
An Ending

As winter passed and it turned into spring, the day of Heron's return home approached. Heron felt the time approaching and it filled him with mixed feelings. On the one hand he wanted to see his sister again. On the other, he was saddened that he would be parting with the good friends he had made here.

He would like to stay another year. His sister would not likely be home when he returned anyway. He was fairly sure she would be setting off soon on her own trip away from home. On the one hand that made him want to hurry home so he could see her a bit before she left, on the other he realized it was not likely he would make it back on time.

Ah, well. He would need to return home to put in motion his plans anyway. He already sort of knew what he needed to do first, though he wasn't sure how easy it would be to do. It might flop. And it was one of the most important steps.

He would have to do his best though.

His visit would end in two weeks, and he and Kur had made promises to write each other regularly. He would have promised Elswyth as well, but it was a moot point.

Elswyth had made it quite clear she was going with him. Even though a few days ago, that spell had worn off so she didn't have to. But in her words, she 'wanted to see him make his dreams a reality.' Also she mentioned something about wanting to meet his sister. He imagined the two of them would be able to get along well.

Even though he had made some token protests, Heron was actually really happy Elswyth would be going home with him. He looked forward to showing her his home country, just like she had shown him hers. And it made him feel less lonely that one of his best friends would be still right next to him. At least a bit longer.

He was sure she would leave after a while to go back to Jarenkul. Amriel would probably loose appeal to her pretty quickly – as she was used to all this greenery. But a bit longer would be nice, especially as he probably could use the moral support.

Something else had happened in the past month. A few weeks ago, Heron had turned seventeen. Serendiah had hosted a party for him, but it was what his friends did that was more special to him. They had had a smaller celebration in the library.

Mostly just talked but that was more in line with his own interests and how he would have wanted to spend his birthday. Especially since he might not be able to see most of them much longer.

He more felt the loneliness about leaving Kur. He really liked spending time with the elven wizard. He liked Elswyth and all, but she was not as into reading, and it had been nice having someone who was.

But the time rolled around in which he had to go and he and Elswyth set off for Amriel, after a tearful goodbye. On his part. Elswyth didn't cry. Kur did a little.

They didn't take a carriage. Serendiah had given them horses. Heron felt much more comfortable in the saddle now than the first time he had ridden. Though he still wasn't the best at it.

But he found himself enjoying the journey back and chatting with Elswyth as they went. It would be a several days journey, but he didn't mind the road with her as company. Strange, how getting to know someone really changed how one viewed traveling with them.

Though he had wanted to befriend Elswyth when traveling with her last time, he was now comfortable with her.

So, it was more fun this time.

They stopped at several inns and slept under the stars a few nights. He liked the camping out. Especially because Elswyth asked him to point out the constellations. He had read them in a book, and she was interested, and could help find specific stars if he had trouble. For while she didn't know the constellations she knew many of the stars.

And so Heron arrived back home with a good friend in tow.

And so the first part of this book is done. On to the second!

Also I haven't done this in a while, but here's one of the world tidbits:

"Like humans, not all elves look exactly alike. Nor do they share all the same cultures. There are two major cultures among them though, and they tend to gravitate towards the kingdom that most reflects this. Elves in Jarenkul for instance are likely to be the darker toned wood elves, who have a great natural affinity for nature. While the lighter toned plain elves have a natural affinity for magic of both the divine and arcane natures and thus favor Lumna and Carendlus. Just because an elf has a natural affinity by birth doesn't mean they will follow it."

RainStormcreators' thoughts