
Pregnant During An Apocalypse [BL]

“Lin Yunfeng! Stop right there!” Lin Yunfeng gazed back at the speeding figure behind him. Heart racing, he picked up speed and ran through the abandoned corridor. “You better stop Yunfeng!!” Ren Muchen growled loudly. The little brat was much faster than he had expected. “This is how you wish to face me after you fucking slept with me? Fine! Run then! Let’s see how long you can last,” Panting Lin Yunfeng looked back in panic. “I’m so sorry, it was a mistake. think of it as Stepping on shit. Please forgive me!” he placed a hand on his lower stomach and ran even faster. “Watch out!” Yunfeng gazed ahead in surprise. a half-rotten corpse stood in his way. He came to a screeching halt but the slippery floor made it hard for him to come to a complete stop. He fell unceremoniously face down on the ground. “Fuck,” The zombie jumped onto him with its mouth wide open. Its bloody saliva dripped onto his face. Yunfeng held his breath. He had read about this before but this was the first time he had actually seen an undead. It petrified him. ‘Is this how I die?’ “Growl,” the beast aimed at his neck precisely, Just as he thought his life was coming to an end, a long axe cut through the decayed neck of the Zombie. The heavy zombie fell right on top of him, oozing blood and puss. A hand grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up. “You are not dying, not today, not anytime soon...” Ren Muchen said with a nasty grin/ Yunfeng gulped. Muchen peered into his trembling black eyes coldly. “You know why?” because we are having a baby.” Yunfeng’s hand reflectively went into his tummy. “h-how do you know?” “You knew?! Yet you ran!” Muchen laughed coldly and shook him like a rattle. “Take responsibility you bastard, we created a life that day! “y-yes, I’ll take responsibility!”

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
73 Chs

Chapter 42 - A little bit

Yunfeng blankly looked up at the ceiling.

Hana who was still straddling him patted his cheeks. "What? you upset?"

"No," he rolled to the side hugging his sister's pink pillows. it was safe to say he was slightly disappointed. As to the reason why, he was still not sure. He did not have any feelings for Muchen but at the same time, he felt longing for him.

That could be chalked up to pheromones.

'Being an omega is hard,'

In his past life, he was a beta good part of his life. he did not face any such problems. Technically he lived the life of a virgin hermit. Even though many alphas feel for his beauty and his family position he never felt any sort of feelings for anyone. But the moment he changed to an omega in this life he met that crazy alpha Muchen and boom he was floored by him.

It was still too sudden.

Hana plopped down beside him and hugged him. "Can you give me his number?"

"Shut up and leave me alone," he mumbled snuggling deep into the pillow.

"You are in my room, you brat,"

Yunfeng glared at her.

"What is going on between you both though? Can you tell me?" she gently patted his unruly hair.

Yunfeng grunted. "I don't want to talk about it,"

"Come on, talking to someone can make you feel better. I swear I won't tell anyone. This secret is safe with me. After all, if those girls even get a sniff of Muchen's relationship with you they might toilet paper our house.

Yunfeng chuckled. "Aren't you one of those crazy girls?"

"Tsk come on, don't club me with those fujoshis. I'm a good little Fan who supports and loves my dear Muchen,"

Once again, when his sister mentioned Muchen as hers, he felt a pang of anger. He simply gritted his teeth and ignored it. 'Fuck I've gone to the deep side.'

'Talk," she hugged him slightly.

Sighing Yunfeng laid on his back. "I don't know where to start, we… we met on a very strange circumstance. He was being chased by a gunman and I was just on the way."

"Oh my god, he is the reason you were shot?!" Hana shot up.

"Yeah, I told mum. didn't she tell you?"

"NO! No one told me anything!!" huffing and puffing she laid back down. "How did it happen."

Yunfeng explained the whole ordeal to her.

"After that you both kept in contact?"

"No, who wants to talk to a crazy man? I just wanted to stay as far away from him as possible." Yunfeng rolled his eyes.

"Then what happened?"

"He kind of dropped by my work palace… I realized he was there to check on my wounds. That's when I though oh maybe he is not such a bad guy after all. Then we meet again and again and… I don't know," he cupped his slightly red face. "I don't know what is up with him. He is a crazy bastard but... I kind of, very minutely, like him,"

"AGHHHH!!!!!!" squealing Hana jumped up on the bed.

"Oh my god stop screaming," he rushed to cup her mouth. "I said lightly."

"Yes, you like him!"

Yunfeng sighed. "Only lightly." He sat there punching the pillow.

"And he likes you too!" Hana hugged him tightly. "Oh my god Muchen is going to be my brother-in-law. Oh, this is such a dream come true. He is going to become family,"

"He doesn't like me," Yunfeng pushed her away slightly.

"Huh? Do you think anyone would drive so far to see someone they don't like? Tsk you, silly innocent brother of mine, dear Muchen has fallen for you." She pinched his face. "I do see the appeal. You're a handsome guy. But not as handsome as my Muchen. Didn't know why he chose you?"

"Shut up." Yunfeng hugged the pillow again. Muchen had other reasons he dropped by. It was cuz of his rut.

"Shit I forgot to remind him!" he ran back to his room and found his phone buried in his duvet.

"What are you going to remind him about?" Hana had silently followed him in.

"n-nothing. Go out," he pushed her out,

"Come on tell me the juicy details."

"nope~" With a grin he closed the door on her face.

Drafting a message was much more challenging than he had realized. He had to vaguely reproach the subject of rut to him. To a nomad like Muchen, it might sound like sex advice.

'I don't want that…'

'How can I decently tell him 'you will have a hard-on for days and you have to stay in to prevent from attacking people' without offending him?'