
POV of a Buzzing Fly

Tang Fei was a lady said to be unconquerable until she met the president of Leng Corps Youyuan Leng. With one glance she.... fell in love!! Expending all her efforts to chase this seemingly cold president while taking on an equally difficult case, will she succeed? Or will she always just be a buzzing fly? Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays~

Nightingales · Thành thị
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56 Chs

Need to face slap? Simply use the devil!

"Yes yes I know I didn't get the case but Deng Zhao is still in the company, so it won't do too much damage. I'm also still a coworker I can make sure she doesn't notice much!" Gan Mei paced in circles as she conversed with the person on the phone.

"I promise Tang Fei won't find out anything regarding the mole. Even Mr.Leng would have trouble finding someone so deep in his own company!" She replied before hanging up with a sigh.

Meanwhile Tang Fei listened with an ◉_◉ expression. 'I was out for some potentially juicy gossip and found something important to the case!' Hurriedly she turned back to deal with the information, but not before she was spotted by Gan Mei.

"Tang Fei! Tang Fei! What did you hear! Hey hey tell me!" She clambered after the swiftly running figure of Tang Fei.

"Who knows what I heard. If I even heard anything it's your fault for talking outside!" Tang Fei cried hurriedly pressing her keycard into the door lock before dashing through with the seething Gan Mei at her heels.

"I swear Tang Fei just wait till I get my hands on you!" She angrily shouted running after Tang Fei as she approached the elevator door.

"Ms.Gu we're in a professional setting maybe you should keep your voice down." Seeing the devil(Mr.Gu) slowly approaching she further rebuked Gan Mei. "Unless you have distaste for the rules of the firm I suggest you lower your volume!"

"My my it seems we have a disturbance here. Care to explain Ms.Tang?" Mr.Gu slowly asked with a smile way scarier than a glare.

"I was simply on my way to the office when I came across Ms.Gu loudly conversing, and couldn't help but overhear. Then she noticed me, and proceeded to chase me down and cause a scene." Tang Fei professionally stated the events. 'Wellll this is somewhat close to the truth. Plus she needs a face slap after all the trouble she's wreaked in the office.'

Leisurely nodding at Tang Fei's explanation Gu Zhen turned towards Gan Mei who was nervously sweating. "Ms.Gan is this correct?"

"Umm well she was ea-", suddenly Gan Mei stopped her train of speech. In reality she had no evidence that Tang Fei had eavesdropped on her conversation. "It's it's... exactly as she said. I'm sorry for disturbing everyone." Gan Mei lowered her head in repentance.

'So she really does have some IQ left! I guess you really can't be completely dumb to get into Zhishi.' Tang Fei thought as she solemnly stood in front of the danger zone.

"Since you have realized your mistake I'm sure you'll change your ways, right?", Mr.Gu evilly smiled while raising a long brow."Speaking of which I saw a few mistakes on Mrs.Wu's report I'm sure you wouldn't mind revising it would you now?"

"No sir." Gan Mei lowered her head inwardly crying. Who didn't know that Mrs.Wu had recently gotten a rather messy case concerning a company's tax evasion, and that the final report was over 100 pages! Her boss really was the devil's incarnation.

"Very good I'll look forward to having it on my desk by Friday." Saying this he turned to leave strutting towards the office successfully scaring a few workers peacefully on their way to work.

"Well then if you need to talk my door is open Ms.Gan." Tang Fei meaningfully grinned walking past the still Gan Mei towards the elevators. Pressing a button before gracefully stepping inside she turned to give her furious colleague a sweet smile as the doors closed with a click."

(~˘▾˘)~ ~(˘▾˘~) (~˘▾˘)~ ~(˘▾˘~) (~˘▾˘)~ ~(˘▾˘~)

I have decided to update everyday Monday through Fridays after next week.

Nightingalescreators' thoughts