

What should I do before I die? One day this question popped up in the mind of a 20-year old student who was struggling with his life and was waiting for his death. So in the end...he decided to write! Yep, write! A person who hasn't ever written a decent essay was going to write a novel!! I know the idea seems ridiculous but it was the truth. But...just as NOT expected, his novel turns out to be a big flop. The depressed and troubled author decides to go to sleep to get some peace but eventually ends up dying under unknown circumstances and reincarnating in his own novel. How will he live in a world created by himself? Or was the world really created by him in the first place? Will he be able to live this life while facing his past actions, his sins, and his regrets? Or will he break into pieces again and wait for his death in the same way he did in his old life? I am posting this on RoyalRoad.com as well, my profile link is https://www.royalroad.com/profile/267246/fictions

LyingThief · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 03- CHAPTER 03


I posted the first two chapters of my novel on some of the famous web novel sites and went out of my house to relax a bit. Although I call it relaxing, in reality I am not much exhausted. Writing a novel about my own fantasy delusions is a very pleasant feeling in itself.

I get to dream all I want about my ideal life in a different world. To be honest, I kind of feel like a god, someone who has control over the life and death of each and every character of my novel, no matter how powerful or mighty they seem to be in the novel, their life and death is all controlled by me.

"Hmm…I should start the next chapter now, I have spent enough time thinking about all the unnecessary things. Plus I am about to awaken my magic in the next chapter. Hahahahaha"

With this thought in mind I resumed my writing again.


What would be my magic element? Should I undergo the test? I am a bit afraid to be honest, if I get a shitty element like Earth Magic then, I might actually lose all my interest in living. But I guess knowing it beforehand is better than knowing it later on.

Hmm...so what were the instructions again?

'Sit in the lotus position, calm my breathing and then try to concentrate at the center of my right palm', Hmm…I see, it seems simple in theory at least.

I was able to sit in the lotus position for some time now but since I still had the body of an infant I couldn't maintain the position for too long, that's why I rested my back against the wall and then sat in lotus position so that I could maintain it for as long as I could.

Now I have to calm my breathing.

I closed my eyes and started breathing slowly. It's way easier to calm myself this way. After a while when I thought that my breathing had completely stabilized I opened my eyes and focused at the center of my right palm.

After a few moments, a torrent of energy started building up around my palm and then a tiny speck of a discontinuous wave-like thing started flowing on the top of my palm. It looked like a wave but it felt materialistic. The wave-like thing was sky blue in color and it seemed to have contained a very strong destructive power.


So the element I possess….is lightning!!!!?

As I have read in most of the comics, lighting is one of the strongest if not the strongest element in this world. Huh, looks like I am destined for greatness in this world. Heh, should I try using a spell? Yes, I should do that.

I flipped some pages and saw a lightning spell. I put the book beside me and started reciting the spell,

"O the mysterious creed of god,

Shine thy brilliance upon me,

Listen to my command and pierce the heavens,

Go forth lightning strike!"

Whoa, what a cool incantation!

The lightning that was previously dancing above my palm, shot away and hit the wall in front of me. It made a "krr krr" sound when it collided with the wall and when I looked at it; I saw there was a slight scratch on the wall.

This was something very different from my expectations. I thought that I would at least blow up the house but nothing like that happened.

I was about to try another spell when I suddenly started feeling dizzy

Huh? What's happening? I am feeling very tired all of a sudden

'The depletion of mana can cause a person to faint but if you keep using your mana to its maximum limit, then your mana pool will increase rapidly.' These words were the last thing I saw before I fainted.

I woke up after some time,

Hmm…so if I keep on fainting from overusing my mana then I will get stronger? What am I? A masochist?

Even though the useless 20-year old guy in the body of a 6-months old child complained about using this method to increase his strength, in the end, he gave into his desire to get stronger and still followed this cruel method.

The seasons changed and the years passed, now I am a 4-year-old chi...no, young man!

I kept on using my mana to its very limit and kept on fainting again and again for almost every day, I got so addicted to the feeling of fainting that sometimes I couldn't even sleep without fainting from expending all of my mana. I also made sure to keep myself physically fit so that my body can easily cope up with my mana reserves' growth.

I was able to walk on my own two legs when I was 9-10 months old, so I started going out with Sister Beatrice every day. I would go on a walk and try to run back home on my own, but because of the poor control I had over this body of mine, I would trip and fall many times along the way.

Sister spends her entire time worrying about me, she must not have thought that I would turn out to be this much of a handful. I still remember when she got angry and completely stopped talking with me. At first, I didn't mind it too much but after a day of not talking with her, I felt so empty and sad that I started crying, seeing me cry she got sad too and hugged me and promised that she would never do something like that again.

In these four years, we have added two more members to our small family. One of them is a girl around one-and-a-half years old and the other one is a boy around 7 months old. The girl was named Tracy and the boy was named Mike. Those two are very cute (I am cuter of course) and the best thing about them is that they are my lackeys.

They follow me almost everywhere and I perform magic tricks for them. When Sister Beatrice came to know that I could use magic at such a young age, she almost fainted. As for Father Joshua, he got so happy that he started running around the village telling everyone that I could use magic (no one believed him of course)

I love my new family a lot. Father Joshua is a good person, whenever he gets some spare time, he plays snakes & ladder with me. He also sometimes shares his life experiences with me, after listening to him I can conclude that this place is very similar to earth, that is, this world is full of scumbags as well.

Lies and betrayals, bloody struggles over the throne, corrupt officials and discriminating nobles and royals, I guess no matter what world you live in, there are scumbags everywhere.

Now coming back to what I was earlier saying, Sister takes care of me in the same way a mother would take care of her own child. To be honest, her overprotective behavior kind of resembles my own mother as well.

Thinking about mother, I wonder if she is okay. I hope papa isn't ignoring his diabetes and has started eating sweets again. I miss them a lot.


Raphael is a very cute and adorable child. I still can't believe that he was abandoned by his parents. He looked so sick when he arrived here but now looking at him, he doesn't resemble even a bit of his past self.

Looking at him again, his white hair shines so beautifully in the sunlight that he sometimes looks like an angel from the heavens, and his blue eyes look so gentle and warm that even I can't help but overlook all of his mischiefs. There was a time when I got angry and didn't talk with him for an entire day. Even when he tried to make a conversation with me I ignored him. I thought he would learn a lesson and won't do any more mischief but then he started crying very loudly.

It was my first time seeing him cry like this, he wasn't crying this badly even when his parents abandoned him at our doorstep. He looked so sad that all the anger I had disappeared into thin air. I remember, the moment I tried to talk with him after that, he came running straight towards me and hugged me tightly.

On that day I promised myself, that I won't do something like this ever again. I don't ever want to see that sad expression on his face, never.

By the way, Raphael is a very smart child. To be honest, I think calling him just smart is an understatement. Raphael is a genius when it comes to mathematics, he can easily recite every table from 1 to 20. He learns everything very quickly and he is a hard worker. He accompanies me to the market and helps me carry back all the stuff.

But these things are nothing compared to what he did a few days ago. You wouldn't believe me but a few days ago I saw him using magic.

Yes, magic!

A four-year-old child being able to use magic is unheard of. And on top of that, the element he was using was lightning. Lightning is one of the strongest elements of nature and Raphael can use that at the age of 4!?

Raphael is going to be the first person from our village to join one of the EXEMPLARY TEN squads, I'm sure of it.

There is just one thing I am worried about though. Raphael, most of the time has a gentle and happy look on his face but there are times when he kind of, has an incredibly serious and angry expression on his face.

I wonder if he is having constipation and he isn't telling us because he is embarrassed. I swear that child is just soooo adorable!

He doesn't even hesitate to give the sweets on his plate to Tracy and Mike. He is such a great big brother for those two. I am very happy for them.

Raphael is turning out to be a great child but there's a thing that I am confused about,

There is one part of me that wants to see Raphael grow up and become a fine adult but there's also one other part that doesn't want him to grow and always remain a child. I know I might sound selfish but it's the truth. I don't want Raphael to grow up because if he does, he will leave this village and I don't think I am ready for something like that.

Wouldn't it be great if the time around us were to stop? Living together, eating and sleeping together, nobles and royals might call us pigs for that, but, I like living like that. Sleeping on a single bed in a cramped up room, the four of us, me, Raphael, Tracy and, Mike, there is no feeling better than that, there is no feeling more comfortable than that and, there is no feeling more satisfying than that.

Writing the last part was way more tough than I had previously thought. I don't know how I even managed to write something that sappy.

Well whatever, I guess this much is enough for today, I will write the next one tomorrow.