
Pretty Idol Reincarnation System

[Kind, Patient, and Black-Bellied Top Male-Alpha Idol x Cold, Independent and Cunning Female-Alpha Idol!] [News Flash! Expect cute moments, appropriate dog-blood drama, a gentle but manipulative male lead with a strong female lead! The slaps for those who pray for her downfall are hard and beautiful!] Cho Ae-Rin has never lived for herself. After her parent's downfall in the entertainment industry, they whisked the young girl into believing the simple life is the glorious life. But what simplicity? What "find glory in the small things"? Cho Ae-Rin wants to be a star! A phoenix, the one people cannot help but be comforted by---the one people cannot help but look up to! An idol. But nevertheless, she threw away her dream for her parents wishes. A seemingly, selfish and goal-oriented woman threw away her dignity for their wish. Now? She threw away her life for a young girl who has a dream like hers. A young girl precariously falling into the same mold of throwing away your dreams for the comfort of money. Cho Ae-Rin dies saving the girl, the tears of relief in her eyes as she takes her last breath. But wait! The gods took pity and signed up Cho Ae-Rin's soul to be a beta for Lost Help. A program for the ones who were destined to be big but lost their way. Cho Ae-Rin reincarnated with all the memories of her recent past life, was assigned a system and---wait, what's an omega? Why do they smell so sweet? Like, very deluctable mea--- Cho Ae-Rin, in a world heavily-dominated by those in power, is an Alpha. Born to a military family, this Alpha Cho Ae-Rin was born to be in war, but being assigned to an Idol Rising Star System, she may as well bid her war-torned, army parents goodbye as she certainly won't join them on the battlefield! Cho Ae-Rin wants to be a star, and she will be a star! B-But who's this Alpha who keeps following her? Doesn't he know having a scandal is bad for her right now?! -- "Sir, you are an idol." "Mr. Idol, please stay away from me." "Alpha, sir! I am an alpha female, our genetics do not match---" But no matter how much Ae-Rin reasons with the unreasonable man, he pushes away all of it and! "You are as beautiful as a star, and I am nothing but there to complement you!" "You are a whole planetary system, and I, a planet to only orbit around you!" But when Ae-Rin reasons to him about genetics, the patient and usually gentle top alpha idol Ahn Ye-Jun pushes the smaller woman to a wall, his eyes suddenly impatient. "So what if our genetics do not match? My love for you does not trapese gender roles."

Kasrna · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Part-Time Opportunity (1)

Fifteen minutes later, Ae-Rin is clipping the new light assistant she bought. She figured getting the smaller size is better and ideal for portable means. She replaced her watch with a simple white studded earring. At the moment she clipped it in, a hologram appears before her eyes, and a womanly figure appears.

The figure had shapely lips, and kind, dark eyes. Hair the color of night come out in soft waves framing the small face.

"Hello, Miss Choi." There was a cocky smile on the figure at the moment she said words. "I'm Raising Stars System Beta---"

"So you decided to make a form for yourself there, huh." Despite the nonchalant tone, she can't help being impressed. She's getting used to seeing things she can't believe exists.

The system doesn't look so bad, afterall.

Ae-Rin steps away from the stores and into the crowds, blending in easily. She punctually laughs despite it not being sincere.

The system, on the other hand, watches the act Ae-Rin plays, that attracts a few people to look her way, stunned. Ae-Rin notices the way the system seems amused.

Ae-Rin truly is beautiful though, and she uses it to her advantage.

"So what's our next goal?"

[Well, with your watch finally replaced, I can do things without you necesarily going there.]

"And what are those?" Ae-Rin subtly turns away from a group, not wanting to bump into them.

[For example, booking you a room, I can't have you staying in that shabby apartment. And second, I have just scanned the area and found you a suitable part-time job.]

Ae-Rin frowned at that as the hologram shifts, the face of the system is now at the upper left corner and what dominates the holographic screen in front of her is a map with where she needs to go highlighted in red.


[Yes. An opportunity will arrive if you work there. Preferably? I'd want you to work as a waitress.]


Ae-Rin insisted walking her way there, and by the time she arrived at the so-called restaurant, she was pleasantly welcomed to a shop with light colors, pastel. It was a dessert shop and sweets were on their display. As the system had said, they were looking for a part-time worker.

Just outside was a microphone set with speakers. She raises a brow at that. They had potted plants set outside, and there were flyers just scattered around.

Ae-Rin pushed inside to see the shop was quite empty, and an argument breaking out caught her attention.

Behind the counter, two women were glaring at each other. One was taller, around six feet two with an dominating aura that Ae-Rin felt lightly suffocated. She wore a uniform and a name plate on her chest says that she is the Manager.

Manager So-Yeon.

And the other shorter one was around five feet ten.

"You always slack on your job." So-Yeon hisses, looking at her employee viciously. "You don't want to hold out the flyers and---"

"I want to be a waitress!"

"So you can flirt with our customers?" There's venom in her voice and Ae-Rin quickly intervenes before the other worker could snap back.

"Hello, I want to work here?" Ae-Rin hasn't been fully accustomed to her charms yet, only knowing that she looks beautiful, but beauty is nothing if not used properly. Body language tells many things and you simply cannot just 'smile'.

The demeanor of the manager completely turned one-eighty once she turned to Ae-Rin. Although it seems it was just for pleasantries sake, it slowly turned genuine as it took in Ae-Rin's presense.

So-Yeon felt a certain calm looking at Ae-Rin simple and gentle appearance. Especially the smile. She would be perfect as either behind the counter or the waitress!

"Hello." So-Yeon replies, quickly throwing a glare at her lazy employee who just groans and storms out of the shop. "We have two jobs available for you and---"

"No job interview." Ae-Rin frowned in confusion, and curiosity.

So-Yean attempts to not squeal at how the girl looked so much like a cute clueless bunny especially with how snowy-white the other's hair was. It was long and wavy, shortly stopping just around her shoulder.

So welcoming and radiant! Like a fairy---completely serving the theme of the delights shop!

"No need, no need." So-Yeon nods, assured. "So waitress or you hand out the flyers?"

Either way, the girl would do good being a waitress! Who would want to hand out flyers in the hot weather in the plaza---

"Can I hand out the flyers?"

"You most certainly can be the waitre---wait, what?" The manager turns to the innocent girl who seem so delicate. She wants to hand out the flyers...?

"The flyers." Ae-Rin repeated, turning to the simple microphone stand. "I want to hand them out."

"Oh... Oh okay---" But the manager felt it to be wrong whilst handing the new employee her uniform.



The system is going on a rampage. Apparently the opportunity was already set and yet she, Choi Ae-Rin, denied fate knocking at her door.

But still...

She was human.

Seeing the microphone reminded her of the times she had spare minutes to dance and sing in bars. the raucous cheers by the end of it. Her happiness was theirs, her sadness---they lapped it right up. Everyday, once a week---twice a month. She sang and danced and trained despite the fact she's going to college for Psychology.

Her eyes fluttered shut as she takes the microphone, her lips red from biting on it so much. She's supposed to hand out the flyers but maybe delay just a bit more.

She tapped the microphone and it makes a sound behind her, connected to the speakers.

[There's someone here scouting for people to participate in Wonder Ent.'s auditions. Charm them and perhaps the opportunity is not so gone.]

The system's voice sounded bitter and yet all Ae-Rin could do is helplessly smile, before connecting her light assistant to the speakers.

The music plays after she chose what she wanted.

A mischiveious grin fits her face and its odd---seeing it to a seeming cold and regal beauty and now all they see is a trickster.

A pixie as her lips part---

"Everybody!" She yells out, her pleasant voice attracting the crowd, the glint in her apricot-eyes sharp and taking their breath away. "Let's go!"

"You know who it is, coming 'round again. You want a dose of this right now, it's KDA!" The song was one of the latest released, a girl group based on a game. Ae-Rin had heard it whilst walking around. It was a song sang in Korean and was easy to dance to as Ae-Rin improvised the dance to her side.

She was filled with energy whilst dancing to it, just a little far away from the delights shop. It was an unusual sight but she had charm, too much of it. She was cute but she doesn't capture the essence of the song filled with power.

She was like a tamed cat pretending to be wild. Her voice was pleasant to listen to---her impact alone was big, but the song didn't suit her.

The one who was scouting future idol trainees saw this and their eyes sharpened. The girl's movement was sharp and despite the fact that it doesn't suit her, there was one big factor preventing him from leaving---it was her pure, raw presense. How is it, that such an unusual sight---both power and simply cuteness could attract a crowd? It was her sharp eyes that replicated the energy of the song.

There was improvements to be made.

She was a raw gem.

Perfect for the variety show.

Absolutely just 'perfect'.

Author thanks people for reading! Will be releasing another chapter today after this! Can't wait for this story to kick off! Leave your constructive criticisms in the comments! Im lightly disappointed in this chapter but I truly hope to improve!

Kasrnacreators' thoughts