
Pretending to be Anime Character in Genshin to See Their Reaction!

Ei's Plane of Euthymia? I'll easily counter that by using Gojo's [Domain Expansion: Infinite Void]! Zhongli's Planet Befall? I'll simply become Madara and use [Tengai Shinsei]! The Fatui is plotting something against me? Very well! [Espada], come forth! Abyss Order is aware of me? With [Kyoka Suigetsu], there's nobody who will know my true appearance and personality! Somehow, I woke up in the world of Genshin Impact. I also have the ability to transform into ANY Anime character. -The tale follows a man who has the ability to transform into anime characters. Upon discovering his power, he decides to put his new skill to the test to see how the characters from Genshin Impact would react. This leads to a number of comedic encounters and funny moments. I have decided to put my newfound power to see the reaction of the people of Teyvat! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Author's Note: There's also a similar novel to this, but it seems like it was dropped. I gained inspiration from it and decided to make a Fanfiction of it. If you are the author of it, feel free to contact me by commenting! I will remove this story, if necessary.)

MochiGreenTea · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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21 Chs

A New Character in Other Nation! - Chapter 6

(Lumine) : In the middle of their journey, the Traveler turns to Gojo and asks, "Do you, by any chance, know my brother Aether, Gojo-san?"

Being caught off guard by the unexpected question, I managed to maintained my casual self, but hesitated for a moment.

A thoughtful expression crosses my face as I now have to consider how to respond to Lumine's question about her brother, Aether.

You see, taking into account my knowledge of Genshin Impact, I am aware of everything that's happening in Teyvat.

(Mizu as Gojo) : After a brief pause, I nodded knowingly, "Ah, Aether, your brother. Yeah, I'm aware of him. Heard he's on his own journey through Teyvat as well. Your paths may cross at some point," I responded, trying to keep my answer vague, considering the complexity of the game's lore and the potential danger of revealing too much to the Traveler.

(Paimon) : Flying close to Gojo, she titles her tiny head in curiosity. "Hey, how do you know about the Traveler's brother? You're not some kind of fortune teller, are you?" she asks, a playful skepticism evident in her voice.

(Mizu as Gojo) : I smirked and replied, "Fortune teller? Nah, more like an Adventurer who picks up stories along the way. You'd be surprised what you can learn when you wander through different nations." Paimon, although not entirely convinced, could only nodded and floats alongside with a mix of curiosity.

(Lumine) : The Traveler, suddenly stopping in her tracks, wears a sad expression. She turns her face to Gojo and asks, "Do you... Know where my brother is right now?" There's a hint of longing and concern in her eyes, seeking any information that might lead her to her lost sibling.

Despite the weight of the conversation, I couldn't help but to find the saddened face of the Traveler cute. There's a certain charm to her expression.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Meeting with Traveler's gaze, I responded with a hint of mystery, "What if I say I know?"

The Traveler, upon hearing Gojo's response, raises an eyebrow and looks at him with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

(Lumine): Her expression shifts from sadness to a subtle intrigue, and she asks, "What do you mean? Do you really know something about my brother?"

(Mizu as Gojo) : "What if I say I don't know...?" The Traveler's expression shifts from curiosity to a hint of frustration as she processes the unexpected answer.

(Paimon) : Paimon floating nearby, chiming in, "Seriously? Can't you give a straight answer?" She finds Gojo to be slightly an annoying guy.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Sometimes, the answers we seek are hidden in the places we least expect. Keep your eyes open, and you might find more than you bargained for," I gave them a subtle hint. The Traveler looks thoughtful, thinking that the journey ahead might hold unexpected surprises about her brother's whereabouts.

(Paimon) : Paimon floats close to Gojo and asks with a genuine curiosity, "So, if the Traveler is looking for her brother, who's your sibling that you're looking for?"

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Well, since we're on the topic of siblings, my little brother's name is Killua. Just like me, he has blue eyes and white hair. He's an Assassin," I said with a pool demeanor.

(Paimon) : Paimon, with her characteristic curiosity, asks, "If your little brother is an assassin, what about you? Are you skilled in any particular way?"

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Well, let's just say I've picked up a few tricks from what I have encountered in my travels. Adaptability is the key, you know?"

(Paimon) : Still buzzing with curiosity, she asks, "By the way, what was that invisible barrier thingy Signora couldn't get through when she tried to snatch Venti's Gnosis? Some kind of magical protection?"

(Mizu as Gojo) : Maintaining a mysterious air, "Ah, that wasn't just any barrier. Let's say it was just an ability of mine. Comes in handy when you don't want anything close to your chest, quite literally." Paimon huffs in frustration, realizing that uncovering Gojo's tale is too elusive.

(Paimon) : With a mix of surprise and curiosity, she chimes in, "What an ability, huh? Traveler, we've got ourselves a real mystery on our hands! Who knew that Gojo-san had some tricks up to his sleeve?" It's a light-hearted moment between the trio.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Come on! You've got secrets, and I've got mine!" I exclaimed with a playful grin.

After a few moments, the trio arrives at the vibrant city of Liyue. Towering cliffs, intricate architecture, and the bustling sounds of the harbor greet them.

The Traveler, breathtakes the sights of Liyue before her. The lively atmosphere captivates her, creating a sense of wonder and excitement.

(Paimon) : Floating beside her, she speaks in amazement, "Wow! Liyue is so different from Mondstadt! Look at those cliffs and buildings! It's completely different than Mondstadt!"

As the trio went deeply in Liyue, the city was bustling with excitement. Today is the Rite of Descension, and a multitude of people have gathered, hoping to witness the descent of Rex Lapis from the sky and receive his divine counsel.

The Traveler, Paimon, and Gojo find themselves amidst the lively crowd. They are here to partake the event of Rite of Descension.

(Paimon) : Curious as always, she turns her head to Gojo and asks, "Have you been to Liyue before? It's so different from Mondstadt!"

(Mizu as Gojo) : I was looking around, taking in the sights, and replied with a casual smirk, "Nope, first time. Looks like Liyue has some surprises in store for us." Though this is my second time being here when I became Killua. Technically the third time when I finished the quest to kill a Ruin Guard on Mt. Aocang.

(Mizu as Gojo) : As they stroll through Liyue, I glanced around and then turned to the Traveler and Paimon. "I've got something to take care of related to my little brother, Killua. I'll ask people if he's around," I mentioned with a sense of purpose. "I'll catch up with you both later!"

(Lumine) : The two acknowledge the importance of family and personal responsibilities. "Take your time. We'll be around," the Traveler responds with a reassuring smile.

I nodded appreciatively, and with that, I ventured into the bustling city of Liyue and making my way to Adventurers' Guild, leaving the duo to continue the original story of Genshin Impact.

(Katheryne) : "Ad Astra Abyssosque. How may I help you today?" Katheryne greets the Gojo as he arrives at the Adventurers' Guild.

(Mizu as Gojo) : In response, Gojo leans in a bit and asks, "Have you happened to see a white-haired boy, short, with blue eyes around here?"

(Katheryne) : Her eyes light up with recognition as Gojo inquires about a white-haired boy. "Ah, yes! A white-haired boy just completed a quest to destroy a Ruin Guard not too long ago. His name is Killua," she informs with a friendly smile.

Pretending to sigh in relief, I began to show a face with a hint of concern, "Have you seen him around?"

(Katheryne) : Her expression turns slightly somber as she gives a regretful shake of her head. "I'm afraid not. No sign of him recently. Maybe out to do something or exploring the city," she replies with sympathy.

I pretended to be concerned, nodding appreciatively to Katheryne. I absolutely know where he is right now, but I'm just creating some stories here and there.

(Katheryne) : Being curious, she looks at Gojo and asks, "By the way, who are you, and how do you know about Killua? Are you two related?"

(Mizu as Gojo) : I nodded and answered, "I'm his big brother, and I'm looking for him." Katheryne's eyes widen, slightly surprised.

(Katheryne) : "I see. I hope you find him soon. If there's anything the Adventurers' Guild can do to help, just let us know," she offers, understanding the significance of family matters. I nodded appreciatively once again and headed off to somewhere.

Covered by the facade of a genuine story, I weaved a story of searching for my little brother Killua within the world of Teyvat. I am truly a genius! Though slightly because it's just due to the power that I got.

As I continued to explore Liyue some more, my gaze fell upon a familiar face amidst the lively streets. It's Hu Tao, the playful and mischievous director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor!

Being aware of her in-game prowess and her quirky profession of selling discounted coffins, I couldn't help but appreciate the amusing blend of strength and eccentricity that she brings to Genshin Impact.

Hu Tao, with her mischievous nature, notices a guy wearing a blindfold and can't resist for an opportunity.

(Hu Tao) : She approaches with a sly grin and says, "Hey, you there! I couldn't help but notice your... Unique fashion sense. How about considering a special deal on one of my discounted coffins? They come with a lifetime warranty, you know!"

(Mizu as Gojo) : Playing along, I raised an eyebrow and replied, "Coffins, you say? I'll have to pass, but thanks for the offer." I refused her offer, though it would be funny if I had accepted.

(Hu Tao) : Undeterred by the blindfolded man initial refusal, she continues her persuasive banter. "Come on, how can you even appreciate the craftsmanship if you're all blindfolded? You must be blind, right? My coffins have the finest details, and you're missing out on the visual feast!" she teases, a playful grin on her face.

(Mizu as Gojo) : With a sly grin, I responded, "Oh, I'm not blind at all. It's just that I'm too beautiful for the world to handle. The blindfold is a courtesy to spare others from the overwhelming sight of my stunning face." Hu Tao, momentarily caught off guard by such confidence, bursts into laughter, appreciating the unexpected turn of the conversation.

(Hu Tao) : Displaying her playful and whimsical nature, she plays along with the guy's statement. "Ah, I see, a "beauty," eh? I respect that. If you ever need a coffin for your admirers who might faint from your "stunning" looks, you know where to find me," she responds with a mockingly serious expression, suppressing a playful giggle.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Trying to maintain my playful demeanor as Gojo, I added, "But it's true though! Wanna see my face without the blindfold?" I extended a humorous invitation to Hu Tao, curious to see how she'd react to the unexpected proposition.

(Hu Tao) : Bring always up for a bit of mischief, she grins mischievously and replies, "Oh, I'm ready for the grand reveal! Show me the face that's too "beautiful" for the world to handle!" She challenged.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "Challenge accepted!" As I removed my blindfold, a pair of captivating turquoise eyes is revealed to her.

(Hu Tao) : Bring caught off guard, she couldn't help but to be genuinely impressed, and a subtle hint of fluttering in her heart. "Wow, those eyes... I wasn't expecting that! You've got quite the captivating gaze," she stammers, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected beauty before her.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Enjoying her reaction, I swiftly covered my eyes again with the blindfold. "A glimpse is enough for now. Gotta keep them wanting more, right" I added with a playful smile, leaving Hu Tao in a daze.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Embracing the persona of Satoru Gojo, I introduced myself with, "My name is Satoru Gojo. How about you? I'm from Snezhnaya," I declared, mimicking the persona with confidence.

(Hu Tao) : Still feeling slightly flustered by the earlier reveal, she regains her composure and responds with a teasing grin, "Satoru Gojo, huh? Pleasure to meet someone as... Fascinating as you in Liyue! I'm Hu Tao, the lively director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Pleasure to meet you, Gojo! Ah, wait a moment.." Hu Tao, catching onto the connection with Snezhnaya, can't resist her curiosity.

(Hu Tao) : "Did you say Snezhnaya? Do you happen to know a white-haired boy named Killua? He looks exactly like you, but smaller, quite cute and doesn't wear a blindfold," she says with a teasing tone.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Feigning surprise, "Killua? Oh, I know him. He's my little brother. Any interesting story happened with that little troublemaker?"

(Hu Tao) : With a mix of surprise and excitement, she exclaims, "What a small world! I heard from people that he went somewhere to destroy a Ruin Guard and successfully completed the quest! Didn't expect his big brother to show up in Liyue!"

(Mizu as Gojo) : Intrigued by the mention of Killua, I asked eagerly, "Where is my little brother? I'm searching for him for awhile."

(Hu Tao) : "Oh, though only a quest, his story is quite interesting! Not many are strong to defeat a Ruin Guard, you know? I'm sure he's up to something interesting! Last I heard, he was seen near the harbor. You might want to check there!"

(Mizu as Gojo) : Grateful for the information provided by Hu Tao, I nodded. "Thanks, Hu Tao. I'll head around some more and see if I can find more information. Until our paths cross again," I said, offering a polite farewell.

With that, I walked away, leaving Hu Tao to continue her lively antics in the streets of Liyue.

But unexpectedly, while I was walking around aimlessly, I saw Zhongli. It's Zhongli, you know?! Zhongli, the Geo Archon in disguise! He is the epitome of calmness and wisdom!

(Mizu as Gojo) : 'Interesting.. I wonder what interesting reaction that I can see from him?' Intrigued by Zhongli's presence, I am considering whether this encounter would be fun or not.


In an unexpected twist, while I, in the persona of Satoru Gojo, explores Liyue, the stoic Kuchiki Byakuya wanders aimlessly in Fontaine.

He's a clone I made by using Clone Jutsu from Naruto. It's like I'm using 2 computers at the same time.

Kuchiki Byakuya, with his captivating presence, walks aimlessly through the streets. The people, especially women, can't help but be captivated by his remarkable handsomeness.

Whispers and admiring glances follow him as he navigates through the city, his stoic demeanor drawing attention from those who steal glances upon the elegant man.

Byakuya, continuing his aimless stroll through Fontaine, catches sight of a Melusine – a fascinating, faun-like creature with peculiar features.

He observes the bipedal being with its long tufted tail, distinctive head protrusions, and mitten-like hands, finding the creature truly intriguing.

(Byakuya) : Observing the Melusine, he remarks, "Quite an interesting one," his composed demeanor maintaining a hint of curiosity.

The Melusine, in turn, reacts with a mix of fascination and shyness, as she turns away while blushing, walking away from such a handsome man.

I'm sorry for the short yet long hiatus. I really don't have any motivation! I'm such a lazy author. And what are Power Stones? What do they do? I'm confused.

Do you wanna support me? Even a single Genesis Crystal, I would appreciate it very deeply and will immediately write a story! Just comment down if you wanna send some supports~! ///ᴥ///

By the way, any recommendations for Mondstadt, Sumeru and Inazuma?

MochiGreenTeacreators' thoughts