
Princess Medical Doctor (English)

She is the Crown Prince’s fiancee, but on the night of their wedding, an edict was made and she was given off to marry the crippled and paralyzed God of War. On their wedding night, the paralyzed groom pressed her under his body: “Do you want this Prince to kill you or poison you?”Lin Chujiu is a famous surgeon so she wouldn’t feel threatened that easily. She turned and pressed the crippled man under her body: “Say, do you want me to completely waste your legs or waste your third leg?” She is a genius surgeon doctor in Modern Era that was transmigrated into the body of the Eldest Miss of Lin Family. He is a famous prince named as the God of War and was feared by many. “I, Lin Chujiu is not a good woman, I do not know how to write melodramatic words.” “I am in love with you and willing to do anything for you, I will bear the blame of our country or even help you seize the vast territory of our motherland… …” “I hate you, I am willing to put out your heart, take out your bones and after you lose your life I will destroy this picturesque country … …”

KEILEE · Lịch sử
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536 Chs

Injured, passed to the Central Empire

The Crown Prince lived in Princess Fushou Zhang's Mansion successfully. Princess Fushou Zhang attached great importance to the Crown Prince, her nephew. When she learned that the Crown Prince had an accident, she personally took care of him.

Seeing this situation, the man posing as an imperial guard, looked for a reason and slipped away.

The emperor received this news the next day. When he learned that the crown prince was okay, he immediately sent an imperial guard to pick him up. The emperor forgot to tell the imperial guard not to let Princess Fushou Zhang enter the capital, so… …

At the request of the crown prince, Princess Fushou Zhang returned to the capital under the premise of taking care of the crown prince. At the same time, she lived in the Crown Prince's Palace, while Lin Wanting was sent back to the Li Family Mansion.

Su Cha was actually worried. He felt like the situation they fabricated was not enough to support the rumor that they will make. Unexpectedly, the Crown Prince and Princess Fushou Zhang give them support to dig their grave.

Su Cha didn't try to be polite at all. On the same day, he sent people to mix in the market and teahouse to spread rumors about the "true feelings" between Crown Prince and Princess Fushou Zhang. But of course, Lin Wanting was not spared.

The Crown Prince and Lin Wanting stayed together outside for three days and two nights. If they said nothing happened between them, no one will believe it.

Well, at least Lin Xiang doesn't believe it, but Lin Xiang doesn't have time to control things about Lin Wanting right now. He was so busy to clean up Lin Furen's mess.

Rumors like this quickly spread. Before anyone could react, the rumors spread all over the capital. It replaced the rumors relating to Lin Chujiu, but… …

The rumors about Lin Chujiu's medical skills were very good. And the news about Meng Xiuyuan's disease being cured reached the Meng Family in the Central Empire… …

"Xiuyuan's disease is cured? So to speak, the Dongyang's family haven't heard about this woman named Lin Chujiu's medical skill?" A few young members of the Meng family couldn't sit still and took the initiative to speak.

"Grandpa, let's write a letter and ask. Perhaps, we can sell the Dongyang's family a favor."

The Wenchang College of the Meng Family enjoys a strong position in the Four Countries and had a good reputation in the Central Empire, but… …

A scholar is a scholar. They respected by others, but their rights were limited. In recent years, the Meng Family had been thinking to let their younger generation make contact with the officialdom. And if possible, make friends with the top families like Dongyang.

When the younger generation saw that their grandfather still have doubts, they tried to persuade him again: "Grandpa, we will not ask the Dongyang Family for anything. We will just ask if it's true. This can be regarded as helping their family."

The younger generation speaks out their mind, hoping that their old grandfather will agree to send a letter and verify if the recent rumors in the East Country are true or false… … Meng family junior, you said something, I said it, and all hope that the old man at his helm would go to the letter and ask if Dongwen 's recent rumors are true or false …

Aside from the Meng Family, the Dongyang Family was also discussing Lin Chujiu. However, most of the member of the family doesn't believe it.

"What famous doctor will come out of a poor country like the East? Even Divine Doctor Mo, who is known throughout the four countries can't do better. How will a doctor in a remote place like that do well."

"Inquiring about this kind of thing is undoubtedly just a waste of time. I don't care what you think. Anyway, I won't agree to let that small fry doctor in the east cure Hanrui's disease."

*Lin Chujiu didn't know that her name had reached the ears of the Dongyang Family. The most powerful family of the Central Empire, unfortunately, it's just a simple gush of wind.

On the day after the Crown Prince and Lin Wanting were found, Ji Fengyu and Nannuo Yao were also found. Ji Fengyu was alright, he only suffered a bit and was not injured.

Nannuo Yao was unlucky. Her team met a leopard in the mountains. She got bitten by the leopard in the waist. Her injury was terrifying. The guards around her looked for herbs and applied it to her to save her life.

When Nannou Yao was brought back, she remained sober. She refused to let the Imperial doctors and medical assistants touch her. She insisted on Lin Chujiu to treat her.

Nannuo Yao's unreasonable request was immediately reported to the emperor by the people in the Imperial Hospital, which made the emperor angry: "Who does she think she is? She dared to ask an imperial princess of the east to treat her?"

"Yes, yes, yes, the emperor is right." The Imperial Doctor also thinks that Nannuo Yao was too arrogant. However, the other party was also a princess, so what can they do?

"If she wants to be treated, she must be treated. If she doesn't like to be treated, she will send everyone away. The doctor of the south died on the road because she killed him. She only caused trouble all day long, It's better to send her back to the south as soon as possible." The emperor hated Nannuo Yao's willfulness this time.

If Nannuo Yao died in the east, things will become troublesome. However, Xiao Tianyao was now in the front line. He was not afraid of the Southern Country. He will send Xiao Tianyao to fight them!

The Imperial Doctor knew that the emperor was angry. When the emperor's anger lessen a bit, he said: "Huangshang, Princess Nannuo Yao was injured in the waist. Her wound was very big. If her injury was not dealt in time, and on this hot weather, her wound will rot. Her life will also be in danger."

If it weren't for this, they will not bother to care about Nannuo Yao's life and death. As long as she won't die, they will be fine.

"Is it that serious?" The emperor frowned in distressed.

The next moment, a eunuch came to report that a southern messenger came and asked for an audience.

The emperor didn't want to see the person, but thinking he must have come for Nannuo Yao's injury, he had to let the people in.

Sure enough, the southern messenger came for Nannuo Yao's injury.

The southern messenger was not as arrogant as Nannuo Yao. He pleaded guilty as soon as he came in. He then briefly explained that Nannuo Yao has a disease that was difficult to talk to about. Nannuo Yao wanted Lin Chujiu to treat her to avoid her disease being discovered.

After the southern messenger explained it, he bowed his head and said: "Huangshang, our princess is not deliberately making things difficult, she just wanted to protect her reputation. This lowly one is asking the emperor to save our princess's life."

Thinking about it, Nannuo Yao personally went to Xiao Wangfu to be treated before. Lin Chujiu asked her to get out of the east in exchange for the treatment. The emperor couldn't help but believed the southern messenger's words by 70%.

Since he wasn't arrogant, the emperor was not so angry, but he can't write a decree: "Zhen promise to ask Xiao Wangfei, but if Xiao Wangfei is unwilling to treat your princess, zhen will not interfere."

The southern messenger came to ask for help. If Lin Chujiu cures Nannuo Yao, the east will not lose face.

The southern messenger knew that this was the best result. He didn't dare to say more. After thanking the emperor, he immediately left the palace to ask Lin Chujiu… …

Not long after the southern messenger left, Zhou Mi, the leader of the spy came to report about the Crown Prince's disappearance and assassination to the emperor.

"On the surface, the assassination of the crown prince seems to be related to Lin Xiang, but in fact, it was done by the mysterious force in the capital. We found out that this mysterious force was related to the Ci Entang."

"The Crown Prince was sent to Princess Fushou Zhang's mansion. It was done by the Xiao Wangfu's people. Princess Fushou Zhang followed the crown prince to the capital was also they're doing."

"Now in the capital, rumors were circulating about the relationship between the crown prince and Princess Fushou Zhang… …" The more Zhou Mi spoke, the more his voice became low and low, and in the end, he stayed silent.

Although he didn't investigate the matter between the crown prince and Princess Fushou Zhang, he also knew that the rumors outside were not groundless… …