
3.) Blood Brothers

An: hey guys, just to reiterate I'm starting from almost the end of season 1.

I'm thinking of keeping the originals finding evidence of primordials. Unlike the vampires though werewolves can give birth. At least one of them could. So I'm gonna stick to him being from her lineage. I appreciate any and all support.


Zach pov

After waking up on my makeshift bed in an abandoned house it all starts to click how real this is. I'm in a world that's constantly in turmoil.

Whether that be the inter species war between the three most prevalent of them, vampires, witches, and werewolves; or the already dead ones trying to come back.

Most importantly though is the danger of magic in the TVDU.

It is at the very essence of this world. Magic wielded by witches created vampires and wolves as well as the variants.

It can locate someone anywhere they are if the right ingredients are put together. It can create barriers that even originals can't break. All in all magic as a concept is scary. Far more terrifying than the creatures produced by it.

I decide to stop throwing myself a pity party and get up. After a stretch I make my way to the bathroom to complete my morning rituals. I may be one of the supernatural now, but I need something familiar. Something routine.

That something, I decided, was to be my morning ritual from my old life. First is a dynamic stretch that can be completed in the huge bathroom of this house. Think of dynamic stretches as a manly version of yoga.

After I finish stretching I look in the mirror and decide to face this head on. A few minutes of silence follow as I try to 'turn on' my eyes.

It finally works and I'm staring at the Scarlett pools wondering how all this happened. My mind begins to reply my 'dream' before waking up in this world.

A car accident. A head on car accident. That's what I remember vividly outside of staring at a wolf in the river. I begin to put 2 and 2 together.

If I was involved in the death of someone and the next thing I remember is being a giant wolf in the TVD universe means only one thing: I've activated the curse.

What's even stranger is my ability to turn my wolf face on and off. If I remember correctly, only after gaining a moonlight ring or participating in the ritual with someone who can control their transformation like a hybrid Hayley were such things possible.

This leaves me in a conundrum when trying to figure out what exactly I am. Oh! And another thing, no wolves from the series have red eyes like me either. The only other red eyed individuals were the upgraded Marcel and Lucien Castle.

A deep, gutteral growl resonated from within my chest as more questions than answers begin to appear during my investigation as to what exactly I am.

I decide to ask a witch for help as bad as that is. I figure if I can find a decent one like Bonnie or Sheila depending on when exactly in the timeline I am.

I push that to the back and prepare to go to school. Loathe as I may be to go back to school, I need a cover story. With a town like this crawling with paranoid council members and other supernatural creatures, eventually a kid who doesn't go to school will be noticed.

Before I can learn exactly what I am and how to control it, staying Lowkey is the best option. With those thoughts, I jump in the shower and prepare for the day ahead.

As the water rolls off my head down onto my shoulders and then along either my chest or back, I thank the stars that at least I'm not a vampire. Being immortal is cool I guess, but someone like me with literally no connections would be screwed in a place like this.

Not only would I not have a ring that protects me from burning in the sunlight but I would also have the burning need to consume blood. Trying to keep that in control is hard enough, tie it into a town so deeply rooted in the supernatural community only New Orleans can surpass it, and you can see why my not being a vampire is a happy thing.

After enough time I know there's no way I can get out of it, turn off the shower and begin my way around to dress to go to the school and try to see what I need to enroll.

I dress and grab the money in my pocket, $400 In mostly 20s. I sigh, knowing I'll also have to get a job if I want to eat. I begin to set up a game plan:

1.) find out what documents I need for enrollment.

2.) Go to the police station to report my memory loss and maybe find out exactly how I can get all the things I need (ID, SSN, Birth certificate, etc).

3.) Learn when exactly in the timeline of TVD Im in. I don't remember everything perfectly, but I remember the big things. Like the tomb vampires escaping, the Katherine reveal, the Isobell reveal, the originals coming to town.

After they moved to NOLA though I moved onto the Originals show. It just felt more gritty and less teen drama.

4.)Begin to make Allies. Anyone in the world not named Mikaelson needs friends. Even the oldest vampire not named Mikaelson, Lucien Castle formed a coven of witches entirely devoted to breaking the sireline and recreating the immortality spell.

With such people in my future, I need to understand the world around me quickly while also getting myself under lock and key. I know I'm a werewolf, I just need to figure out why I'm different.

I walk out the back door to stop any questions coming my way and quickly make my way to the main square of the city. After asking a nice older lady where I can find the school I make my way.

"New life, here I come. Get ready world. Because Zach Steel is going to kick you right between the uprights." I say trying to psych myself up as I see the 'Mystic Falls Highschool' sign accompanied by a building and parking lot full of bad teenage drivers.


Stefan Pov

I wake up In the dungeon and my thoughts are a swirling mess. The last thing I remember was apologizing to Elena after my secret came out.

I see my ring that's been on my finger for over a century no longer there. Seeing it again makes me think back to when damon and I woke up in transition.


I shoot up and see blood on my shirt. This makes me remember being shot and bleeding out in the woods. I rip the shirt open to find completely unblemished skin. As I'm looking for the bullet wound I know should be there I find a Gaudy ring on my finger with the Salvatore crest in the middle.

"Katherine had me make that for you weeks ago." I hear a voice beside me. I turn to see Emily Bennett.

"Where Am I?" I ask to try and regain my bearings. She responds.

"The quarry just north of town. My brother and I brought you here...… we found you dead in the woods"

Flashback end

What followed was the realization that my love for Katherine had been a lie. A fantasy she compelled into me. All the people I've hurt. I want it over.


Damon Pov

I get a call and answer to hear the teacher I killed. Apparently he has a hit on our friend Jonathan Gilbert and Isobel.

"You drive. Pick me up in an hour." I say before going back to Elena's call.

"He's not eating," I say to her after getting back on the line.


Zach Pov

As I walk into the courtyard and grass before entering the doors my ears pick up a familiar voice. Anna talking to Jeremy about coming to school. Ah, perfect. If she's still alive we're early in the timeline.

I take that piece of information and check it off my mental list while going into the school. I make my way quickly to the school and give the receptionist a winning smile.

"Hello, I was just inquiring about what I would need to transfer here?"


Damon POV

After opening the beer I ask Alaric, "so what'd you think you were going to find? Isobel with slippers and a cigar?"

He laughs and grabs his forehead. "Oh, man I….. I gotta stop this I can't keep searching for her."

I decide to joke around a bit, "really? After only 2 years?" I say while sitting down before continuing, "that's actually…. Moderately healthy?"

He jokes back, "what are you goin on? 146?"

I reply, "I figure the 200 mark is a good stopping point." After another chuckle he gets serious again.

"I just want to know. The exact moment my 'wife' decided life with me wasn't enough."

"She charmed me your wife. She talked a good game. Had this excitement in her eyes. I should've known there was something different about her, tied to Katherine. Probably the reason I didn't kill her." I said remembering the girl who was far more like her ancestor than Elena.

He interrupted, "that's enough damon. I just don't wanna waste anymore of my life searching for answers that I really don't want. I'm through with Isobel. I'm done… with all of this."


I walk in and see Elena. "Ugh god you're still here?

"Did you expect anything less?" She asks as I sit down. "How was your errand?"

"Futile." I reply. "Although I think I witnessed the teacher having an existential crisis."

Elena proceeds to accuse me, "it doesn't help you've spent the last 145 years punishing him for Katherine getting caught."

I knew I had to leave. But I decided that for once I didn't want to be the bad guy, "let me ask you, in all of this soul searching and cleansing of Stefan's past did you ever Manage to get the rest of the story?"

"He said there was more," Elena replied. An audible scoff leaves my lips, "yea. That's and understatement."

I decide now is the time to leave. I can't defend myself to anyone without it being some plot. Elena stops me, "Damon, tell me."

What follows is the truth of how I became a vampire. How stefan forced me into feeding.

I finish my drink, "the moment stefan had his first taste of human blood, he was a different person," I say before continuing, "I suppose I should thank him, it's been a hell of a ride."

"Oh my god he said he wanted to die. That's why he said he won't feed."

"It's his choice, if he's stupid enough to make it so be it."

She snaps then, "don't do that okay. Don't pretend you don't care." Before walking away.

"Where you goin?" I ask to no reply.


Zach Pov

After I'm done with the school necessities I walk to the police station. What a coincidence I happen to run into sheriff Forbes.

"Hello young man. Do you need help?" She asks. I nod and we quickly make our way into the station and her office. "What can I do for you?"

I begin my whole story. Of how I woke up in the Forrest and don't remember anything. I did 'forget' to mention the murder scene I had happened upon and the subsequent stealing of said dead couples things.

"Sheriff, is there anyway I can get documentation?" She bites her lip before responding.

"Yes. Tell you what? Let me send your fingerprints into the database. When we find out who and when you became you well move from there. Give me one moment."

She walks out and I sigh in relief. She was always shown to try to help people in the series. I'm glad such things carry over.

She comes back with a small cup of coffee. She hands it to me, "I thought this may help. It's cold out there today." I go to drink the cup but smell something wrong with it.

Given who's in front of me and where I am I can only guess that's the smell of vervain. 'So she's trying to see if I'm a vampire?' I think. It seems my story caused alarm bells in her head.

No issue. I drink the coffee and actually enjoy the taste. She breathed an almost audible sigh of relief seeing me drink the poisonous herb to vampires like it was creamer.

After that we really started to get my things in order. That all came to a stop when she asked, "where are you living?" I froze. I couldn't tell her i just found one I liked and took it.

"I've been sleeping in the woods and washing in the river. Not the most comfortable in the world but it'll do." I see her give me a pity look.

She stands up. Staples the pages we've been filling out together and motions for me to follow without a word. We get to the front where she hands the pack of papers to the receptionist while still moving forward and speaking, "need background check on this. By tonight." She said leaving no room for argument.

We walk to her squad car and she motions for me to sit. I finally can't help but ask, "where are we going?"

She pulls out of the lot, "my house. It's not permanent but I think we can make it work for a few nights while I speak to the motel owner about letting you stay there.

I nod and inwardly cringe about the blabbermouth that is Caroline Forbes sharing a space with me. "Thank you Sheriff Forbes. I really do appreciate it."

She shakes her head, "no need. The woods are dangerous ag all times but even more so recently. We've had a string of….. animal attacks."

I nod and am about to reply when we get to her home that I recognize from the series. I decided this was a good thing. I could get both Forbes girls on my side to at least speak up should damon become volatile.

I get 2 feet from the door when it swings open and i see the classic blonde hair come out with hands on hips and a furrowed brow. "Who are you?" Said Mrs. Caroline Forbes.


An: Hey guys. Quick little chapter for ya. Will be doing the episode format for this from now on. It helps me keep my thoughts in order about where In the timeline we are.

Hope you have a good day!