
Predators' Boogeyman

Did you hear about the Duke hiding a child? If not, let me tell you the Duke's dark secret. Other than his family's flower, he had adopted a child from the slums- a rat! Others say this is what made the King kick out the Duke several years ago. Although true, I've heard of something more interesting. The King is scared of the child. And now, those rumors have been proven true. The child is back.

Anthonyte · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

The Inauguration

The blessing from the Great Sanctuary doesn't really do anything other than mark the person with the symbol of the Judge. This mark would then become permanent once the Allknow connects to that person successfully.

It's like getting a permit to use the powers of Allknow. Only people with no criminal or heretical records could receive the blessing. If, for example, a person with no mark used their magic and someone reported that person to the Great Sanctuary, then it's like the whole world against that person.

Deiterra has no place for heretics. Furthermore, with the world full of wonders that show the presence of fairies and demigods, only crazy people become atheists- or those who live under a rock...

Once the duke, the priest, and the prince arrived, everyone knew it was time for the main event. Everything became orderly and quiet as if this was not the same place where the party had occurred earlier. Fortunately, the Duchess knew beforehand that these three would arrive, so she asked some servants to clean up while the last round of the party continued. When the new arrivals stepped into the entrance, everything was ready.

Immediately, the Duke introduced his family to the special guests. The Duchess gracefully lifted her dress with two fingers while the other arm wrapped under her chest. With the way she smiled and bowed, her beauty dazed everyone. The Duke proudly smiled at his beautiful wife with tenderness in his eyes.

"Duchess Judith greets Priest Cerviel of the Great Sanctuary..." she said as she lifted her head. After straightening her back, she looked at the prince and nodded, "Greetings to the third prince as well."

The prince looked flustered upon seeing the Duchess. But just for a moment. Being a member of the royal family, he had seen a lot of beauties in his life, so he quickly regained his composure. Retaining his smile, he bowed and replied, "Prince Frederick greets Duchess Judith."

Afterward, Ner stepped forward and did the same as her mother. This time, she bowed deeply to the prince as well.

Eid, beside her, was stupefied at her sister's elegant demeanor.

'What demon took over my sister's body!? Also, when did she get dressed?'

No matter how often he sees his sister act like a proper lady, he can't get used to it. But Eid was already aware, a long time ago, that Ner acts like a brat only when he's around.

After Ner's greetings, it was Eid's turn. His right arm was wrapped under his chest while the other was behind his back, with both hands lightly clenched into fists. He bowed to the Priest.

"Eidol Rohde greets Priest Cerviel of the Great Sanctuary," he smiled, then without lifting his head, he turned to the prince, "... greetings..."

Eid felt his stomach twisting as if he was about to vomit. But he held it in and continued after gritting his teeth.

"To... Prince Frederick."

These slight pauses made the prince raise an eyebrow but didn't overthink it.

"Greetings to you too, Eidol." the prince thought Eid was just nervous, so he gave a friendly pat on Eid's shoulders.

Towards this, Eid's whole buddy shuddered as he turned pale. He raised his head and showed a smile. Those who knew him were instantly aware that this smile was forced.

Witnessing all of this, the Duke internally sighed with disappointment- not to Eid, but to himself.

'My judgment failed me.'

"What a beautiful family you have, Rholes," Priest Cerviel gave the Duke a pleasant smile. Although the old priest said beautiful, he was unaffected by the Duchess's grace, unlike the prince.

"Hahaha, thank you for the praise, Priest Cerviel. I really am proud of this family of mine!"

With the formalities out of the way, the ceremony began. The old priest stood in front of the hall on top of a red carpet as a makeshift platform.

"We are all here right now to celebrate Eidol's coming of age..."

As the priest gave his opening speech, the Duchess couldn't control her emotion. She was so excited for her son that her body trembled slightly, and tears formed at the edges of her eyes. The Duke reached out for her hand and gently squeezed it.

"... I'm so happy..." the Duchess whispered.

"I know, dear. I am too."

The Duke felt butterflies in his stomach as he looked at Eidol walking towards the platform after the priest called his name.

No one else knew how much work he put in to make the Great Sanctuary recognize his adopted son. Many think a rat will always be a rat, even if it lives in a mansion. With an inferior bloodline, there is a slim chance that Eid would unlock the connection with Allknow.

It didn't help that the King had antagonized the Duke, weakening his position in the Iron Kingdom. However, in the end, the Great Sanctuary noticed the Duke's determination and granted him the right to nominate his adopted son to receive a Noble Blessing.

Yes, a Noble Blessing. Anyone -even from the streets- can receive a blessing from their local church. But it's different for the aristocrats, especially the royalties. It signifies their affiliation with the Great Sanctuary.

Thus, even if Eid doesn't have royal blood, with the Noble Blessing, the others cannot do anything but accept his position in the Iron Kingdom. After all, the Nobility Mark is easier to see than the bloodline- if bloodline could even be seen with sight...

Eid knelt before the priest and recited the "Oath to Gods Above."

He had already practiced reciting the oath in his free time before this to avoid making a mistake on such a special day.

"I, Eidol Rohde, son of Rholes Rohde and Judith Eva Rohde, oath to the Gods above not to judge and not to order as I am but a follower..."

A golden white light appeared on his forearm as he said those words. This golden white light then took shape, the same shape the symbol on top of the priest's rod had.

"I, a follower, shall be a tool for the Heavenly Will, condemning evil, protecting brothers and sisters, and serving the Gods' judgment.

I, a believer, willfully ask for the Gods' light which darkness only exists without.

I, a servant, put my faith in the Great Sanctuary as a service to the Gods above, offering my entirety.

From now on, I, Eidol Rohde, believe that all must be just!"

At the end of his oath, the golden white light disappeared and left a golden mark with the symbol of the Judge.

"All must be just!"

Priest Cerviel smiled and replied to Eid's conviction.

"From now on, you are a candidate member of the Great Sanctuary. Upon receiving your Inaugural Gift from the Allknow, I, Cerviel of the Great Sanctuary, welcome you, Eidol Rohde, under the witness of Duke Rholes and Prince Frederick of the Iron Kingdom, to be a faithful servant of the Judge!"

The crowd then exploded with a round of applause. With that, the ceremony was completed, and Eid received a Nobility Blessing. Once he receives his connection to the Allknow in a period of one year, the mark will become permanent and turn slightly bluish. If he did not... the mark would disappear.

The first to come and congratulate Eid were his parents. Duchess Judith jumped onto him and took him into a tight embrace.

"Aihm sho happe fhor yo---!!" she cried while Duke Rholes pat Eid on the back.

Ner didn't join her mother, and she even scratched her head. She was oblivious to her big brother's whole situation. She didn't even know that they were not blood-related. The others deemed her too young to be exposed to the family complications and didn't explain anything to her yet.

'Mom is overreacting. We all are getting a Noble Blessing, right?' thinking that the Duchess would act like that once it's her time to receive one made Ner blush in embarrassment, 'I got to stop her beforehand!'

Meanwhile, Eid smiled and teared up as well. Only when Duchess Judith released him from her embrace did the others begin taking turns congratulating him. The only one who seemed to be absent was his grandfather, Frodo.

Soon, Prince Frederick stepped in and joined the congratulatory remarks as well. Noticing this, Eid's mood became bitter. But he didn't show it.

"I'm very happy for you, Eidol! I've always heard about you, and it is sad to know such a situation has occurred to someone. It's good that you've finally been blessed with a Nobility Mark."

"Uh... yeah..." Eid gulped and, with effort, replied, "Thank you for your wishes, Prince Frederick. Excuse my rudeness, but I'll step out for a minute first."

"Oh, it's fine, I understand. Receiving the Nobility Blessing can be overwhelming. Please, take your time."

Prince Frederick was left with the servants and family friends when Eid stepped out. Both the Duke and the Duchess went to thank Priest Cerviel together with their daughter, taking this chance to talk about her future blessing.

Some women couldn't help but take the chance to strike up a conversation, seeing how friendly the prince was. Though they don't hope for anything, just the thought of interacting with a prince is a dream for servants and locals who live far from the capital.

"G-greetings to the third prince! My name is-"

"Huh?" a low grunt interrupted a young woman's introduction.

"Um?" when that young woman raised her head, she saw a bitter snark from the prince before he turned around and left.

The servants and family friends felt pressure momentarily before they awkwardly looked at each other...

"Ugh..." Eid's face turned bluish as he vomited some of the food he had eaten earlier.

Toko stood behind him with a dark expression. The two were silent for a while now, and was only broken when Eid muttered while clenching the sides of the sink:

"... so painful... it's so disgusting... I want to get rid of that abomination."


"No, we can't do anything while the priest is with that prince." the side of the sink cracked under his grip.

Eid felt an indescribable itch within him. This itch was discomforting, and the fact that he couldn't "scratch" it was painful for him.

If someone other than Toko saw him right now, they wouldn't recognize the young master and instead feel fear. There's a murderous glint flashing from Eid's eyes. He hates this feeling. This sickening feeling makes him remember the darkest times of his life...


Anguished faces could be seen from the people he and his mother share the dark cell with. Eid didn't feel pity for them as he could see the darkness surrounding these people. Even when their capturers would subject these people to humiliating and sadistic acts before selling them, Eid didn't feel sorry. However, if he had a choice, he would rather forget witnessing the horrible acts people can do when they have power over others. The only comfort he finds in was his mother- his birth mother. Even when surrounded by evil and pain, she would find in her soul to take care of and protect him. She was the only person who shone with soft light in his eyes.

But even she was not exempted from the vicious acts committed by their capturers.

Eid and his mother were sold by his birth father to a slaver because of poverty. He was so disgusted by the betrayal of his own father that he began developing a sixth sense. This sixth sense was hard to describe to those who had yet to experience it. It's not just the faint color that Eid sees but the feeling in his gut: joy, comfort, discomfort, or disgust.

At first, he thought of it as a curse. Surrounded by "evil" people, it was another form of torture, especially when his mother gave in to the acts and passed away. The only beacon of comfort disappeared.

That was until the slaver's camp was raided by none other than the Duke of the Iron Kingdom, together with his personal and trusted knights.

The Duke then took all those who were captured by the slaver as servants. These servants would work in the Rohde Household inside the Iron Kingdom's capital city, including Eid.

Because of his newly developed sixth sense, Eid distrusted some particular people around him. That's why he would be the first to respond when that person was about to commit a sin. Why would he risk himself? Simply out of pure spite against these kinds of people.

The sixth sense, which Eid once considered a curse, helped him protect the people that emit a "good light," even if it's faint. Although weak and young, Eid stopped every act of evil in his surroundings because he expected and prepared for it.