
Prince of Kpop

Meet Han Sung-Jun, a kpop fan who was transmigrated into a former kpop trainee in an alternate universe where Kpop is more popular but with groups and songs that are unknown to him. Can Jun fulfill his dream of becoming a global idol in this new life with a system as support? ************ Author's current works: War Online, My Soul card is a Reaper, Weapon Seller in the world of magic Author's other notable works: The Last Slytherin, The Sharingan Hyuga.

Snowstar · Thành thị
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114 Chs

Jun as the temporary leader

Ten days passed away in a blink of an eye.

At a certain mansion in Genesis Town, as Jun was busy with making the zucchini pancakes, Daniel was looking at the smartphone.

"Hyung, our busking video that became viral finally crossed 2 million views but a lot of people are complaining that busking at such hotspot location isn't acceptable. The number of dislikes was also over ten thousand. Isn't it too much?" He said while continuing to read positive and negative comments.

"Haters are common in this circle. Get used to it from now onwards." Manager Seon, who just exited the room, commented as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Jun-ah, you are still cooking? Shouldn't you be getting going?" He asked in a casual tone.

"Ah, Hyung, you are up. Go and have a seat. I'm about to be done. Once these zucchini pancakes will be done, we'll eat. By the way, can you call the remaining two, downstairs too?" Jun was also casual with this sociable character. Ever since the manager moved into the house, at least, the day wasn't boring as he was very outgoing in nature.

Since there isn't much he can do before they debut, he helps around with the shopping, stays with them while they practice and cheer them from the sidelines, acts as a bridge between them and the management, gives evaluations during modeling, acting, and language classes, etc…

He plays bowling with Hanbin, volunteers as a model for Daniel's photography, plays Fortnite or card games with Suga, and helps out Jun with the cooking as well as accompanied once to the church.

Simply, he was like a babysitter for these idols.

He was also the one that suggested Jun make a dozen variety of dishes during the morning in large portions and keep them in the fridge.

Manager Seon will then reheat some of the dishes and bring them to them during lunchtime instead of letting them use the microwave oven at the cafeteria.

During dinner, he can simply reheat the remaining dishes while the four of them rest. Jun also thought the burden will be less this way as he will be tired in the evening after all the practice.

This way, in just a week, Seon Jin Cheol easily bonded with the idols that he will have to manage in the future too.

Back to the present, Daniel continued to read the comments. He was getting angry from time to time but still, like the manager Hyung said, in order to get used to the hate comments, he didn't give up but just read in silence and later mumbled while glancing at the username, "this person hit the jackpot just by filming us."

The video wasn't uploaded by the company. It belongs to some spectator standing nearby. You can say it's a fan cam.

The video was over 30 minutes in length but still got so many views during the past week. It clearly tells how big the situation is. The Youtuber only had 115 subscribers before but now, she had over 13146 subscribers and continued to increase.

About half an hour later, everyone went to the headquarters. While they left for the training room, Manager Seon went to report to the CEO who summoned him.

The fourth-week evaluation was Jun's turn as the leader. For the past three days, the four of them were busy practicing their solo performances.

Thursday was the day they were supposed to start the group practice and he was a little bit nervous.

During his trainee days at ZC, he was the maknae of the group. So, he was never appointed as the leader or even center in the three years he spent there.

And during the Treasure Campus, Jun only received a chance to lead the team once and during the week, a kid run away from the program, Yeongue fell sick, and he ended up overwhelming the other two during the evaluation, earning a lecture from JYP.

Based on his experience from the past three weeks, he knew that Suga and Daniel won't be given leadership for the former have communication issues while the latter keeps asking the team members' opinions and going with what they want.

The only competition for him is Hanbin but Jun doesn't want him to be the leader as he feared that Hanbin would overwork them as he aimed for perfection.

After learning from the mistakes of the others, Jun thought for a while and formed a strategy for Block B's "jackpot" song.

Jun started to underline the lyrics, dividing the song into several parts like usual.

Looking at the other three who sat on the floor along with him, he said, "I have thought of a method that might improve our performance score. I divided the song into 18 parts. Each of us picks 5-6 parts that we are interested in. It doesn't matter if it is a rap part or not. The parts that coincide with each other, we'll battle to earn it.

There are two more rules. The second rule is that we'll first declare our favorite part of the song. If we coincide, naturally, we'll battle for it. The result will be decided by voting.

And once one picked up his favorite part, it will be others' turn and he can't say no to it even if others pick his later choices.

For example, let's say I pick up, "Lift your thumbs, burn your passion, Gather like you have gone crazy…"

Along with these, let's say I also chose 5 more parts. If I won the favorite pick, then, the other three can choose the parts that belonged to my 5 other choices but I can't battle for it.

This way, everyone will at least have one part to make themselves shine.

The third rule is that one can sing a maximum 6 parts and one must be left to sing at least 3 parts of the song during the performance."

"Ugh… seems like complicated," Daniel complained right away, to which Suga shook his head and surprisingly voiced out his opinion even though Jun didn't ask him. "No, it's quite fair and simple if you think about it."

Hanbin also agreed to it after thinking for a bit, "Yeah, this method can let an individual shine for atleast a moment and elevate the performance level at the same time too. Even though the real idols don't actually battle for the parts, the producer still let them sing different parts and listen to them and compare them before the actual recording of the song."

Jun opted this way so that not only he would be able to contest for the rapping part but it would also let him prevent snatching all the good parts from his teammates.

He was confident that even if his teammates don't understand his intentions, YG would understand and that's enough for him.

As for the dance, instead of choosing a rotary formation or line formation, Jun decided to make the person who was singing the part the temporary center and will be standing at the front while the other three will be dancing in the back, like background dancers.

Of course, Jun didn't forget to use the Passive Skill during his solo performance and impressing YG.

He even prepared a masterpiece.