
Auxiliary Chapter: Archangel, Kabbalah, beyond 100

Since it is going to be important for future chapters, I thought I should probably summarize and explain some things:

Kabbalah is the Tree of Life or another World Tree that encompasses all of its existence with its Emanations/Attributes. Each Emanation represents a part of existence and forms the tree from the roots to the crown.

The Archangels of Sephira are angels beyond level 100. Every Archangel, a total of 10 Archangels in existence (excluding the MC), commands one of the choirs and corresponds/represents/embodies one of the Sephirot/Emanations/Attributes of Kabbalah.

Now, the Archangels in Yggdrasil were all World Enemies, and I put each of them at level 120. So for example, the Archangel Sandalphon, who was created from the Malkuth, the Emanation of the Kingdom/Earthly (the roots of the tree), would be a level 120 World Enemy.

For each Emanation, except for Da'at (Emanation of Emptiness), there is a corresponding Archangel in Yggdrasil that embodies their attribute fully or at least to an Archangel's limits.

Azazel's path however doesn't let him embody one Emanation. Instead, he goes through each of them and gains understanding from them just enough so he can perceive the next one. He first entered Malkuth then Yesod, then Hod, then Netzah, and so on.

To reach the next stage, he must advance three levels of the previous Emanation. These are all the Emanations of Kabbalah from the foundation, its roots, to the highest, the crown of the tree:

Malkuth - Emanation of the Kingdom (Lv. 100 - 103)

Yesod - Emanation of Life (Lv. 103 - 106)

Hod - Emanation of Submission (Lv. 106 - 109)

Netzah - Emanation of Endurance (Lv. 109 - 112)

Da'at - Emanation of Emptiness (Lv. 112 - 115)

Tifiret - Emanation of Beauty (Lv. 115 - 118)

Gevurah - Emanation of Judgement (Lv. 118 - 121)

Hesed - Emanation of Empathy (Lv. 121 - 124)

Binah - Emanation of Knowledge (Lv. 124 - 127)

Chokhmah - Emanation of Inspiration (Lv. 127 - 130)

Keter - Emanation of the Crown (Lv. 130+)

If you want to read more there is the website, angelarium dot net, which I took the description of the Emanation from.

Until Azazel reaches 120, he is considered a Quasi-World Enemy.