
Power house

when a leader of a village get information on a demon organization planning on seeking war on all 6 villages to retrieve keys in each village that keep their god (hades) prisoned, he informs all 6 villages and their leaders to get ready for the threats that could possibly end the world

Faintanonymous · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Chapter 03- Dante

( Dai goes to a school in Bergamo, Yami makes him go to school Everyday so he can learn a lot of new things. However this school and village are not aware of the existence of demons and supernatural beings ) 

"Dai- Dai-Dai, Huh, I'm up!, No sleeping in class, this is your 3rd time today.,Ah man, I'm just so tired from training earlier, I barely got any sleep. Man that demon sure did a number on me"

"Ok students im calling row, if you're hear please say here


(Dai has a mega crush on tiana)

"Ah man she's so pretty. To be she liked my arch rival "

"Katsu, Uh Here and should I say you look beautiful this morning Ms Amora, uh what a loser"

"Mikio, I'm here "

"Dai ya I'm here, your barely here, what ever"



"Dante, Dante is absent again huh.why does he think he's took cool to show up to school, ugh I hate that guy but I do, wonder why he never shows up to school or when he does he's always late"

(mean while at Dante shed, Dante and his family the "bando family" is really poor so Dante has to steal food, clothes & school supplies )

"Mom, I'm off to school. Wait dante! yea what, Your father he's..... coming back early Impossible why is he coming back so early, I don't know but dont leave me here alone, lord knows what he will do to me , Mother. Ughhh i just wish we can escape him. 




"Noo he's here quick mom go to the back"

(door kicks open)

"Why didn't you open the door you little brat, What are you doing back here so early I thought you were in jail., You really think a dirty run down jail can hold me!I escaped, Now where is that little bitch. I'm going to kill her for getting me locked up…. Why are you doing this father? Mom said you weren't always like this. About 13 years ago when you had me you changed.. She said you were the nicest person ever" 



"Hehe, hehehehehe. You foolish little boy, Im am going to kill the both of you"

(Michi eyes turns savagely red and he starts to lose his mind, Dante knows thats no longer a person )

"What is the matter with you, why are your eyes really red"

(the only words Michi can utter is)


( and then Michi suddenly attacks but Dante dodges the attack)

"Huh! Why is he so fast, KILL KILL KILL"

(Michi suddenly grabs a knife and plans to you it on Dante )

"Hehehe!, Time to die!! Boy "

( Michi then attacks Dante with the knife but suddenly out of nowhere Dante mom gets in front of dante and gets stabbed by the knife to save his life)

"No mom! Hang in there please, HAHAHAHA KILL KILL KILL!,,Dante listen to me i want you to run, run as fast as you can" No mother, I have to fight…You can't beat him. You're just a boy.I love you dante please get out of here

(Dante then starts to cry but arata wipes his tears) '

" no need to cry my son, NO MOM!! I love you son-"

(arata dies and then a enormous purple energy starts flowing dante body which covers to entire shed )

"You killed her!, You killed her!, Huh!, You killed her!… And now I'm going to make sure you suffer"

(Dante rages and releases an unknown attack Michi then fall to the ground covered in blood)

"What are you? what the hell are you some kind of freak"

(with pure fear in his eyes)

"I'm the person whose gonna kill you, Huh! DAD no stay away u fucking monster"

(Dai then shoots the unknown purple aura again this time killing his father once and for all and then he falls to the ground and a unknown person walks in)

"clap clap clap"

(a mysterious man with red aura leaking off him walk into the house)

"I see you have finally awakened".....

"My son"

(who is this unknown man claiming to be Dante's father)

End of chapter 03

Written by fainted