
Suspicious persons

Iceberg was talking to Nami as Thirteen looked at Lucci and Kalifa with his head tilted. Luffy was looking at Thirteen and asked "What's wrong?" Thirteen stared at Lucci and his hand sharpened slowly.

Lucci's eyes narrowed slightly and he stared at Thirteen as Kalifa pushed up her glasses, tensing up her legs. Luffy narrowed his eyes and looked at them, before Thirteen could act, Kaku came back.

He landed on the ground in between Thirteen and Lucci, looking at Iceberg with a grim expression. Nami looked at him and smiled, asking "How much do you think it'll cost…" she noticed his grim look and added anxiously, "It's not going to be too much is it!?"

Kaku waved his hand and said "No, it won't cost much…" he looked at Iceberg and sighed, adding "It won't cost anything… because she can't be repaired."

Nami, Luffy, and Thirteen froze and looked at Kaku.

Nami was speechless and Luffy grabbed his collar, shouting "What do you mean 'can't be repaired'?! Do you know what that ship means to us?! You won't fix it because we're pirates!?"

Iceberg stood up and smiled, holding his hands out as he said "Luffy, there must be a reason. We don't turn anyone away at Galley-La. Kaku, please explain." Kaku looked at Luffy and sighed again, explaining "The keel is broken. It's a miracle she can even sail anymore…" he shook his head and added "No, not a miracle. It's impossible. If you wanted her fixed, we'd have to build you an entirely new ship."

Iceberg sighed and looked at Luffy, saying seriously "Luffy. Kaku's speaking the truth. The Keel is basically the spine of a ship…" he patted Luffy's shoulder and added sympathetically "I'm so sorry."

Luffy let go of Kaku's collar, muttering "Sorry…" in a daze.

Kaku stepped back and his eyes flashed with sympathy as he nodded.

Iceberg walke to his desk and looked through a drawer before pulling out a catalog. He handed it to Luffy and smiled slightly "Here. This is a catalog of our ships… I'll give you a 50% discount on a new one. I'm sorry we can't help you, truly it hurts me to see this happen…"

He sighed and looked out the window, explaining "My teacher used to say that every ship has a spirit. I can tell you really loved your ship, I bet she was a part of your crew even…" he shook his head and added "I will be waiting for your decision."

Luffy nodded absentmindedly, before walking away. Nami bit her lips and followed him.

Thirteen looked at Kaku and his hands sharpened, his pupils tightened and his gaze became intense as he said "Are you telling the truth?" Kaku looked at him with an alarmed expression, looking at Lucci and Kalifa, who frowned and narrowed their eyes.

Iceberg was lost.

Kaku nodded and said "I am. I'm really sorry."

Thirteen looked at him deeply and his eyes flashed red as he said "You better pray you're not lying…" he walked to the door and stopped before tilting his head back, one of his pupils was red as he grinned madly "Or I'll skin you alive, Mr. Square-Nose~ Hihihihihihi~"

The pupil flashed between red and blue before going back to blue as Thirteen's expression returned to empty. He walked away, returning to Luffy and Nami, who were stopped, looking around.

Kaku, Lucci, and Kalifa looked at each other and communicated with their eyes before looking at Lucci, who nodded subtly.

Thirteen caught up to Luffy, who was now frowning as he said "I'll go look for him." Nami nodded and took the briefcases from him.

She gave them to Thirteen and said "Let's go back to the ship. Usopp was taken by the Franky Family. I know where their headquarters are." Thirteen looked at her and tilted his head.



He grabbed Nami and jumped into the air, jumping off buildings and returning to the ship as fast as possible. He had gone so fast that he didn't see a beaten up Usopp on the streets on the way…

Thirteen returned to the ship and put Nami down, he grabbed the briefcases and put them in the storage space before coming back to the deck and looking at Nami.

She explained what happened to the rest as Luffy returned with Robin. Thirteen glanced at Robin and tilted his head strangely. She was acting weird. He dismissed the thought as Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, and Luffy frowned and clenched their fists, extremely angry.

White hopped up and down in rage too.

He looked at Thirteen and hopped behind Luffy's leg, trembling slightly.

Thirteen hopped off the Merry and started walking, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper followed him, with White hopping to Luffy's shoulder.

The group walked off in the direction of the Franky Family house.