
Prince Ice Reincarnation

He is Prince Aurora, he is cruel and full of arrogance, one day he died and was reincarnated as punishment, he was reincarnated as the weakest person and when he did evil his body would stiffen, Aurora the cruel was required to be good in order to escape the curse of the past.

NolanBurn · LGBT+
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1 Chs

1. Prince

"Catch him! Prince of hell!"

A young man with shoulder-length black hair ran as hard as he could carrying a bow, avoiding the people who were about to catch him. The young man was a Prince from the Iceroyaland Kingdom, the strongest Prince that ever existed.

But look now, he is being chased like a fugitive by people who are quite strong than him, namely the Kings of all the Kingdoms in his realm who represent the four elements of the world, including his own father, the King of Iceroyaland.

The young man tried to fly with his wings, he had to fly up so they would stop chasing him.

"Ah damn, I can't, I can't!" shouted the Prince emotionally. Her wing was injured and it hurt, Aurora chose to remain silent while being captured.

"Prince Aurora from the northern kingdom of Iceroyaland, you are being punished for your behavior which has killed thousands of innocent citizens. Apart from that, you have committed quite a large amount of corruption, you have also been caught seizing property from the people you have killed," shouted the King of Fire from the kingdom. east.

"You have also turned this realm into eternal snow without our consent," he shouted once again. The King's body was cold, his people were tormented by the eternal snow released by Aurora.

Aurora didn't care if she pulled the strands of her hair, the strands turned into arrows.

"Stop rebelling! Aurors!" Her father, the Ice King, attacked Aurora with his power just like that. But Aurora still didn't waver, she stood up and remained unharmed, not even frozen.

Aurora's eyes reddened. "You should realize that your strength, which is the same as mine, will never work!" Aurora releases her arrow.

At first everyone saw Aurora release one arrow but over time the arrows turned into multiple, the number became thousands and attacked them, they couldn't move.

The Wind King and Water King touched their chests that were hit by the arrow attacks.

"So this child who was just born yesterday is inviting us to fight four against one?" asked the King of the eastern kingdom, the King of fire. He is the only King who succeeded in repelling Aurora's attack.

The fire king pointed his staff at the sky, he summoned all the dragons in his land. The fire lord is a wizard, even though his fire cannot be controlled now but not his summoning magic. "Surround him," said the Fire Lord.

"Damn you!" Aurora shouted, not liking it. He backed away, but one dragon managed to bite his wing.

"Ah!" Aurora screamed in pain. The dragon bit Prince Aurora's wings and then took him flying into the sky.

"My feet," Aurora whispered. His legs were pulled by the other dragons until one of them was cut off.


Aurora is dropped from the air. The young man immediately took out his visor. Creates an ice monster, Golem to capture his body.

"Ha ha ha." Aurora laughed covering her face. His body was captured by the Golem. It was then lifted onto the Golem's head to create thousands of other golems from snow.

"Dead, dead, dead!" shouted Aurora while laughing. He ordered his Golem to brutally attack the Dragons. The kings hid to a safe place.

"This is my territory hahah!" Aurora laughed again. He didn't realize that above him was the King of the wind kingdom with a giant owl throwing sand at his face.

Aurora was fooled.

"Arrogant prince!" The Water King also threw his spear to attack Aurora.

"Ugh, hahaha it hurts too..." Aurora touched the wound, the spear pierced her stomach and it felt poisonous and hot. Aurora almost lost consciousness, the Golems she controlled began to lose consciousness, they fell and turned back into snow.

Aurora's body which was on top of the Golem also fell as her consciousness was lost.

"With the sentence still valid, you are beheaded." Her father, the Ice Raka, kicked Aurora's body to ensure that she would not be able to rebel.

The Ice King took out his sword. With just one movement of Aurora's head and her body separated. Aurora's eyes widened, she shed tears without realizing it. 10 seconds later his eyes closed, the snow around him immediately melted. Become water.

Now everything has changed to how it was before. The King of Iceroyaland immediately approached his son's body, he hugged his head, stroked his hair.

"Our greatest enemy has been defeated!" The Ice King threw his son's head into the air while cheering.

Everyone there, everyone who had been hiding appeared and cheered happily. "Long live the King, long live the Kings of all kingdoms, long live all! Long live!"

"Are you going to bury him?" asked the Fire Lord. The ice king didn't answer, he closed his eyes imagining the past.

"Aren't you thinking about bringing him back to life? Don't go crazy just because it's your child, don't let that madness come back to destroy our peace!" shouted the Wind King from above the sky.

The Ice King was silent, hugging his only child, who was supposed to be the future leader of his country.

"Let the powerful punish him, in the next life."