
Pretty Little Girl

a short excited horror novel from my own thoughts about a chilling tale of a quiet village plagued by constant fear, brought on by the presence of a young girl with a sinister secret. Her transformation into a bloodthirsty creature remains shrouded in mystery, leaving questions about the origins of her curse or supernatural nature. The village's residents, paralyzed by fear, continue to endure the torment, raising the question of why they stay. The story potentially carries a deeper moral lesson, exploring themes of temptation, fear, and facing one's inner darkness.

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1 Chs

CHAPTER 1...She wants you

"In the heart's dim corners, where feelings get tangled with the eerie, love shows up like a mysterious song. It's not the warm touch of sunlight but a sad dance of shadows, hiding the mysteries and sadness that link souls in this puzzling connection. As affection wraps around them, there's a feeling that something inevitable is happening, making every sweet moment feel a bit spooky. Love here is like a painting with both bright and dark strokes, mixing longing with heartache, where the line between happiness and sadness becomes blurry and mysterious."

Every evening, in a quiet village, people feared for their lives as dark clouds loomed in the sky. Most were too scared to venture outside after sunset. One day, as heavy rain began to pour, a man stumbling under the influence of alcohol passed by a centuries-old peepal tree. He suddenly noticed a young girl singing and dancing in the rain. Intoxicated and emboldened, he approached the girl.

She paused her dance, and the man, slurring his words, said, 'Come here, give me a hug, and extinguish the fire in my heart.' The man's intentions were far from pure. Blushing, the girl playfully retreated behind the peepal tree, enticing the man to follow. She beckoned him closer and, with a seductive smile, embraced him.

But as he drew near, a sinister transformation took place. Her fingers lengthened into sharp claws, and her teeth grew menacingly. She sank her teeth into the man's neck, drawing his lifeblood. Then, with a swift, brutal motion, she severed his head from his body and flung it away. This gruesome ritual had become her daily routine.

The whole village lived in constant fear, and those who dared not venture out in the evening would disappear without a trace. She continued her reign of terror, disguising herself as a beautiful young girl and singing 'Chhan Chhan Chhan' as she passed by each house in the dark, stormy nights, waiting for the next unsuspecting victim to cross her path. Her thirst for blood remained unquenched."

Engaged in her journey, she passes by several houses. Suddenly, as she walks by the side of one house, she hears a faint, eerie noise coming from inside. A young man of 18 years steps out, and upon seeing her, he is transfixed by her otherworldly beauty. In all his life, he had never seen a girl as hauntingly enchanting as her. Now, who can explain to him that Bala is always a harbinger of dread?

He starts following her, each step increasing his sense of impending doom. At last, the girl stops near a gnarled, sinister peepal tree. The boy, having reached there, confesses his love with a tremor in his voice.

He says, "Oh, beautiful Bala, I am so ensnared by your allure, like a moth to a flame. I can't escape your dark allure." The girl replies, her voice tinged with malevolence, "Amazing boy, those who are so entangled can't escape. Come closer, don't resist me, I can't let you go." Saying this, the girl raises both her hands, but they appear ghostly and ethereal, as if beckoning from the depths of the abyss.

The boy can't resist anymore, and as he approaches, he feels an icy chill enveloping him. Their embrace is not one of love, but of something far more sinister. The girl, whispering in his ear with a bone-chilling tone, says, "I will love you to death." The boy, now trapped in a nightmarish embrace, can only reply with a feeble plea for mercy.

At this moment, the witch lurking in the shadows thinks, "How young and passionate this boy is! His life force must be a potent elixir. I will torment him to no end and drain his very soul."

As the boy's life force is being drained, he begins to feel an indescribable terror consuming him. The world around him distorts, and the peepal tree seems to twist and writhe like a sinister specter. Shadows dance in the moonlight, taking on grotesque forms that whisper dreadful secrets into his ears.

In the distance, the village clock strikes midnight, a haunting reminder of the witching hour. A shiver runs down his spine as he realizes the dark fate that has befallen him. He is trapped in a malevolent embrace, and there's no escape from the clutches of the maleficent beauty.

Unbeknownst to the boy, the very ground beneath him trembles as the earth itself seems to rebel against this unholy union. The world becomes a nightmare, with grotesque visions and disturbing apparitions tormenting his already fragile psyche.

Meanwhile, the villagers, awakened by the unearthly cacophony, sense something sinister afoot. They gather their courage and head toward the ominous peepal tree, armed with protective charms and torches. As they approach, they are met with a scene straight out of a horror story.

The boy's body has become a hollow shell, his eyes devoid of life. The malevolent beauty, now revealed as the vengeful spirit of a witch, cackles with malefic glee as she devours his very soul. The villagers launch a desperate exorcism, chanting incantations and unleashing ancient relics of protection.

A fierce battle ensues between the forces of darkness and the determined villagers. The night is filled with eerie lights, ghostly apparitions, and spine-chilling screams. As the exorcism reaches its climax, the witch's power wanes, and her form starts to disintegrate.

With a final, bone-chilling scream, the witch is banished from the mortal realm, leaving behind only a lingering sense of dread and a sense of foreboding. The boy, though saved from his nightmarish ordeal, is forever scarred by the horrors he witnessed.

The village, having confronted true evil, becomes a place of whispered legends and eerie tales, a constant reminder that sometimes beauty hides the darkest secrets. The malevolent peepal tree stands as a silent sentinel, a warning to all who dare to tread in the realm of the supernatural.

And so, the horror of that night remains etched in the memories of the villagers, a chilling tale of love and terror intertwined. The bewitching woman's malevolence is driven away, leaving behind a sense of unease.

Life in the village continues, but the memory of that haunting night lingers, a constant reminder that the supernatural world is filled with mysteries that should be approached with caution.

The boy.. He was known for his kind heart, gentle nature, and a love for the simple things in life. His days were spent helping his parents with their small farm, and his nights were filled with the sweet serenades of crickets under the starry sky. Little did he know that his life was about to take a dark and sinister turn.

After what happened in that night, Just as her teeth were about to pierce boy throat, the villagers felt the evil energy, arrived to rescue him. Making the evil Bala girl to vanish forever, leaving only the mark of her teeth on boy's body.

The girl vanished...but still badly remain in boy's memories even though she tried to kill him but the love is all about sacrifice..isn't it ?

his love for her twisted into something darker, an obsession for vengeance for those who killed his love. He became a recluse, filled with bitterness and hatred towards villagers and all humans, blaming them for his suffering of losing love.

In secret, he began to target the villagers, one by one, in the dead of night. His actions were driven by a thirst for blood that mirrored the creature he had once loved. Each quiet murder, each life he extinguished, brought him a sick sense of satisfaction as he became more and more like the monster that had once tried to take his life.

Now his actions are no more secrets..the girl laughing through his soul.. The village lived in fear knowing the once who's they tried to rescue now because the threat, oblivious to the dark transformation their once gentle neighbor had undergone. he moved further away from the boy he had once been, forever haunted by the memory of the Evil Thirstyblood Girl who had stolen his innocence and left her mark upon his soul.

In the quiet of the night, their love breathes its last, akin to a waning moon shedding a melancholic radiance on fading memories. Their entwined hearts, once vibrant, now echo silent goodbyes amidst the shadows. As the final curtain descends, a somber symphony of parting notes lingers in the air—a requiem for a love that defied norms yet succumbed to its own complexities. The darkness, like a tender shroud, envelops the fragments of what was, leaving behind an ethereal tapestry of poignant moments. In the end, their story becomes a chiaroscuro mural, where the beauty of their connection is inseparable from the sorrow of its conclusion, a love eternally haunted by the echoes of its own demise.


The text tells a chilling tale of a quiet village plagued by constant fear, brought on by the presence of a young girl with a sinister secret. Her transformation into a bloodthirsty creature remains shrouded in mystery, leaving questions about the origins of her curse or supernatural nature. The village's residents, paralyzed by fear, continue to endure the torment, raising the question of why they stay. The story potentially carries a deeper moral lesson, exploring themes of temptation, fear, and facing one's inner darkness.

walid_barwarecreators' thoughts