
Bunch Of Negotiations

Freidmirth slowly plunged from the heights; all of them noticed the rustles from the forest. Anasthasia rubbed her forehead, "This isn't good."

Michael stared at Anasthasia's glossy hair; he never bothered those strands that struck his face whenever it had an opportunity. He usually hummed in silence whenever the fragrance assaulted his nose, but this time he slipped, which took notice of her.


"Ahh—!" He gasped as his eyes rattled a little, he slightly coughed and looked at the sunset, "It's almost nighttime, we must hurry."

"Fried!" Anasthasia leaned closer, "Can you just dive—?"


"I asked Fried if we can just dive down, which is easier—"

"No!" The twins howled, her eyes glued at them. Their heads shook with arms crossed. Liam's thumb moved sideways in front of his throat. Her jaw dropped as she noticed there wasn't much for them to grab on.

'This is a little problematic.' She glanced back at Freidmirth, "Can you shrink yourself even smaller?"

"Why do I have to do that?"

"Because you're too big" She rolled her eyes, "You'll quake the ground with your big as body." She took a closer look at the location they'd land. There was a river nearby, which made her smile widely.

'I need to refresh myself.'

"That shouldn't be my concern, right?" Freidmirth glanced with nostrils flared, "Those small fries can scram!" But he received a jab on its neck, which had him twitched from pain.

"Are you for real?" She had her hands hooked on her cinched dress, which further accentuated her voluptuous hips, "We already had a conversation that we'll stay low and quiet for the whole journey."

"But I don't know how!" Freidmirth let out a deep growl, "There's no way I'd learn that, ever! Stop calling me Fried as well!"

"I'll call you, however, and whatever I want!" Anasthasia facepalmed as she sighed how helpless they were in their way, 'I must do this.'

"Everyone, get ready yourselves!" She yelled enough for Liam, who positioned back, "We're about to drop."

Her slender arms extended across the dragon's majestic head. When her fingers touched his scales, a tinge of bright light shone but not enough for them to be blinded by its warm brilliance. The light slowly conquered over its body.

"Wait a minute," Liam frantically looked around, noticed the heat that slowly dispersed from its colossal body, "What's happening, Lady Anasthasia?"

"Just get ready!"

She shouted hurriedly, which caused them to panic. In a moment, Freidmirth's body started to scatter in particles of light, which struck their heart an impending doom.

"AHH!" They all shouted in chorus, then spoke so fast of different Gods to implore their wishes.

Liam was scared witless the moment he took a glimpse on the ground. Halfway to the ground, Levi already passed out from the charade. Michael clenched his teeth, and moisture formed its eyes. Anasthasia slowly reached her arms and embraced the minute figure of Freidmirth. The dragon stared hard if looks could kill; she was so done a long time ago.

"You won't die from this, I swear."

"I'm not mad about that, my size!" Freidmirth grumbled as his eyes glued sideways, "Look at the fools over there—"

"HELP!" Liam continued to scream his heart out, his aerial view magnified at an exponential rate which had his eyes dilated from terror. The make-shift saddle, made from a culmination of metals, released a booming sound that raked their ears, and a shockwave that permeated the area which had shouted at him more than ever.

It was almost on the ground when Anasthasia had her fingers danced, which released a gust of air. It blew upward that cushioned them from such acceleration. Levi thought he was on cloud nine, and Liam continued to scream for his life.

She flicked her hand and hit towards Liam's forehead. "That hurt! We're falling— Oh!" He peered below only to find an ample distance from the ground. Like it plucked out a stake in his heart. He hooked Levi's arm around his neck before she released the gust of wind.

"We're safe now." She hopped and landed safely to the ground, and the rest followed. They went to the nearby tree for Levi to recuperate, though Anasthasia had her face painted with concern.

Liam noticed her subtle reaction, he smiled and waved off his hand. "Lady Anasthasia, you don't have to worry. He'll wake up!"

'I doubt that.' Her eyes glued at the lifeless knight and flinched when Liam did a sudden jab on his abdomen. Levi gagged from the pain— mouth began to foam and head tilted lifelessly, she looked like she saw an ethereal form escaping from his body.

She consequently prayed. 'Rest in peace.'

"You sure he'll wake up with that kind of method?"

"He will." He smiled crisply. "This is no problem for him, Lady Anasthasia."

"Alright, I believe in you." She turned around, only to see a tattered robe that blocked her vision. Her neck arched up and saw the tall, lithe figure of a man, "What does the Prince inquire at this time?"

Michael shook his head. "I'm about to refresh myself by the riverbank."

"Oh!" She stepped aside. "Take your time, then." Then her arms numbed from that slight contact with his when he brushed past her. It was a tingle that traveled to her spine.

"Liam, I have to talk to Friedmirth for a moment."

"Without delay, I'll move this guy— "

"No, stay there. We'll take the other side." She glanced at him with his head bobbed curtly and strutted away from them with Freidmirth still in her embrace. Discerned that their conversations weren't heard, she prodded his cheeks. However, he snuggled back on her chest. She gritted her teeth and rapidly nudged him.

'This dragon is also a fool!'

After several nudges, a chirp was heard from him, and a burst of puny flames came out from his snout. He spoke high pitched, "Who dares awaken this mighty dragon in his slumber?!"

'Fool indeed!' She flicked his snout from the foolish remarks, eyes seared with anger but changed right away, "Are you still dreaming?"

"Ahh! No! No! My apologies."

"That's good to hear." She tapped her foot, monotonously. "Shall we get down to business?"

It's slouched stature abruptly changed, with its hind legs that stood upright and its neck that worked around its sight. "Our deal we made earlier? Where are the riches?! The— The treasures— !"

"Stop it, you're embarrassing."

"What is it then?!" Freidmirth groaned and crossed his arms, "You better spill something good tonight!"

"Well, our conversation isn't that far away from that— " Anasthasia was blinded to see how he gleamed brightly. "— Maybe later, for now. I need your help."

"Tell me how I may be of assistance."

'He only thinks about treasures. I shouldn't have shown him imagery.'

"However, you're not afraid that it was all a bluff?" Eyebrows raised as she looked down on him, literally.

"I have no problems with it. I owe you my life for the sole purpose of curing my curse."

"So, it was a curse!"

"Yes, I'm prideful, but I take good note of benefactors."

"Then, allow me to take that as it makes our conversation easier—" She stopped as he shove his small claws.

"Before you ask, show me gold first."

'What the heck' She was caught off guard, 'He doesn't trust me enough?'

"Your face says it all. However, trust and that are different." Freidmirth hissed in dismay, "Now, you better show me."

"You'll pay for this." Anasthasia took a glimpse of the ground and saw a peculiar rock. It was roughly a pebble size but should be enough for her task at hand, she grabbed onto it and sensed the surge of energy within her coalesced, flowed through her arms and down to the stone. It shined brightly and hot, which had Freidmirth panicking.

Only a minute had passed, the dull stone had transmuted into a gold ore! The dragon's amber eyes twinkled by the reflections made by the stone. As fascinated as he was, he was in a frenzy— grabbed all the way and obtained the small ore to his clutches. He zoomed in and carefully bit accordingly.

"It's not on its purest form, but that is gold—"

"Passable! Passable! Definitely!" Freidmirth jumped in ecstasy as he grabbed with firmness, "You did your part, I shall too!"

"Very well, how much do you know about this world?"

His energetic face was severely drained from her question, "That's too broad! Make it clear and concise!"

Anasthasia rolled her eyes, nevertheless complied since he had a point, "How does the magic develop in this world? What about the progress of human civilization?"

"Hmmm..." Freidmirth had his claws scratched its snout as he thought genuinely, "It's been a while since I saw a bunch of humans. But I know a thing or two!"

"What is it?"

"Magic usage regressed among them, and humans are on the bottom of the ranks."

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Hello everyone, and welcome to another chapter of Prismatic Sovereign's Legacy, where we get to take a glimpse of the wholesome adventure of Anasthasia in hopes of tackling her objectives.

I'll see you all next time; stay tuned!

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