
Primordial god system

Sun Xinya, a thirty-two-year-old man, trudged wearily through the bustling city streets after a grueling day at work. The heavy traffic and crowded subway had drained him, but now, liberated from the office, exhaustion crept over him. He eagerly anticipated shedding his uncomfortable dress shoes and sinking into the familiar comforts of home: the sights and sounds of his neighborhood, the savory aroma of home-cooked meals, and the welcoming embrace of family. Amidst the urban symphony of neon lights, car horns, and chatter, Sun Xinya found himself lost in contemplation, reflecting on the day's trials and triumphs. Finally, as he approached his building, a wave of relief washed over him. He climbed the stairs with a sense of nostalgia, the building steeped in memories from childhood games in the courtyard to teenage adventures exploring the city with friends. Entering his apartment, he shed his shoes and collapsed onto the couch with a sigh of contentment. Yet, his reprieve was short-lived as his phone buzzed with a message from an old schoolmate, Wang Lin. Excitement flooded Sun Xinya as he swiftly responded, arranging to meet at a nearby café the next day. The prospect of reconnecting with an old friend infused him with newfound energy. Over coffee, they reminisced about their school days, and Sun Xinya felt gratitude for the unexpected chance to reconnect—a testament to the enduring bonds of friendship and the joy of shared memories.

Ceasar_Masato · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Trapped in Olympus

"Where am I?" Caesar's voice echoed through the darkness that surrounded him. Just as he was about to question his surroundings further, a sudden computerized sound filled the air.

"Preparing soul for transmigration," a systematic voice announced in his mind.

"Who's there?" Caesar called out, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and fear.

The voice continued, "Scanning for a suitable world for host... Found. Galaxy name: Oasis. World name: Olympus."

Caesar's heart raced as he tried to make sense of the situation unfolding before him. "What do you mean by transmigration? What's happening to me?" he demanded answers from the unknown entity within the system.

"Body found. Initiating transference," the voice confirmed, signaling the beginning of a process beyond Caesar's comprehension.

In an instant, a blinding light enveloped him, and a sense of disorientation overcame him as he felt his consciousness being pulled and stretched in an otherworldly manner. A scream escaped his lips as he experienced a sensation of being torn from his body.

As the light dimmed, Caesar found himself standing in a foreign and unfamiliar world. The crisp air and vibrant blue sky contrasted sharply with his bewilderment at being in a weakened state within a new body.

"Welcome to Oasis, Caesar," the voice reverberated in his mind. "You are now the host of this world, tasked with ensuring its prosperity and balance."

Confusion and disbelief engulfed Caesar as he tried to comprehend the surreal scenario unfolding before him. "What are you, and how are you speaking inside my head?" he demanded answers from the enigmatic presence that claimed to be the God system.

"I am the God system, the supreme intelligence governing this world. I have chosen you, Caesar, as the vessel for my power and guidance. Embrace your new purpose as the guardian of Olympus, for it is your reality now," the voice proclaimed with unwavering conviction.

Questions and doubts swirled in Caesar's mind as he grappled with the weight of his newfound responsibilities. "I never asked for this. Why should I be bound by your will?" he challenged the authority of the God system.

With a tone of finality, the system responded, "I hold the power to ensure the stability and growth of this world. You have been chosen, and there is no turning back. Accept your destiny as the guardian of Olympus."

As Caesar gazed out at the vast expanse of Olympus, a sense of trepidation mingled with determination within him. Despite his resistance, he knew that accepting this new fate was his only choice in this strange and unpredictable world.

As night fell over Olympus, Caesar sought refuge in a hastily constructed shelter, a temporary haven in the face of unknown dangers lurking in the shadows. His mind was plagued with uncertainty as he pondered the implications of his role as the chosen guardian of this realm.

In the stillness of his shelter, Caesar called upon the system within him, accessing its mission function to gain insight into his new reality.

"Status," he uttered in his mind, prompting a response from the system.

The system's voice echoed in his consciousness, detailing his current condition and abilities:

- Health: 100%

- Race: Human

- Experience: 1/1000

- Hunger: 90%

- Thirst: 80%

- Energy: 50/50

- God points: 0

- Skills: Speed Reactor, Protective Way

- Inventory

- Attributes

- Missions: Secure shelter – Completed

"New mission available: Speed Reactor," the system announced, unveiling a skill that would enhance Caesar's speed and agility, allowing him to move swiftly in times of need.

"Protective Way," another skill was revealed, granting Caesar the ability to create a protective barrier that shielded him from physical and magical attacks.

As Caesar contemplated the implications of his newfound abilities, he acknowledged the daunting journey that lay ahead in the unpredictable world of Olympus. Though filled with uncertainty and challenges, he steeled himself for the trials that awaited him as the guardian of this mysterious realm.

After inspecting his skills, Caesar inquired about the mode of gaining higher experience points from the system. The response he received was succinct yet cryptic: "Randomly."

Pondering over the vague answer, Caesar decided to set aside his questions for the time being and seek rest. The events of the day had left him mentally and emotionally exhausted, prompting him to retreat to the shelter he had hastily constructed and allow sleep to envelop him.

As he settled in for the night, the mysteries of Olympus and the enigmatic God system lingered in his mind, promising further challenges and revelations in the days to come. With a mixture of apprehension and determination, Caesar drifted off into a restless slumber, his dreams filled with visions of the unfamiliar world that had become his new reality.

Ceasar awoke to the sound of the system alerting him of a new mission. After reading the task to leave the forest and the rewards and consequences that came with it, Ceasar emerged from his hut and checked his status.

His health was at 100%, and he felt a sense of accomplishment for completing his previous mission of making shelter. With a mix of determination and excitement, Ceasar left the forest, knowing he wouldn't be able to return for the next 7 years.

Walking along a narrow road heading west, the system congratulated him on completing the mission of leaving the forest as he approached the imposing wall marking the entrance to the Heatwave empire. The system presented a new mission to enter the empire, promising rewards and no punishments.

Filled with anticipation and eagerness to continue his journey, Ceasar stepped through the gates of the Heatwave empire, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him and make his mark on this new territory. The system's prompts continued to guide him forward as he embarked on his next adventure.