
Problem creating system: SSS Rank Problem to Start

Liang Wei mattered to himself, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!," Liang Wei is a young cultivator from a family of cultivators who has been admitted to a prestigious sect as an outer sect disciple with the help of spirit stones. However, his poor cultivation attitude makes him the target of ridicule and bullying by his fellow disciples. One day, he wakes up to find himself in possession of a new system called the Problem-Creating System (PCS). With the Problem-Creating System (PCS), Liang Wei can receive randomly generated problems that offer valuable rewards upon completion. Through this system, Liang learns important lessons in determination, creativity, and problem-solving that he applies to his cultivation, impressing his fellow disciples and improving his skills. With the PCS by his side, Liang is ready to face any challenge and become the most powerful cultivator. Liang Wei proudly declares, "While everyone has super systems, I have a Problem Creating System!, bring it on, I can tackle any problems that come my way and grow stronger with each obstacle I overcome."

Topu_Mojumdar · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Two F rank Problem Solved.

Liang Wei woke up early in the morning, feeling more motivated than ever. He had overcome his first problem mission and his confidence had soared. He realized that he had been underestimating himself and the power of his Problem Creating System.

He started his daily cultivation practice, but this time, he put in more effort and focus. He felt like he had unlocked a new level of potential, and he was eager to explore it. As he meditated, he felt his qi flowing more smoothly and his body growing stronger.

As the day went on, Liang Wei practiced various sword techniques, pushing himself to his limits. He even tried to use his Problem Creating System to create more challenges for himself, eager to see what kind of rewards he could receive. but the system seems to generate problems randomly.

Liang Wei's cultivation continued to improve, and he could feel his power increasing. He was now able to use more advanced techniques and his control over his qi was more precise.

However, as he was practicing, he suddenly received a notification from his Problem-Creating System.

" Congratulations, New Problem received: Ranked F - Defeat a fellow disciple of the same cultivation realm in a sparring match."

Liang Wei grinned. He was excited to take on this challenge and see how much he had improved since his last fight. He spent the rest of the day practicing and preparing for the sparring match.

. . . . . . .

Liang Wei walked towards the practice field, feeling more confident than he had in a while. He had successfully completed his first mission and received a powerful pill that helped him rise to the second stage of the Qi Refining realm. He was now eager to test his new abilities and improve his cultivation further.

As he arrived at the practice field, he saw thousands of disciples, he noticed disciples gathered around, watching two of their peers sparring. Liang Wei recognized them as Zhang Hong, the first-ranked disciple of the outer sect, and another disciple named Wang Lei. Zhang Hong was known for his impressive cultivation and combat skills, while Wang Lei was a relatively unknown newcomer to the sect.

Liang Wei approached, hoping to find a partner to practice with. However, as soon as he arrived, he was met with sneers and laughter from the other disciples.

"What's the point of practicing with him? He's just going to embarrass himself," one of them said.

"Yeah, he's not even worth our time," another added.

Liang Wei felt his confidence waver as the others ridiculed him. He was used to being the target of their scorn, but it still hurt. He looked around, hoping to find someone who would be willing to practice with him, but everyone seemed to be avoiding him.

Liang Wei took a deep breath and ignored the other disciples' taunts as he made his way to the practice field. However, as soon as he arrived, he saw Li Ming, his longtime bully, standing there with a smug grin on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the pathetic Liang Wei," Li Ming sneered. "What brings you to the practice field today? Trying to improve your pitiful cultivation?"

Liang Wei tried to ignore him and began to warm up for his practice. But Li Ming wasn't going to let him off that easily. He stepped forward and shoved Liang Wei, causing him to stumble.

"You know, I heard about your little achievement, defeating everyone at the same stage," Li Ming said, his voice dripping with disdain. "What good is it anyway? You're still a weakling."

Liang Wei gritted his teeth and tried to keep his composure. He knew he had to stand up for himself, but he wasn't sure how.

Suddenly, the problem-creating system in his mind sent him a message.

"Congratulations, Problem received: Rank F - Stand up to your bully and show your strength."

Liang Wei felt a surge of determination. He clenched his fists and stepped forward, facing Li Ming with newfound confidence.

"You may have bullied me in the past, Li Ming, but things are different now," Liang Wei said, his voice firm. "I won't let you push me around anymore."

Name: Li Ming

Cultivation Level: Third Stage of Qi Refining Realm

Battle Power: 2,000 units

Fighting Style: Brutal and direct attacks with brute strength

Special Abilities: None

Weaknesses: Slow and lacks agility; can be easily outmaneuvered by opponents with better speed and technique

Background: Comes from a humble background and has had to work hard for his cultivation resources; often takes out his frustrations on those weaker than him

Liang Wei's eyes flickered as he read Li Ming's stats in the system. He could see that Li Ming was only at the third stage of the Qi Refining realm with a battle power of 2,000 units. Feeling a surge of confidence, Liang Wei charged toward Li Ming with lightning-fast speed.

Li Ming was caught off guard by Liang Wei's sudden burst of speed, and his attacks were easily dodged. Liang Wei retaliated with a swift kick to Li Ming's stomach, sending him flying backwards.

Li Ming's face twisted with anger as he picked himself up from the ground. "You little! How dare you!" he shouted.

Liang Wei remained calm and composed, his eyes fixed on Li Ming. "I'm not a little brat, and I'm not going to let you bully me anymore," he said firmly.

Li Ming gritted his teeth and charged towards Liang Wei with his sword raised high. But Liang Wei was ready for him, and with a quick sidestep, he avoided the attack and landed a punch to Li Ming's face, knocking him to the ground once again.

"You're not so tough after all," Liang Wei said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

Li Ming groaned as he struggled to get up, his ego badly bruised. "Just you wait, Liang Wei. I'll get you for this," he vowed.

"Did you see that move?" one cultivator whispered to his friend. "He's like a ghost, moving so fast you can barely see him!"

As Liang Wei was leaving the practice field, he overheard some disciples talking about him.

"Did you see that fight? He may have won, but he's still a joke with his low cultivation," said one disciple.

"Exactly. He'll never make it far in our sect. He doesn't have the talent or resources like us," replied another.

Liang Wei's heart sank at their words. He knew he didn't have the same advantages as some of the other disciples, but he refused to give up.

As he continued walking, he heard more whispers and giggles from other disciples.

"He's just a waste of space in our sect. Why did they even let him in?"

Zhang Hong also looked over for a second before continuing training, a low-level cultivator like Liang Wei is not worth to even thinking about.

Liang Wei was used to being looked down upon by the other cultivators because of his low cultivation level. Despite his victory over Li Ming, they still believed he couldn't go far in the world of cultivation.

However, Liang Wei didn't let their words discourage him. Instead, he used their doubts as motivation to push himself even harder in his training. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was determined to prove them all wrong.

As he walked away from the practice field, Liang Wei couldn't help but smile to himself. He had made progress, and that was all that mattered. He knew that with the Problem Creating System on his side, he could overcome any obstacle and become a powerful cultivator.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

As Liang Wei walked back home, his mind was filled with thoughts of the day's events. He couldn't believe he had actually defeated Li Ming, the Bully of the outer sect. And to top it off, he had completed the F-ranked problem missions given by the system.

Just as he was about to enter his house, his system notifications rang in his mind. He quickly checked them and saw that he had indeed completed both missions and received the rewards. He couldn't contain his excitement as he opened the rewards section.

"Congratulations, you received a cultivation pill stage+1 pill."

"Congratulations, you received the Sword Drawn Technique"

To his surprise, he saw that he had received the pill that could help him rise one level in his cultivation. Liang Wei was ecstatic, he had always struggled to advance in his cultivation due to his lack of resources and talent. But with this pill, he had a chance to catch up with the other disciples.

He quickly consumed the pill and felt a surge of energy flow through his body. He closed his eyes and focused on cultivating, determined to make the most of this opportunity. Hours passed as he sat there, deep in meditation.

Finally, he opened his eyes and felt a significant improvement in his cultivation level. He had risen from the second stage to the third stage of the Qi Refining Realm. He couldn't believe it, he had never made such a rapid advancement before. Then He looked at the sword technique and become even more excited.

Name: Sword Drawn Technique

Type: Offensive Rank: Intermediate

Effect: Doubles the user's Battle Power and speed when the sword is drawn, allowing for lightning-fast attacks and devastating strikes. The technique requires a high level of control and concentration, as well as a strong foundation in swordsmanship. The user must also have a good understanding of their own Qi flow and be able to channel it effectively into their strikes. With enough mastery, the user can even unleash shockwaves and energy blasts with their sword swings.

Weaknesses: The technique requires the use of a sword, and therefore cannot be used without one. It also requires a significant amount of Qi to use effectively, which can be draining for those with lower cultivation levels. The user must also be able to anticipate their opponent's movements and be able to quickly react to changes in the battle.

end chapter 2

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Rank 1: Basic- This is the lowest rank for sword techniques. Techniques at this rank are simple and easy to learn, but lack any real power or complexity.

Rank 2: Intermediate Rank- Techniques at this rank are more powerful and complex than those at the Basic Rank. They require more skill to learn and use effectively, but can still be mastered with enough practice.

Rank 3: Advanced- Techniques at this rank are very powerful and complex. They require a high level of skill to learn and use effectively, and are often difficult to master. Techniques at this rank are typically used by more experienced cultivators.

Rank 4: Master Rank: Techniques at this rank are the most powerful and complex. They require an exceptional level of skill to learn and use effectively, and are only mastered by the most talented cultivators. Techniques at this rank are rare and highly sought after, and can often turn the tide of a battle.

Rank 5: Grandmaster Sword Technique - A technique that can only be achieved by a select few in the world. This technique requires the user to have an immense amount of sword knowledge and mastery of their own Qi. The user of this technique can manipulate their sword with their Qi, allowing them to perform devastating attacks that can level mountains and create massive shockwaves. The user can also teleport to different locations by using their sword as a portal, making them incredibly elusive and difficult to track.

Rank 6: Divine Rank- Techniques at this level are legendary and shrouded in mystery. They are said to be created by divine beings or ancient masters and possess incredible power. Only a few people in the world are said to possess techniques at this level, and they are considered among the most powerful cultivators in history.

Rank 7: Divine Sword Technique - A technique that is only whispered about in legends. It is said that this technique was created by the gods themselves, and only those deemed worthy by the gods can master it. The user of this technique can channel their own divine power into their sword, allowing them to perform attacks that can decimate entire armies in a single blow. The user is also granted divine protection, making them almost invincible.

Rank 8: Heavenly Sword Technique - A technique that can only be mastered by those who have reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship. The user of this technique can summon a sword made of pure energy that can cut through anything in its path. The user is also granted immense speed and agility, allowing them to strike their opponents with lightning-fast attacks.

Rank 9: Sword God Technique - A technique that is said to have been created by a legendary sword master who transcended mortality and became a god. The user of this technique is granted unparalleled power and can manipulate time and space with their sword. The user can also create multiple copies of themselves that can attack from all angles, making them almost impossible to defend against.

Rank 10: Sword Emperor Technique - A technique that is said to be the ultimate sword technique in existence. Only one person in history has ever mastered this technique, and their name has been lost to the ages. The user of this technique is granted god-like power and can manipulate reality with their sword. They are almost invincible and can defeat any opponent with a single strike.

Swords ranking is also the same, without the same or higher-ranked swords sword techniques can't be used. Swords won't be able to take powerful techniques if they are lower ranked than the technique.