and soot that had filled the air was now gone, but had left its mark on the royal palace, the pure white marble was now sullied with streaks of black that ran down the tall ramparts like mournful tears. The recognizable smell of burnt wood was everywhere, carried on the winter wind throughout the entire city. The once boisterous city was now deeply wounded, the citizens traumatized from the violence of the riots, and then by the forceful peacekeeping of the Morganian soldiers.