
Bloodlet Throne (4)

Retracing our path down towards the lower level, Rayya and I silently and cautiously traversed the decrepit fort, eventually returning to the branched path that we had entered from.

There was still pin drop silence shrouding the old fort, and nothing attacked us as we made our way back.

Whether that was from the Vampire's below not knowing we had killed two of them up above, or if they were just preparing for us to descend towards them, I didn't know.

What I did know was that Rayya and I were prepared to delve into this unknown territory, as during that walk down I had tinkered with Oakflesh, managing to cast it on myself and Rayya as well.

It wasn't a large increase in our defense, but it was better than nothing; a brown sheen of magicka shimmer on our reddish brown skin, and I saw Rayya licking her lips as she raked her eyes over my body, making me smirk.

It seemed like her identity as my Sexual Thrall increased her libido to either match mine or even exceed it, and I grew aroused as the woman continued to stare intently at my ass, before I lightly flicked her brow, bringing her back to the present.

"Rayya, really now~? I told you, we'll have some fun when we're done here!"

The Redguard just pouted at me, making me chuckle again.

Leaning forwards, I placed a kiss on her lips before turning her around, pushing her towards the stairs that led deeper into the fort.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her shield and resumed walking, making me silently chuckle.

It was like she had a switch that she flipped on and off; when I needed her to be a warrior, she dutifully strode forwards, blade ready to cut down any of my enemies.

On the other hand, it seemed like when we weren't in any danger, her other 'blade' was raised, prepared to cut down the lust that grew within us both.

While I was incredibly happy that I had a toy that would satisfy me whenever I needed it, I was also careful to make sure that switch was always in the right place.

I had skills and powers that made it more likely for me to wiggle my way out of cuffs and into a persons bed, but Rayya didn't have that same luxury; I needed to make sure my Thrall didn't get herself killed prematurely.

Should she prove to be too horny to travel with, which sounded dumb considering how much sex I've been having since I got here, I would let her loose to have fun on her own, gaining experience for the both of us.

Letting that thought run free, I clenched the haft of my axe and continued forwards, conscious of the magicka drain that the two Oakflesh spells and my Candlelight spell cost; I was at a stable number for now, but if I used another spell the drain would be more than my regeneration speed, so I needed to be careful.

The dusty staircase eventually ended, and we found ourselves in a large basement; dozens of crates and barrels were scattered around, and a few shelves were littered with rotting food and ingredients.

This was likely the storage room for the fort, but...

The far wall had been torn down, revealing a tunnel that was lit by a few torches.

Where better for a Clan of Vampires to create their new home?

Sweeping through the storeroom, we nodded to one another as we went down the tunnel, which swiftly opened up into a large cavern.

Inside was a long wooden table, with three mortals tied up, their throats ripped out.

A dozen Vampires sat at the table, draining the mortals of their blood before ripping off chunks of flesh, eating with a ravenous hunger.

When I cast appraisal...

[Female Blooded Vampire, 34, Level 29]

[Male Vampire Fledgling, 19, Level 10]

[Male Vampire Mistwalker, 56, Level 51]

[Futa Vampire Nightstalker, 71, Level 55]

There were more, but those last two were the strongest, with the rest remaining under level 30; in fact, six of the dozen were under level 15, having been newly turned.

Besides them...

[Female Ancient Vampire, 129, Level 70]

Sitting on a large throne, a tall, thin woman stared at the feasting Vampire's with boredom, a head in her hands.

Recognizing it as Vighar, the ancestor of Dengeir and Siddgeir, I widened my eyes, before I sighed.

"Come out, pests. I can hear the beating of your hearts from here..."

The gorging Vampire's froze, glancing at the thin woman on the throne.

Her dark gray hair fell over her beautiful face, her youthful features stunning.

Rayya and I frowned, and I heard the woman sigh.

"I care not that you rid me of Ashleigh and her brat; I was planning on burning them either way. Show yourselves. Now."

Her piercing red eyes honed in on us, and when we didn't move, she raised her hand, crimson energies swirling around her palm.

Seeing that, Rayya and I stepped forwards, readying our weapons as we stared at the woman.

"Interesting. It's not often that those tied to Prince Sanguine tread a path of blood; usually they're amongst the rich and influential, drowning in earthly pleasures."

Her tone was still bored as she idly stared at us, before gesturing to her Clan, uttering just two words.

"Kill them."

The Fledglings were the first to respond, getting to their feet as they prepared to display their usefulness to the Ancient Vampire.

The six men, women, and children rushed towards us, but...

Rayya raised her shield, blocking the dagger of one, before flicking her scimitar out, lopping off the attackers head.

As for me, I let the flames in my hand swell slightly as I grabbed one's face, my fingers searing into their flesh.

They tried to scratch at my arm, but my axe rose and fell swiftly, chopping their limbs off.

When the Fledgling in my hand died, I tossed the body down, making the true Vampires in the back stare warily at me.

Not fearful, just... cautious.

The remaining four Fledglings were about to launch themselves at us when the woman spoke again, making them stop.

"Tell me your names, warriors. It's been a decade since I've been... awake. I've need of mortals again, and..."

Her eyes swept over the four Fledglings, making them shiver, while the other Vampires flinched when she sighed "Besides Cana, these... 'Vampires' have caused more trouble for me than they've been beneficial. So..."

Gesturing to the table, she concluded "Sit, drink; let us talk as fellow worshippers of the Daedra, and discuss ways we might..."

Tossing Vighar's head to the side, for the first time since we entered, she smiled; it was a small upward tilt of her lips, and it made me shiver slightly.

"Benefit one another."


Was going to use Vighar as a boss, but decided...

Eh, fuck it. Besides Serana, there really aren't any Vamps that are interesting in the game, and are female...

Besides Serana, her mother, and Sybille, all three of which are a LONG ways away from here, so I wanted a vampy now...

This would also be an interesting way to introduce other Daedric influences, since Molag Bal has few things besides 'I rape and kill people', so why not use the Vampires that worship him as a way to get Jeleia entangled with other Cultists and Daedra~?
