
Pretty Obvious Why Everyone's Really Superpowered

What happens when an uncanny group of people with super powers and a bear mascot(?) is faced with an alien invasion? Well, international soccer superstar James Nyjun and his childhood friend Man-Woo Jeol are about to find out, in this short novel adventure filled with hilarious scenes, short-lived action, a touch of mystery, and supernatural fantasy. [Additional Tags] Juvenile Fiction, Children's Fiction, Wish-Fulfillment, Gag Comedy, Cute Mascot

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"So what was the commander's plan this time? Are we sure we're invading Earth?"

A group of what appeared to be aliens were huddled around a man-made electric tablet that had a message on its screen from their commander. But the message was in code. And these poor aliens weren't bright enough to know how to solve the code.

"One of us gotta know something, right? Okay, I have an idea. Everyone, raise one feeler. Now those of you who didn't graduate elementary school, put your feeler down."

And at once, more than half of the aliens put down their feeler. The alien squad commander who pushed this activity forward sighed, and also put down his feeler.

"Okay, uh... of those remaining, put down your feeler if you didn't graduate middle school."

And the rest of the feelers went down. The squad leader nearly panicked and after swallowing hard he blurted, "Put your feeler back up, and those who at least finished the first year of middle school keep your feeler up!" And this time all the feelers went down except for one. All eyes went to the last one standing. The feeler belonged to the Commander's son. The squad leader smacked his face with one of his feelers and sighed a deeper sigh. "Okay, well since you're the commander's son, do you have any ideas on how to decode your dad's message?"

The Commander's son thought for a moment after taking a closer look at the code and then suggested, "What if we get a mirror and read the reflected message? I think that might work."

The squad leader's 32 eyes lit up and looking at the Commander's son he exclaimed, "That is pure genius! Why, why didn't we think of this earlier? Let's give it a try at once!" and beckoning to one of the alien soldiers to bring a mirror, he then asked, "By the way, what did you say your name was again?"

The Commander's son glumly replied, "I've told you this so many times and why can't you just read my name badge? It's Neila the 17th Jr."

"Well, it's not a common name, that's for sure. No wonder I have had a hard time remembering it, I'm sorry about that."

"Whaddaya mean it's not common? I'm the 17th Neila, and all the Neilas before me are still alive!! That's at least a guaranteed 17 Neila on board, ya know! Not to mention that our war heroes are also named Neila!!!"

"Oh you don't need to scream it, I'm saying your full name isn't common."

"But sir, even your name has Neila in it!"

"It's Sir Squad Leader Neila the Idiom, don't just call me sir, I dislike that."

"Are you sure it's not 'Neila the Idiot'?" Neila the 17th Jr muttered under his breath.


"It's nothing, don't pay any mind to it, sir Neila the Idiom."

"It's Sir Squad Leader Nei-, ah forget it, that's good enough for now I suppose. Okay, that's enough silliness for one day, all of you to bed, lights out!"

Every alien soldier seemed glad to hear the command to go to sleep. They all rushed off to their bunkers. Only Neila the 17th Jr and Neila the Idiom remained.

"Why aren't you going to your bunker?" Neila the Idiom asked.

"Aren't we forgetting something? Why did you send the soldier who was tasked with bringing the mirror, back to his bunker?"

Neila the Idiom stared back blankly.

"What mirror? What was it for? You should stop trying to confuse me and go to bed. It's getting late."

Neila the 17th threw his thirty feelers up in frustration and left the hall. Except... the room he was in wasn't a hall, so no one knows where he left and where he had gone to.

And so, the alien invasion was delayed.

Meanwhile on Earth...

GASA agents were frantically running around the GASA headquarters with their latest discovery on the aliens' intentions. Rumour had it that the alien commander, the current leader of the aliens, had issued a command in code and having successfully decoded the message with no effort at all, the agents of GASA issued a warning cry to the rest of the world, and a call for help to the superheroes, notifying everyone that an alien invasion was imminent. Except... that the only superhero still alive was in retirement and was well over his years. He wasn't blessed with immortality or eternal life and had already passed the age of 150. None of his descendants inherited his powers to make matters worse. It was only about an hour since the SOS call when GASA did receive a response from the old hero's home. He had passed away a week ago. Little did they know, with his passing came the birth of new powers all over the world.

The alien invasion didn't happen in the timeframe it was supposed to, and the aliens were assumed to have left the solar system. Peace returned to the earth, and in the meantime, news reports came from everywhere telling the world of the new powers that made their appearance to fight for justice... whatever justice it was.

And so, 15 years will pass by, and the aliens will return for a new attempt at invasion.