
Princess in the Tower

In King's Landing Ellia Martell has been confided in the red keep with her kids and Ashara Dyane, the king has used them as a hostage to control Prince Lewyn Martell and his nephew Prince Leonidas Martell who currently fighting with his son Prince Rhegar. He suspected a betrayal from Dorne and keeping them would control them, a day before the king has sent his pregnant wife and son to dragon stone with his trusted men while the Ellia Martell with her newborn son and daughter is locked up in red keep with Ashara Dyane.

In the Red keep in Ellia room, there is Rhaenys who currently with Ashara while Ellia is holding her newborn son Aegon Targaryen. However, this is not the real them and but the person inside has been forced to take Polyjuice potion and their memories have been altered to believed they are them, even the babies are a bad criminal that has been forced to drink the potion and ready for slaughter.

Ashara information network has told her that Lord Tywin Lannister has told his men to kill Ellia and her kids and he is coming with his army, her ravens have been following and spying on the Lannister every since they declare neutral while Leonids has been fighting.

Ashara and her men have taken Ellia and her kids back to Dorne where Emaya Martell is waiting, Ashara other Raven has also returned and informed her that Leonidas and Lewyn Martall has made thiere way back to Dorne in which she sheared with Leo family. Not a moment later, the shadow guard told her that they have spotted her brother Arthur Dayne taken a girl from Starfall and into the tower of Joy which has been guarded by two other Kinguards.

With this piece of news, she and fifty of the shadow guards change their uniform to the nightingale armour. Ashara and her team used the port key to take them just outside the Dorne massive gate, they approached the gate which was stopped by the defending guard but spotted the Leonidas banner and Asahara Dayne who led them.

Ashara took fifty horses from the Gate garrison and rode tower the tower of joy, She and her men are wearing the colour black with their hoods conceal their faces, as the sun still high in the sky black clouds has been charging toward the tower and shaking the ground beneath them like an earthquake.

Arthur Dayne was fighting with Ned Stark while most of his men have been slain, they stop as they felt the ground shook and slowly they have seen the cloud of horseman cloak in black charging toward them. Seeing this Arthur parry stark incoming sword and the step back, Arthur glance to the one leading the army while stark help howling up and watch the approaching horseman.

"Lady Ashara, is that you?", Ned asked while holding his only surviving friend Howland reed.

"you survive my brother Lord Stark", as replied and dismounted her horse and which follow by four of her guards." I know who you looking for Lord stark...why don't you go in", Ashara show him the way and look toward her brother Arthur who still holding his sword." is fine brother, I will handle this", she reassured him.

Arthur wanted to say something but then he raises his sword as Stark was approaching the stairs to the tower, Ashara stops him by saying that she knew who in the tower and she has a plan to protect them. The confidence he let ed stark go in which Ashara told Arthur to follow him inside the tower before she meets Lynna stark inside she told her men to guards the areas and make sure no one is around. She gave Howland reed a potion as apologies to heal his wound, which she demonstrated by cutting her delicate hand in which was healed by consuming the potion that she gave him.

Howlan took the potion and his wound heal, while his body is healing Ashara has can obliviate and change his memories. As Ashara was about to climb the stairs she felt magic is stronger around the tower, she felt like someone is watching her and then she turns to see magic has been recording the action around the tower, not her magic but something else.

Inside the tower, Ashara can see Arthur, a maid which Arthur took from Starfall, Edd stark beside his sister Lynna who holding her newborn son. Ashara was not angry at her but the prince who kidnapped her, she dying as she looks at the bloody clothes and her pale white face.

Ashara quickly approaches and introduce herself in which Lynna was shocked, Ashara explain that she can save her and feed her the potion. Like, reflect Ned quickly told her sister to drink the potion as this is the only good news he wanted to hear. As she agreed and took the potion a visible response can see on her pale face as blood has been rushing inside of her, she adjusted herself with the new strength as the teardrops from her eyes. Not who holding the baby hugs her little sister who about to step on death door back to health, she took the baby and cry happily.

Arthur and the maid were still shocked at what happens but he is happy to see the baby and his mother is alive, Lynna explain to everyone that she was kidnapped by the Prince and was forced to marry him. If she doesn't agree the Prince views the stark as a traitor, she also tells them about the prophecy concerning the promise Prince in which he calls himself. To protect her family she agreed to marry him but two of her family die because of it, with this Ed stark was furious and wanted to kill Arthur as he was one of the people that kidnap his sister.

But Ashara remind them why Lynna option is and since she is healthy again she can marry Robert as plan but if he knows that her son is a Targaryen she and her son will be killed, ned then purpose that they will say that her son is ned bastard in which Lynna strongly disagree as her son is not a bastard. Lyanna then strongly refused to married Robert as she never like her, ed wanted to protest but remember what his friend is like he must agree but he can't go back on his honour and word.

This time Ashara give them another option to wait, she told them that Robert will be king and sooner or later he will fall, so he invited Lynna stark to follow her in which she will be guarded by Arthur Dayne, her brother. Ned Stark would go back to the north with her fake dead body and her newborn son, while she and Arthur leave for Chroyane.

Ned Stark disagree and wanted her sister back to the north while Lynna stark wanted to be with her son, Ashara explains that she either disappeared while Ned protects her son and be raised by the Stark family or go back and married Robert and never acknowledge that Ned bastard is not her son as long as Robert live.

Ashara reassured Ned that she will be protected in the place they will take her, but she did tell him that she will take her Chroyane. She explains that she will be fine and not be afraid of greyscale as Leo knew how to cure them, she told him not to tell anyone if she decided to come with her.

Coming out of the tower, Ned stark carrying baby Jon Snow what they wanted to call him. Like the story, Jon will be taken to the north as a Ned bastard and he will tell Robert that his sister Lynna stark is dead and present him with a fake body.

Ashara took them back to Dorne first as she knew that Leonidas should be arriving with his men soon, using the port key her men disappeared and Ashara took her brother and Lynna teleport them to Dorne and one of her guards took the maid back home with altered memories.


On the ships, Ashara raven has told him Aerys has sent his wife, Queen Rhaella, and his new heir, their second son, Prince Viserys, to Dragonstone for safety, where they would have the protection of, amongst others, Ser Willem Darry, the master-at-arms of the Red Keep, and royal fleet. Aerys refused to allow Rhaegar's wife, Princess Elia Martell, and their children Rhaenys and Aegon, to leave the city, keeping them by his side instead.

Lord Tywin Lannister, who had refused calls to arms from both the loyalists and the rebels until that point, appeared at the gates of King's Landing with an army of twelve thousand men, mere hours before Eddard Stark would arrive. Lord Tywin professed his loyalty to King Aerys, and while Lord Varys counselled Aerys to keep the gates locked, the king chose to listen to Grand Maester Pycelle and open the gates to Tywin's men. Once inside, the forces from the westerlands began to sack the city.

Upon the realization that all was lost, Aerys ordered Rossart to ignite the wildfire caches throughout the city, wishing to leave Robert nothing but "ashes and bones". He ordered Ser Jaime Lannister, Lord Tywin's eldest son and the only knight of his Kingsguard present in the city, to kill Tywin and bring his head to Aerys. Instead, Jaime killed Rossart, and upon the realization that Aerys would simply give the order to burn the city down to another pyromancer, returned to the Red Keep and murdered Aerys himself in the throne room, mere seconds before soldiers from the westerlands entered.

Meanwhile, Ser Gregor Clegane and Ser Amory Lorch had entered Maegor's Holdfast to deal with the rest of the royal family, to secure the throne for Robert, and to prove that House Lannister had forsaken the Targaryens forever. Gregor killed Prince Aegon Targaryen, Rhaegar's son and heir in front of the child's mother, Princess Elia Martell, and then raped and murdered Elia herself with Aegon's blood and brains still on his hands. Amory dragged Princess Rhaenys Targaryen from under her father's bed and killed her, stabbing her half a hundred times.

In between the Battle of the Trident and the Sack of King's Landing, Queen Rhaella Targaryen and her son and Aerys's new heir, Prince Viserys Targaryen, had been sent to the island of Dragonstone with the Red Keep's master-at-arms, Ser Willem Darry. There, Viserys was crowned by his mother, while on the mainland, Stannis Baratheon began constructing a new royal fleet to lead an assault on Dragonstone.

In 284 AC, nine months after the flight to Dragonstone,[46] Rhaella died giving birth to Princess Daenerys Targaryen during a great storm that destroyed the Targaryen fleet at anchor at the island. With most of the Targaryen fleet destroyed, and with the Baratheon fleet ready to take Dragonstone, the household of the last Targaryen stronghold was willing to sell the children to the new king, Robert I Baratheon. Shortly before Stannis sailed to Dragonstone, however, Willem Darry and four loyal men smuggled Viserys, Daenerys, and her wet nurse from the nursery and sailed for the Braavosian coast, and the children subsequently lived in exile in the Free Cities.[46] While Stannis was successful in leading the assault on Dragonstone, Robert scorned him for allowing Willem and the children to escape.

Following the conclusion of the rebellion, Robert I Baratheon was successfully installed as the new Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Robert named his foster father, Jon Arryn, as his Hand of the King, and he named his middle brother, Stannis, as Lord of Dragonstone.

Robert had no wish to marry following the death of his betrothed, Lyanna Stark, but Jon convinced him otherwise by informing Robert that the realm required an heir. Jon suggested Lord Tywin Lannister's daughter, Cersei, as the marriage would ensure Tywin's support, should Viserys Targaryen ever attempt to win his throne back. Robert and Cersei married in 284 AC. Maester Yandel described the marriage as Robert's "first act" as their king.

The deaths of Princess Elia Martell and her two young children, Rhaenys and Aegon Targaryen infuriated House Martell. Prince Oberyn Martell, Elia's younger brother, attempted to raise Dorne for the exiled Viserys. Messages were sent by both raven and messenger, though their contents have remained a secret.

Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, went to Dorne the year after the rebellion and sat down with Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne and the older brother of Elia, Oberyn and Leonidas. During his stay in Sunspear, Jon was "questioned closely" regarding the fates of Elia and her children, and a hundred others were questioned as well. While all talk of war ended in Dorne after Jon's visit, Doran continued to plot a Targaryen restoration in secret, working closely together with Oberyn.

The Martell family has been showing their dislike as what happens to Ellia and her children, they know that the real Ellia and her kids are safe and they wanted to use this opportunity to gain more power in the Iron throne political circles and the head of the person that has kill wanted his sister and the children of her sister.


It is now 286 AC, Ellia and her kids who now older. Rhaenys Targaryen who is seven years old, her little brother Aegon Targaryen who is a year younger than her sister has been spoiled by his uncle Leonidas and Aunty Ashara. Lewyn Martell and Arthur Dayne have been ordered by Leonidas to be thiere personal Knights, Ellia is happier in Chroyane. It seems she has been doing what she is doing in Dorne by establishing orphans and schools that increase the workload of Prince Garin. However, he was helped by former queen Targaryen, Queen Rhaella who has been safe by Emaya Martell after she gave birth to her daughter in Dragonstone.

She has asked Emaya if she can take her daughter and son here but Emaya has told her that currently, Westores has eyes on them and thus she can take them to Chroyane, this because Robert might discover the existence of both Ellia and her daughter and as well as Lyanna Stark that they have safe. Emaya Martell has assured her she has sent Shadow guard to protect them from assassins and relay any information to her.

She was shocked to hear that Ellia and her kids are alive as well as Lynna Stark, the Martell and Rhaenys did not blame her as they know that she was a victim due to her husband the mad king and her son that kidnapper which spark the rebellion. Everyone has been connected to Leonidas magic, he has cast a spell on their name and thus whoever seen them think that they have the same name of that person even though they still look the same.

Ellia has decided to change her kids' last name, Rhaenys and Aegon Martell. Little Valkyrie and little Spartan that Leonidas has to call them, Leonidas has given them a dragon Egg that his men have stolen from Illyrio Mopatis. Deep green dragon egg, with burnished bronze flecks, was given to Rhaenys while Aegon received the coloured pale cream, streaked with the gold dragon egg.

Leonidas can revive the dragon and perform a blood ritual to connect the dragon to the kids, but doing so will bring back the magic. Leonidas doesn't need to sacrifice someone to revive them, the kids have connected to his magic and thus once Leonidas connected them to the egg. Magic will be supplied to the egg through the kids and thus any awakening the Valyrian blood in their body and the dragon and because they using Leonidas magic. The dragon would also be loyal and respectful toward him and his rule, at the same time they will protect the kids as thiere companion.

As for Lyanna Stark who is now just going by Lyanna, she has been given the same privilege as Martell Family and given a Shadow guard so she can hear the news of her brother and Son, She also has joined the Rhyonar Legionary and has been repelling the Dothraki horde with Lady Ash.

Rhaella has been keeping herself busy and it seems that she has been spending a lot of times with the family and it seems she specially closed with Prince Garin, there seems much of an awkward moment as Prince Garin remember that it was the Old Valarian that destroy his city and now he also attracted to the former queen.

The equality policy that they adopted has made the woman take charge, in just military but politic too, Prince Garin and his assistant Rhaella has been managing the city and its increasing military under the order of the Rhyonar King. Now Leonidas has set his eyes to Volantis, one of the biggest free cities in the Essos.



Prince Leonidas Martell: 20 yrs

Ashara Dayne: 18 yrs

Lynna Stark: 20 yrs

Princess Elia Martell: 31 yrs (magic has kept her look 20, the peak of her beauty)

Princess Rhaenys Martell: 7yrs

Prince Aegon Martell: 6yrs


I'm taking a break for a while as there is nothing on my draft and it is sunny outside, Hope you enjoyed the journey and stories so far, not sure if this a wish fulfilment stories as Leonidas is a god and born from a god in the god realm.

I'm unsure what to write next as Robert Baratheon would be king of Westores, there many people that supposed to die has been rescued and Just like in the booking Ellia and her kids have died in red keep, Danny mother who supposed to die in Dragonstone has been recused by her only friend, Emaya Martell who used to be her handmaiden.

So the people that supposed to die has been rescued by Leonidas and his family, because of the death of Ellia and her kids in which everyone has known. Dorne has been quiet and neutral, this will make them believed that Dorne and Doran Martell is still angry due to the Death of his sister and her kids.

Prince Leonidas has been praised all over Westores, because of his success in the battle with his uncle. The "Pride of Dorne" and his men have annihilated the Vale knight army with Prince Leonidas leading them, many spies have been sending to Dorne but none return which made everyone cautious of the young prince. However, Prince Leonidas soon would be the First King of the Rhoynar Kingdom and has set his eyes on rebuilding his kingdom with his Queen, Ashara Dayne.


Hope you guys enjoyed it, once I write again I will look at another famous scene that I can write so it fits this stories like the 300 Sparta battle scene. Ermm, maybe I will write it and see if people who read it will notice it.

For the sing-a-long chapters, I was really trying to have fun in which I hope you guys enjoyed it too.

I'm not a good writer as I'm doing this for fun and this is one of the reasons why I copy the battle scene from the famous 300 Spartans, I will do it again when Leonidas sent his army to conquer Volantis.


18ht June 2021

Happy Weekend!
