
Powerful werewolf from the alpha

Ethan Westwood is a powerful wolf from the alpha bloodline, who has trouble finding his mate and has to go against his parent about taking another she-wolf as his mate. Mia Dalton is a weak human who lives under her abusive stepfather after her adoptive mother died. In the course of escaping from her stepfather, she meets Ethan deep inside the forest.ethan discovers that Mia is his mate but was put in a huge dilemma because the werewolf clan forbid them from having a human mate. Despite the disapproval of the elders, Ethan accepts Mia as his mate not fearing what the consequences might be. The werewolves fear that the forbidden relationship between Ethan and Mia might bring destruction that was foretold by the seer to the clan but Ethan refused to adhere to their plea. Will the relationship between them bring the destruction to the clan or will it save the clan from the destruction?

Abiodun_Victor · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Ethan's POV


The moment I have been waiting for all my life is finally here but I cannot bring myself to be happy about it.

When she fainted in front of me last night, I shift back to my human form, and anger coursed through my veins when I notice scars all over her body.

I carry her in my arms to take her to my pack only for me to realise that she is human.

I change my course and take her to a cave where no one could find her.

After I lay her down on a large boulder, I tower above as my eyes scan her frail body which is covered with both old and new scars. She looks undernourished and her face has lost its color. Her dirty brown hair looks unkept which makes me wonder what she is going through to be in such a terrible condition.

Knowing that I can not leave my house for too long without my parents sending people to look for me, so I return to the pack with my head in turmoil.

Having a human mate is forbidden in my pack. Although we have a good relationship with the human community we don't consider them as potential mates because they are weak compared

to us.

I know my pack will be against me taking a human as a mate especially when we will be creating the next generation of the alpha bloodline.

At a point, I start to consider rejecting her and taking Amelia as my mate like my parent suggested. But my wolf decides to give me the silent treatment for even thinking about rejecting our mate that we have been searching for all these years.

Deciding not to reject her and trying my best to make my pack accept her, I sneak out in the middle of the night with some foodstuff and go to the cave where I kept her.

It did not surprise me to find her still asleep. Her body is weak and needs a lot of rest to regain its lost energy.

I sit down next to her, thinking about how I am going to convince my pack to

accept her. Since I can't come up with any idea, I decide to keep her hidden for a while.

I remain in my seat until the sun came up and I notice her stir in her sleep and open her eyes,taking in the surrounding with a confused gaze before she sit up.

She jumps back in fear when she notices me beside her. She calm down when I lied to her that I saved her life.

Seeing that she was scared of me I decide not to tell her the truth about my identity.

A sense of sadness run through me when she said she was leaving. I want her to be by my side forever even if I have to go against my community for her. The moon goddess chose her to be

with me for a reason and I'm not ready to dispute that reason.

After I convince her to tell me what happened to her, she open up to me and told me everything she faced before coming here.

As she narrates the story, all that is running through my head is to go into Silver wood town and search for the heartless man who did to his stepdaughter, my mate.

"I think it's advisable not to go back there," I say after she finish narrating her story.

"But I have nowhere else to go," she says almost in a whisper as the ray of light entering the cave causes her blue eyes to twinkle.

"You can stay here." I take a step closer to her and place my hand on her cheeks. "I don't want you to go back to a place where your life is constantly in danger."

"How am I supposed to survive here?" She turns to look inside the cave with raised eyebrows.

"I can't live in a cave forever."

"I'm going to provide anything you need here and I will arrange a place for you in my town but for the time just stay here, okay?" I give an assuring look.

Never in my life have I been eager to please someone and make them stay. Usually, I cut people off when they make the slightest mistake which is why the only friend I have is Aaron.

He is the only person who tolerates my cold attitude and understands me. But, surprisingly, I have been nothing but nice to the blue-eyed girl which is against my way of manner.

"Okay." She bobs her head up and down.

You must be hungry." I turn to walk back inside the cave. "I brought some food for you." I take my seat on the boulder she was occupying and bring out a bag that I place beside it.

One after the other, I bring all the snacks and food while she comes closer to sit with me.

"What's your name?" She asks and I look up to meet her curious eyes.

"I'm Ethan."

"I'm Mia." Her face lit up with a smile, making her look beautiful despite her miserable condition.

Just by looking at her, one could tell that she has an unspeakable beauty but what she has been through did a lot to hide it.

We eat breakfast together as she asks where my town is. I reply her by saying it was on the other side of the forest and they have strict rules about accepting visitors which is why I can't take her there yet.