

Adept Psychiatrist and loyal family man Dr. Hadrian S. Rawsone has his life turned upside down when secrets from his obscure past threaten to undermine the life he has built for himself and his family in the wake of torment from a disgruntled former patient, giving rise to an unseemly monster long thought to have been buried within the sands of time and repression.

Knight_Wind · Hiện thực
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137 Chs

Chapter 81: The Loving Embrace Of Freedom

Roadside Motel, Unknown City, Unknown State....

Silence filled the car aside from the humming roar of the engine as Lonnie drove his car down the winding stretch of highway leading back toward Lex's family farm and far away from Denver and the likes of Julia Rawsone and her rag tag group. He had known all too well what their little plan had been for Hadrian Rawsone, and him by extension in terms of the little wife having him committed to a mental institute, because he refused to stay where he wasn't wanted. Lonnie narrowed his eyes as he pulled into the parking lot of a nearby gas station. Alexei was fast asleep resting his head on Lonnie's thigh as he drove his medium length blond locks wild and covering the older man's leg and jeans. He seemed to be at peace just being near his lover and it seemed that a couple of weeks behind bars had really worn him out. He'd been a warm welcome change from the cold nights Lonnie had spent with random women he couldn't remember up until he ran into his lover again.

The older man pulled up to one of the pumps and parked the sedan. He looked down at Lex and smiled before running his now free hand over the sleeping younger lad's pale face. He looked quite innocent in his slumber, which wasn't the case and know one knew it better than Lonnie himself just how down right dirty Alexei Ivan Bortnik could be. To anyone else, the lad had not been any sort of appealing given his small stature, thin build, and social deficiencies, but Lonnie wasn't just anyone else.

Upon feeling Lonnie's rough hand along his cheek, Lex began to stir, curious about why the car had stopped moving. His blue eyes opened and he turned his attention to Lonnie whom had still been smiling at him as he watched Lex awaken. The blond teen stretched and yawned finding the change in scenery welcome, but he'd been confused about the hour and where they ended up when the sun had gone down.

"Where are we?" asked Lex blinking a bit as he managed to shake off the remainder of the grogginess from his recent slumber.

"A gas station." replied Lonnie with a smirk. "As far as the town or city, hell if I know was just trying to get us as far away from those idiots chasing after us as possible."

Lex briefly recalled being in jail for two weeks.

"I second us leaving then." he said.

"I'm gonna get some gas and see about something to eat and a room for the night." said Lonnie in a more serious tone. "You wait here and don't get yourself into any trouble."

"You behave too." said Lex knowing all too well that Lonnie was still as much a horn dog about random women as he'd ever been.

Lonnie treated the lad to his usual smirk before getting out of the car. Lex had not been much of a fan of having to be left behind but he did his best to wait out Lonnie's return. Much to his complete surprise, Lonnie's venture with getting gas and a few snacks from the inner market had been without bloodshed this time around and pretty quick as he returned after five minutes and hopped back into the car as if he'd never left.

Lex was relieved of course and they were back on the road in no time.


Room 43, Road Side No Tell Motel, Unknown City, Unknown State....

Lonnie pulled the car into a darkened parking lot and the building's outer office had been in sight of their arrival. They had gotten pretty far in terms of distance from Julia Rawsone and her possible search party, but Lonnie wasn't too keen on driving so late non stop. Lex seemed to be of the same mind as he'd been trying his best to stay awake following their gas station trip. Lonnie had stopped off for some take out and they pulled into the parking lot of the road side motel for the remainder of the evening. The older man rented a room for a couple of nights which surprised Lex as he figured they would hit the road as soon as possible. Lonnie didn't mind that the vacancy was for a one bedroom place and neither did Lex despite the odd looks they got from the clerk.

Lex yawned when they ventured toward their room, helping Lonnie carry the take out and the stuff he'd gotten at the market, which of course included booze and cigarettes as they finally made it to their room and Lex was relieved to have somewhere peaceful to sleep for the night. He had not fancied being locked behind steel bars nor did he like being watched by strangers. He already had a difficult time navigating his school years feeling insecure and scorned, being arrested only seemed to bring up those old memories.

This room wasn't too bad as it had dark brown carpet and beige drapes. It smelled of dust and being closed in for an extended period of time. Lex seemed to take to the cream colored bedding as he sat on the edge of the bed as Lonnie put the food and other bags on the nearby square table before making his way over toward the now contented Lex. Lonnie ran his fingers through the lengthy unkempt blond locks of the younger lad's hair while Lex closed his eyes at the instant of his older lover's touch and got on his knees at the end of the bed.

A heated kiss passed between them as Lex found himself becoming once more aroused due to the actions of his lover. Lonnie treated him to a soft smile and held him close in a seemingly desperate embrace as Lex clung to him in return.

"I'm here now." said Lonnie softly as he held Lex whom had tears streaming down his pale cheeks. "No one's ever going to hurt you again."

Lex clung to Lonnie as if it had been for dear life as more tears streamed down his cheeks. The older man had known how frightened and out of place the lad had been in those dark confines and he was furious it occured in the first place. He kissed the trembling young lad on the top of the head and held him close for several minutes while he adjusted to being back in his arms for the first time in weeks.

"I hated it there." said Lex as more tears came down his cheeks. "T-They were..."

"Shhhh." replied Lonnie softly. "You're with me now, and soon we'll be home again."

Lex had seemed to like the sound of that, being back at the farm with Lonnie, far from the chaos that surrounded them ever since they'd left it. The lad would have been content if all he had was the farm and Lonnie for the rest of his life. Lonnie seemed to have gotten over his restless nature over the course of their time apart, but Lex didn't doubt for one moment that he'd stop pursuing random women.

Lonnie kissed him on the lips again and turned his attention to the take out on the square table beside them.

"We should eat something." he said. "At least before the food gets cold."

Lex nodded in agreement and released his tight hold on his lover allowing for him to venture to the table and he followed suite. The meal in question was burgers and fries, another staple of Lonnie's favorites foods as they closed out the night sharing a meal after all the traveling and chaos of the past few days.