
Prideful Lust

Amaya and Max are two young CEOs from different countries that are both afraid of committing to an intimate relationship because they were being tied up to their work. Though among their hectic schedule their thirst for sexual intercourse was never gone and their selfish desires would keep hurting the people around them. Amaya as a strong independent businesswoman in this world was having trouble controlling herself when it comes to sex while trying to keep it peaceful in her side of the business world. While Max is living in a competitive world wanting no one to overrule him who has nothing but his business. Yet meeting Amaya at a University in Canada was something he wasn't pleased with because of her Max's pride was triggered and wants to bring her down. Though how far will he be able to drag her combining his prideful personality yet can't resist the temptation of mating? Will it be just sex or will they fall in love and take the risks?

ArthreenTiu · Thành thị
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1 Chs

CHAPTER 1 - The lost CEOs


All my life, I have been living attending meetings, conferences, photoshoots, and more, just to keep my face on the big screen as well as my position. Though behind that, people expect me to behave so professionally that whenever I get lost in a club, a lot of scandals would come out after a day. But does it really matter? Do I have to ask them permission when I want to have some life?

But maybe they are right, I might have overdone some things.

"Ooh!! Let's party! Another deal is closed!! Can you believe that! This is so amazing!!"

I am now in a club enjoying a night when from time to time my secretary tends to vacant to give me more time to relax. Then attend work in the morning with an awful hangover. But it were always the nights that I won't regret.

"Isn't she the CEO of that company named Galiviosa?"

"She's so hot."

"I know right? Want a taste?"

These are the whispers I can hear from almost everybody every time I am in a club anywhere here in New York. For some reason, they could all recognize me when I don't want them to. For once I just wanted to be a stranger who was dancing wildly in the middle of this club with nothing to worry about.

The energy from my mind and body was just as extreme as anyone else in this club. Can you believe that? So many people are here to celebrate with me! A moment of freedom that is.

When suddenly a perverted man from behind me suddenly cupped my butt as his other hand slid through my hair while I was dancing. I don't know this guy but what I know is that what he's doing feels so good. It actually got me craving for more. But since the night is still long. We kept dancing in the middle of the dance floor with desirable touches that I can't resist.


A moan suddenly came out from me when he breathed through my nape. I could feel the flame burning between us and I badly wanted more.

So I lead the way, dragging him out towards the parking area and kissing him passionately till we were out of breath. He's perfect. All his caress towards me is what I exactly love. It's like he knew what he was doing.

"Don't stop," I whispered to his ear which also made me bite it because of how good I felt.

We reached my car and my driver brought us to the hotel where I am gonna check in for the night with this lustful guy. The front desk was empty when we got in and we didn't really care till we reached the elevator.

"Ugh! Keep touching me!" I shouted with so much desire.

I am breathing heavily as he starts taking off his clothes. Then slowly took mine too. I didn't want it to take too long so I helped him take off everything that he has till the both of us are naked. Every kiss he makes all over my body gets me to want him even more. The hardness of his preciousness has never been so good as the others that I've been with. This couldn't get any better. His right hand slid slowly through my spine till in front of my body. His left hand was towards my lovely breast massaging it in a circular. Every bit of him is like something I wanna own. Something that I might long for when it's suddenly gone.

"Ugh! Ah! Ah! Please don't stop. I'm loving everything that you're doing right now." I begged in the middle of my breath.

"Don't worry, This will be the best night of your life, Miss CEO." He replied with his deep muscular voice that continued to arouse me.

"Ah! Call me Amaya." I rarely want men to call me by my name because I also like to be the superior during intercourses so this is new.

"Amaya..." Oh, sweet mercy... That sounded so good.

"Ah-! Ah- Ah-! Ugh! Faster!" Pleading in the

Until I realized that he is almost at his climax. But this is not how it's gonna end. I let him get through his climax as he spurts out his load on my stomach. It's gonna be my turn now. We changed positions, now he is under me. I can't wait to let him feel pleasure in my hands.

"Now that I let you call my name. You are gonna be mine from now on. That means, wherever you go I will be able to find you." I leaned closer to his face teasing him to kiss me yet I tried to lean backward again.

"Let's not talk. Let's see what you can do." He replied with a grin on his face.

I slithered, kissing his neck, and slid through his breast. My tongue tasted every bit of his hot sweat. Till I reached his stomach muscles closer to his cock.

"Ugh!" He moaned then gulped. I looked at him with my tongue still on his abdomen, feeling the tension between his body and mine.

"Enjoying it?" Then continued to where he really wanted it.

He held on to my hair so tight and was looking at me with a round mouth groaning and moaning at the same time. He sounded so good that I wanted him to be inside me. We thrust back and forth. As he grabbed me, this time aggressively and put me under him again. We couldn't step back because we both desired the erotic event of where we are right now.

The whole VIP room felt so crowded and is ours for the night. This is a day to celebrate and this is how I participate. Party and Men that's all I want. But this one, he's different. Every bit of the movements were passionate. Its like he's been longing to have sex with me and that he haven't even touched other women than me. How can I tell that? It was actually because he's a virgin. I wonder where this guy comes from though.

I was thinking about all this while he was right beside me sleeping is the weirdest thing I have ever thought of doing so. I am a Billionaire from New York City and I've been fucking a lot of men but how did he suddenly become different? Who am I kidding anyway? I can't handle being in love.

When he woke up, he looked at me with a smile.

"Enjoyed the night?" He asked turning his head in my direction while I leaned on my elbow on the bed.

"How much?" Then I coldly asked, trying to hide what I actually thought of earlier.

"What do you mean, 'how much?' I don't get it?" He sat up and looked at me very confused.

"How much should I pay you for all those satisfactions?" I vaguely answered him with the complete question. I needed to detach myself as soon as possible. Besides, everything has a payback, that's what I always knew.

"Are you fuckin' kidding me? Did you really think that I needed your money?" Though he reacted again, differently. I just looked at him so confused about the way he acted.

"Why? That's what everybody wants from me." I honestly replied to him.

"Well, Amaya... I didn't have sex with you just because of your money." This was the first time I heard a man telling me this directly. Usually, they just scoff in disbelief and leave the room or chuckle and accept the money. Sometimes worst- that when I wake up my purse is already gone and so was he.

"But why-" He didn't let me finish and move out of bed with disappointment. Though I was caught off guard because I wanted him to stay. I wondered if I ever gonna see him again after this. Will I forever be thirsty for the way he holds me?

"You know what? Let's just forget about this ever happening. I'll see you soon." He said as he started picking up his clothes from the floor while I lay there unable to accept his suggestion. I just can't.

"Where can I find you if I ever want to have sex with you again." And just like he did, I haven't really refrained from asking. Whatever his reply is gonna be then I'll bear it. Well, at least I tried.

He sighed and chuckled. Then took a card from his wallet and gave it to me. It's his calling card with his address on it too. I read it, looked at him, and gave a taunting look. He's indeed a professional.

"Just give me a call and I can save you from all your thirsts." He said to me while walking towards the bathroom door.

"You are not the kind of person that I can imagine wearing white. I'd rather see you looking like that." I scanned through his naked self in front of me. The best way to wake up though. It's like breakfast in bed. Eight-pack abs with the perfect shades that enhance it is wandering around this room. Not to mention, I licked those last night and I can still imagine everything.

After he bathed, before changing. I said to him one last time.

"Before you leave, can I have another round?" I looked at him with luscious eyes, a wordless way to show him to wrangle with me as I was still lying on the bed with no clothes on. He leaped on the bed and started kissing the tip of my toes going upward of my body. So the heat began again.

"Oh! Flynn, please don't stop."


Today, I arrived late at the office because of sudden traffic that occurred on my route. It was not the perfect morning I wanted but it'll do as long as nothing more will happen for the rest of the day. But then again, things happen when you least expected them.

"Who's that?" I asked as I saw one of my employees scrolling through his phone and paused at an article where two sexy and beautiful women were posing like a model. I wanted to read the text though but somehow he suddenly turned off his phone and was startled by my presence standing behind him.

"Mr. Howards! I haven't seen you there! I'll be back to my work now. I was just checking some notifications earlier." As he immediately placed his phone in his pocket, positioned himself in front of his computer, and was avoiding my look. Though his behavior got me curious as to what he was looking at.

"To an article? I doubt that. I'll see you in my office in ten minutes or I'll let Vesna talk to you." I said despite not having the energy to have this in my hands so early.

I do not tolerate laziness in my company so I always talk it out with my employees. I then continued to walk towards my office while I haven't really got the picture out of my head. I've only seen a few words and those are, sisters, richest, CEO and, twenty-two years old. Now that I think about it...

"Vesna!!!! FIND THAT WOMAN!!"

I shouted as soon as I opened my door and slammed it. It angered me. There should not be one more person that's richest and especially not a woman who's younger than me! I cannot handle being downgraded by the public. I should always be number one. By that, anyone who gets into the way needs to get back to its place. I wanted everything to be mine and mine alone. I have never been so nervous in my whole life. It feels like life and death were in the place. They always thought that whenever I react to this, I was just overreacting but I couldn't really stop it because my body plays along as I start to run out of breath. I tried breathing so hard yet it feels like there was no air.

When Vesna arrived at my office I was sweating so badly that she helped me take off my tuxedo. She looked at me so confused. So she asked,

"What is wrong with you? I've never seen you this sweaty before." Holding me in her arms and took the aircon remote out of my drawer decreasing the temperature. Though with that done, it didn't improve the way I felt.

I groaned, feeling my head hurt. I wanted to bathe in ice-cold water. Staying there for so long till I can't feel anything. What is happening to me? Since when did I even start this craziness that I have created? I already had so much but why do I still need more? Am I this lonely? How much longer will I keep this grasp?

"Max? Max! Somebody help!" That's the last sound from Vesna that I heard before I fell asleep.

Pitch black, that's the world that I know of. I thought that having these luxuries surrounding me would give me light but it wasn't enough. What do I need to do to be happy?

"Vesna, You have to find that girl. I am not sure what she actually does or has but I know that she's ranking up. She needs to pass through me. Every one of them has to." That's what immediately came out of my mouth after I woke up in a hospital bed. Wait a sec? Hospital bed?!

"What the hell am I doing here?!" I exclaimed and was about to take off the hose in my wrist when our family doctor suddenly came inside my room which made me pause.

"Oh good, you're awake." He said with a smile on his face. I don't know what he is proud of but I just want to wash that smile out of his face.

"What am I doing here?" I looked at him with a frown face not wanting to be here at all. Hospitals are the last places I would want to go.

"Long time no see." He replied ignoring my question. I may have known him for a while now but I wanted to keep treating him like a stranger. Either way, he was never my favorite type of person after all. Being a Doctor made it even worst.

"Oh come on, let's get to the point. I don't have time for you." As cold as it may seem. I just don't get pleasant whenever he's around.

"Okay then, too bad. I think there's still next time till I'll be able to tell you that I know the person who's been the reason why you got hyperventilated. So hyperventilation is also sometimes caused by too much stress or sometimes panic and–" I cut him off. He got something I wanted.

"Wait, what did you say?" Though I am not sure if he was kidding or was trying to lure me into a trap. Besides, I am not the only one who hated the person in front of me.

"That it can be caused by too much stress or panic?" Yes, there's no doubt- he's playing with me. No right person would try to insert that in his actual answer.

"No! you know what I mean!" I got agitated by the curiosity he made me feel.

He grinned and started telling me about her. Bring it. Do you want me to play the game? Believe it or not, these are my expertise. Do you even know me? Or what have I reached already? I am the youngest CEO in LA California and when I say no one can bring me down that means everyone can't really do it.

We continued our conversation which suddenly ended with a nurse looking for him. So he attended it. And as soon as he left. I talked to Vesna about looking for real information about that girl to be sure enough that this doctor is actually telling the truth. Yes, I don't trust anyone but Vesna.

"Hey, you did a great job today. Get everything ready so that we can leave this hell straight away." I looked at Vesna while she gave me a little smile.

She then left the room to pay for the bills or other things that needed to be paid off since it's just all about money in this world. I know she was worried but that'll have to stay there. She can't go beyond the line.

There is much more that needs to be paid attention to. Meetings, Markets, New Investors, and Competitions. This is the world that we live in. It's tough and cruel. But luxurious and triumph. There is nothing more satisfying than that.

I waited for her for about 2 hours and I know that it doesn't have to take that long. So what's taking her? She's always on time. I tried calling her since no one came inside my room to take off everything that was on me properly. It's not quite like her to be this undisciplined. She knows how I am so strict with time. Though finally, she called and said that there was already a helicopter on the rooftop waiting for me. I asked why when we were just fine with the car. Then she replied saying that there have been plenty of media downstairs who knew that I was in that hospital so we needed to avoid them. And indeed I couldn't risk it.

"I am on my way there to help you get yourself ready to leave." I can hear her breathing so hard like she was walking so fast as if she was about to run.

"Yes, please do.", I replied not wanting to do everything on my own. What's the purpose of the nurses here anyway? Where the hell are they?!

Finally, we were able to finish everything and walked as fast as we could towards the rooftop but when we passed through that Doctor's Office and my eyes were able to catch a glimpse of a girl with him like they were about to make out. By that, I know that I've seen that girl's face somewhere and I am pretty good at remembering faces. So there's no way I could have mistaken that woman.