
Primordial Lotus

It is said that when the God Emperor fought with the Unholy one he received a deep wound. From this wound, he bled 9 crystal-like drops. From this 9 drops of blood 9 creatures where born. From the first drop, the Solar Lion of Yang. From the Second drop, the Lunar Ape of Yin. From the third drop, the White Tiger of Metal. From the fourth drop, the Azure Dragon of Wood. From the fifth drop, the Vermilion Bird of Fire. From the sixth drop, the Black Tortoise of Water. From the seventh drop, the Yellow Serpent of Earth. From the eighth drop, the Primordial Human of Chaos. And from the ninth drop, the Everlasting lotus of Immortality. The Everlasting Lotus was mysteriously assassinated by someone, but thanks to a treasure that his father gave him, his soul was preserved and transported to one if the mortal domains, where it took over the body of Wei Jin, a young master of the Wei family. From there Everlasting began his journey back to the God Domain to find and kill his assassin. Genre Action Adventure Martial Arts Tags Accelerated Growth, Arrogant Characters, Body Tempering, Broken Engagement, Confident Protagonist, Cultivation, Dao Comprehension, Demonic Cultivation Technique, Eidetic Memory, Eye Powers, Fast Cultivation, Fast Learner, Heavenly Tribulation, Hiding True Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Martial Spirits, Medical Knowledge, Mind Control, Overpowered Protagonist

I_Is_True_Jeff · Huyền huyễn
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11 Chs

A rapid increase in strength(1).

The sun was setting, the stars were starting to shine, while Everlasting was looking for a proper tree to rest on.

'This won't do, although I can escape the detection of the low-level demonic beasts in the outer regions of the Meteor Forest, but once I step into the middle and core region it will almost impossible to avoid detection of the stronger demonic beasts and there will be bird type demonic beasts also to worry about,' Everlasting frowned as he thought of his future plans.

It was at that moment that he noticed a strange fluctuation in the air.

'An illusion array, a very crude one at that,' Everlasting thought as his eyes followed the fluctuations in the air. The fluctuations lead to a wall of a cliff, he walked to the wall and placed his hands on it, and it phased through the wall.

'What an amateur, he just put up an illusion array without a barrier to block the people from entering by accident.'

Everlasting was very intrigued by this sudden turn of events but he was not reckless, he released his soul sense form his strong soul.

Normally one can activate their soul sense when they are at peak Body Refining stage. Even then this soul sense could only be used to the interior of the body and could not leave more than a few meters from the body.

To truly be able to use the soul sense to detect things around you need to be at least a soul as strong as Qi Vortex expert.

Although Everlasting has not yet started cultivating Qi yet he still had a soul as strong as a Yuna Formation expert, so he could easily use soul sense. He also had several techniques to help improve the accuracy and range of his soul sense.

With his strong soul sense and several soul sense technique, he could easily avoid the detections of the low-level demonic beasts in the outskirts of the Meteor forest.

After scanning with soul sense, he frowned, beyond the illusion was a cave. And the mouth of the cave was blocked by a large boulder, there was a trap designed to activate if the bolder is moved, and there were several other traps inside the cave as well.

'Mabey this guy is not an amateur after all,' he thought as a devilish smile formed on his lips.

'Let's see what he is hiding inside,' Everlasting was obviously not going to wast his time for something useless so he directly used a special soul sense technique to increase his range of detection. The principle behind this technique was similar to SONAR detection technique.

After scanning the interior Everlasting's smile grew wider.

'Ardent Sun Flower, a whole field full of them. They can speed up the rate at which I cultivate the Holy Yang Blood Method.'

But his smile quickly faded away and he frowned.

'Ardent Sun Flower only grow in Yang energy rich environment, and such an environment cannot be found naturally in a cave, for this many Ardent Sun Flowers to grow the environment must be created artificially,' he scanned the interior of the cave as he thought.

Suddenly he realized that an array engraved on the ground of the sunflower field.

'This is......a Class 1 Earth Core Yang Gathering array,' he quickly identified the array.

'That's strange a Class 1 Earth Core Yang Gathering array, is normally set up near an active volcano, but the Meteor Forest has no active volcano.'

His soul sense followed the class 1 Earth Core Yang Gathering Array penetrated deep into the ground, he wanted to see what was powering the array. He eventually found the core of the Array.

He was shocked by what he saw at the core. It was a beating heart.

The beating hear was not pumping any blood but rather breathing Qi. It absorbed atmospheric Qi and released Yang energy.

The heart was the size of a house cat, it was surrounded by the class 1 Yang gathering array which was slowly draining away it's energy.

'From the vitality that this heart is exuding, it should have belonged to an expert beyond Divine sea stage as to what stage I am not sure as too much of its vitality has been drained,' he analyzed, 'based structure of the heart and the impure dragonic Qi it is emitting it must belong to Dragon Ape.'

Dragon Apes are a hybrid between Flood Dragons and an Ape type demonic beast.

'I am surprised that a hybrid actually cultivated to a stage above Divine Sea,' normally hybrids have lower talent and life span than their parents because of genetic incompatibility.

'I wonder who sealed this heart in this cave. But that doesn't matter now as all of it belongs to me.'

He pushed past the illusion barrier and stood before the bolder that blocked the cave mouth.

At a rapid speed, he hit some of the pressure points on his chest, this was done to release the natural strength limiter on his muscles for a short period of time and to numb his sense of pain.

He then removed the bolder easily, he quickly dodged the first trap that was set of when he removed the bolder.

After he dogged a bone spear lodged itself on the ground when he previously stood.

He then entered the cave, fortunately, most of the remaining traps where all array base so he could easily break the array.

There were some primitive mechanical traps like one that shots poison arrows, but thanks to his strong soul sense techniques he was easily able to avoid them.

After two hours of intense trap dismantling, he reached the center of the cave where scorching heat attacked him. It was so hot that the sweat formed on his skin directly turned to vapor at a visible rate.

This heat was obviously due to the excess Yang energy released by the Ardent Sunflower filed

For anyone without cultivation of at least Qi vortex this Ardent Sunflower filed they would be directly cooked to death.

Everlasting quickly began to revolve the Holy Yang Blood Method.

His body suddenly turned into a black hole and started to absorb all the Yang energy in the atmosphere.

The source crystal inside his dantain began to rotate at a very high speed and release large amounts of Pure Blood Energy.

The massive amounts of Yang energy and Pure Blood Energy where convered into hundreds of stings and these strings entwined to forme two ropes, a rope of Yang Energy and rope of Pure Blood Energy.

These two ropes entwined to form a golden red rope, this new rope was then divided into three sections and dissolved into his Blood, Bone marrow and Spleen.

His blood essence quality and quantity were increasing at a visible rate.

If he continued at this rate within two and a half week he will reach the perfection stage of the Spark Blood Layer (the First Layer of Holy Yang Blood Method).

But Everlasting did not stop with just absorbing the Yang Energy in the atmosphere, he removed all his clothes and stored it in his storage ring to prevent them from catching and he walked towards the sunflower field.

The Ardent Sunflowers looked similar to normal sunflower but each of its petals emits firey yellow light and even the seeds at the center is yellow and emit heat.

He directly uprooted an Ardent Sunflower and activated the Holy Yang Blood Method, within seconds the sunflower shriveled up at a visible rate and tuent into ash.

He continued to uproot the sunflowers and absorbed energy form them, but soon he frowned.

'The rate of absorption is too slow if this keeps up my I will lose a layer of skin due to excess heat.'

Suddenly a light bulb went off inside his head.

'If I simultaneously activate the Dark North Swallowing World Art V2 with the Holy Yang Blood Method then I will be able to absorb all the Yang Energy.'

Dark North Swallowing World Art is a cultivation assistant Merit Law, it can increase the speed at which one absorb energy by a huge margin, but it has a flaw, the energy absorbed will be too heterogeneous, in other words, the energy will be impure.

Everlasting obtained the Dark North Swallowing World Art form an auction, it cost him quite a chunk of his wealth to buy this Merit Law.

This was because cultivation assistant Merit Laws were super rare even in a major domain. So several experts, schools, and sects competed with him for this Merit Law. In the end, he had to abuse his status as the son of God Emperor to get his hands on it.

For several centuries he did experiments and research on this Merit Law and created a better version of it that automatically purified the absorbed energy, he called it Dark North Swallowing World Art V2.

Thinking of the past when he abused his status as a son of the God-Emperor he felt a bit nostalgic.

'I should join a major sect other than the Divine Sword Sect, it would be nice to have a background to abuse if there are auctions,' he thought as closed his eyes and simultaneously activated the Dark North Swallowing World Art V2 and the Holy Yang Blood Method and absorbed energy from the Ardelt Sunflowers.

His body turned into a black hole, and a Yang Energy tornado was formed around him with him at the eye.

The source crystal spun even faster and releases even more Pure Blood Energy.

Hundreds of Yang Energy ropes and Hundreds of Pure Blood Energy ropes combined together to form a similar number of golden red ropes and fused with the blood, bone marrow and spleen.

His blood essence quality and quantity skyrocketed.

After half an hour of continuous absorption, he finally broke through to Perfection of Spark Blood Layer.

He opened his eyes to see that the entire Ardent Sunflower field had turned to ash.

'The efficacy of the Dark North Swallowing World Art V2 is still too low, I need to find some time to improve upon it.'