The issue that originally preoccupied Tang Xian's thoughts was whether, amidst these world-destroying bosses, he should be a hero for just a second or continue to pretend to be a boss. Later, he realized that, in the midst of pretense, he had actually become genuine...
They could only meet once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month.
Seeing one's beloved only once a year was truly touching, and the fairy in the heavens would shed many tears. Thus, it became rain."
"Humph, what a boring story," Tang Feiji snorted.
"Yes, people always enjoy dressing dirty things up as fresh and pure. There's a huge flaw in this story. One day in heaven is a year on earth, but the time mentioned here is based on earthly time. Is the water that falls from the sky truly tears?"
Tang Feiji didn't understand again; if it wasn't the fairy's tears, what else could this rainwater be?
Tang Xian didn't say that an old underwater dragon that had lived under the sea for hundreds of years couldn't comprehend the ancient humans' grand imaginative power.
The Zhenhai Canglong's flying speed was very fast, even faster than flying vehicles.
Shortly after, Tang Xian noticed that the massive Pyramid was no longer in sight.
He flew over one set of ruins after another.