
Primordial Vampire God System

UPDATE: I WILL START THIS ONCE MY OTHER BOOK, SHGS (SUPREME HAREM GOD SYSTEM) ENDS SINCE BOTH BOOKS HAVE THE SAME WORLD AND I DO NOT WANT CLASHES. -------- "Have you heard about the rumour?" "What rumour?" "They say that there's a Vampire on the loose, he's out there killing humans mercilessly" "Hahahaha! That's the funniest joke I ever heard! Vampires? Those Slaves? Hahaha!" "Yeah, I feel the same! I think someone just started this rumour as a joke! Hahaha! How can those weaklings kill us, humans?" "True True…" In a bar, two middle-aged men talked and laughed as they discussed the recent rumour they heard. Seeing those two, a drunk old man shook his head as he sighed. "Ignorance is bliss indeed…" "These younglings do not know what the real fear is… The vampires may have fallen… but my old bones still remember the days when they were in their prime…" The old man sobered up in an instant and his body shuddered in fear as the memories of the long-forgotten horror appeared in his mind. He then took a deep breath as he patted his trembling body and muttered. "I just hope that they are not back…" ... Vampire Slave Number 43, or the self-named, Azriel Ruinous, learned about the history between the humans and the Vampires and it filled him with rage and hatred. Nonetheless, he was helpless to do anything. After years and years of suppression, the Vampires have become the weakest race in the world. However, lady luck seemed to be on his side as Azriel found an ancient jar filled with mysterious blood that will not only change his, but his race's destiny as well. This, will be the story about the rise of the self-named, Azriel Ruinous, and the Return of the Forgotten Blood Empire. ... Warning: This novel is not a 'Quick Happy Pill' where mc becomes op easily and then overpowers anyone he faces. If you want to read something like that, you can read my other book. Neither is this book a one-man show, there will be people supporting MC from behind and they will be better than mc in certain areas. MC will need their help constantly. Of course, he will still be the main focus of this story. Another thing, The MC has to fight a whole race, being soft-hearted isn't an option, nor he is soft-hearted. He will kill, and he will kill without any guilt. He will also kill innocents, he will kill women, children, old, and young, he will kill anyone and everyone, because, This is a War. A Bloody War. The story will contain gore, torture, killing innocents, and explicit sex scenes, you have been warned. No Rape No NTR. ... English is not my primary language, however, I can assure you that you won't face any major problems with grammar, If you do notice an error, just comment on it and I will remove it. I'll be counting on you all for that. ... This cover does not belong to me, if it's yours, just tell me and I will remove it, or credit you for it, whatever you wish. You are the boss! ... Also, do check out my other book, Supreme Harem God System (R18) if you want to read something cultured. ... Discord: https://discord.gg/xMFzy48Kj8

SleepDeprivedSloth · Kỳ huyễn
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154 Chs

A Complete Victory.

"No! Please don't kill me! AAGGhhh!"

"AAAGHHH!! Let me live! Please!"

"No n-Aagghhh!"

No matter how much the villagers begged for mercy, the vampires did not stop.

After being tortured and enslaved for so long, the vampires were scared to even look at the humans let alone fight and kill them.

However, under Ithania's leadership, the vampires gained some confidence.

This confidence was boosted to a great degree when their fellow vampires killed those humans easily. With that newly gained confidence, all that pent up frustration and hatred they had for humans shot up and they started killing them without mercy.

"What are you bastards doing!? They are only so many of them!? Are you going to let them go away with this!? Move your hands! Fight!

Fight for your life!

Avenge the fallen villagers!"

One of the villagers walked up and shouted!

He was William. Although most of the 'fighters' in the village were already killed when they were asleep, some were still alive. He was one of them. However, he knew he cannot fight them all alone, so he started rallying the villagers.

They had the advantage in numbers, they can still win.

"Yes! Move your hands! Fight!"

Another man walked towards him with an iron rod in his hand and shouted at the other villagers.


Hearing an uncertain word, William turned around and glanced at the man who had walked behind him. He then noticed that the man's eyes were a little listless but before he could think too much, the man raised his hand and,


Slammed his iron rod on his head.

William felt his whole world turning blurry, he touched his head and felt something wet on it.

He knew what it was.

He then glanced at the man standing in front of him and questioned with whatever power he had left…


However, the man with listless eyes did not react, rather, he raised his rod again before slamming it into his head.


William's world finally blackened and he lost his consciousness.

"Jackson! What is wrong with yo-AAGGhhhh!"


Another man tried to ask Jackson why he attacked William however before he could, the man behind him attacked his head and he lost his consciousness as well.

"Huh?" Suddenly, light returned inside Jackson's eyes, he then looked around and was confused about how he got there.

However, he quickly realized that they were being attacked and that this was not the time to think about stupid things, he rushed toward his friend and shouted.

"Steven! What should we d-"

However, before he could finish, Steven swung the iron rod in his hand and hit his head.

"Hah! You think you can fool me just like you fooled William!? Hmph!"

"Fellow Villagers! I don't know how, but the enemy is somehow controlling other villagers! Be careful! Someone might sneak attack you from behind!"

Steven then shouted and the villagers, who were already scared since they were attacked were now even more scared.

They were weaponless, some of them fought with iron rods, some fought with a wooden stick, some threw pebbles, and some fought with bare hands, however their opponents, although they didn't have actual weapons either, they still had pickaxes and were all physically stronger than them.

It was already hard enough to fight them head-on, but now they have to be careful about others betraying them as well?

Do they even have a chance to win this?

Ithania, who saw how the villagers were losing hope and how quickly their resistance was fading away, smiled.

She found another way to use her Ability.

That is to create Chaos on the battlefield.

A victory isn't determined by how physically strong you are.

A victory is determined by how high your morale is. And her Charm is the best way to lower the enemy's morale.

With how most of the men capable of fighting had either died or betrayed them, the villagers lost their hope and started running away.

Of course, the Vampires did not let that happen and Ithania ordered.

"Don't let anyone run away! Slay them all!"



The vampires roared excitedly before they ran behind the villagers and started slaughtering them.

30 minutes later, a vampire killed the last villager before he walked toward Ithania and smiled.

"Lady Ithania, every villager is dead, no one survived."

"Good job everyone. Now shall we enjoy the fruits of our hard work?"

The vampires' eyes shined brightly before every one of them grabbed a human dead body and glanced at Ithania, who had grabbed a woman's body as well.

"Drink, My fellow Vampires, drink to your heart content!"

Declaring that, her canines elongated and she pierced them into the woman's neck and started drinking.

The other vampires followed her as well, some were confused as to how they were supposed to drink the blood without taking it out first, but when they saw others, they copied their actions and it worked.

For these 30 vampires, this was the first time they had drunk the blood like how a vampire is supposed to.

The vampires' eyes shined in delight.

This blood was even tastier than the blood Ithania gave to them in the morning.

A delicious treat indeed.

15 minutes later, when every vampire was done drinking to their heart's content, Ithania stood up and smiled.

"So, how was your first step towards freedom?"

"A tasty one!"

One of the vampires said out loud and others laughed.

Ithania's crystal blue eyes shined brightly as she questioned,

"Would you like to try it again?"

"We shall follow you for the rest of our lives, Lady Ithania"

This time, even the vampires who were a little unsure about following her before were now ready to do whatever she said.

Ithania was just that good of a leader.


"But Lady Ithania, what should we do about all the other bodies? Do we leave them just like this?" Suddenly, Tassia questioned.

"Hmm? Why will we waste food we worked so hard to get?"

Hmm, I noticed that many of you don't like Ithania's POV much, so the Next Chapter will be Azriel's POV.

However, as I have said before, Ithania is an important character, so there will be 2-3 more Chapters with her POV in the near future.

I have to it, she's important after all~

Thank you~

And Enjoy~

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