
Potterverse: A Wizrard's Tale

Edward is an aspiring young man who gets reincarnated into the Wizarding World with one unexpected talent of the Kinetic Memory Body. Follow our MC Edward as he finds himself navigating into a familiar but dangerous world in his quest to uncover the wonders of magic. To not just survive but thrive in this world his wits beyond measure will be his greatest treasure. Join Edward in his journey to reach the top by piling resources and gathering powerful connections with just his wits and intellect shining through. Get ready to plunge into the wizarding world, better known as Potterverse. -------------------XXX---------------- NOTE: This is a story that I am writing for fun. I am not someone that is an expert on either Harry Potter or this fanfiction community. I am writing with the intent to improve and hopefully publish a book of my own. UPDATE SCHEDULE: irregular DISCLAIMER: This is fanfic and I own nothing other than my OCs, everything else belongs to Rowling and others related to the making of the Harry Potter Franchise.

AstralSage · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Name: Edward Samuel Walker

DOB: 30 Sep 1972

Address: Top Right Bedroom, 10 Maple Street, Fitzrovia, London, UK

Age: 9 Years

Height: 138 cm

Build Type: Athletic

Personality Type: ENTJ - The Commander

Face Looks: Blond hairs with a diamond face shape which is characterized by a narrow chin and forehead with wide cheekbones. A bob haircut that looks great with pointed ears. A slightly deepened eyebrows resting on top of almond-shaped light blue eyes. An aquiline-shaped nose matches perfectly with full heart-shaped lips. The baby version of this is covered with baby fat for now.

Skill Mastery Levels (0-6):

[Lvl 0] - No knowledge. Just awareness of the subject matter.

[Lvl 1: Novice] - Has minimal or textbook knowledge without connecting it to the practice. Tends to look at actions in isolation. Actions may not lead to the intended results due to the incompleteness of knowledge.

[Lvl 2: Advanced Begineer] - Has basic knowledge of key aspects of the practice. Sees actions as a series of steps. Actions will need a conscious effort to achieve intended results but may still be lacking in efficiency.

[Lvl 3: Competent] - Has good working and background knowledge of the area of practice. Sees actions at least partly in terms of longer-term goals. Familiarity of action results in good efficiency for intended results.

[Lvl 4: Proficient] - Depth of understanding of discipline and area of practice. Sees the overall picture and how individual actions fit within it. Highly efficient with predictable results.

[Lvl 5: Expert] - Authoritative knowledge of the discipline and deep tacit understanding across areas of practice. Sees overall picture and alternative approaches, and has a vision of what may be possible. It's almost like an Instinct.

[Lvl 6: Maverick] - Someone who exhibits great independence in thoughts and action. Able to think and act outside of perceived norms of knowledge to take a new path. From a consumer of knowledge, one becomes a creator of knowledge.


### KINETIC MEMORY BODY {Innate Trait} (Almost a Biological Android - Result of Soul Fusion)

* [Photographic Memory]: Longer retention and recollection in great detail.

* [Data Analysis]: Precise mental calculations or simulations provided there is adequate knowledge to support such operation. Utilizes the Subconscious Part of the Brain.

* [Multi Tasking]: Multiple thought processes run in parallel. Current Limit: 4 Channels

* [Complete Conscious Control]: Due to the highly developed and robust nervous system provides an exponential learning curve for any form of physical activity

- [Enhanced Reflex]: Greater Control over Body allows reacting at an almost superhuman level.

- [Enhanced Senses]: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch and Spatial Perception

- [Super Mode]: High concentration mode allows for control beyond the norm of my body. The current limit is 5 seconds at a length. It can be utilized every day after a good 6 hours of sleep once. By digesting high calory food the cooldown can be reset but overall should have a gap of at least 90 minutes in between each activation to prevent muscle burnout.


* [Marksman: Lvl 5 Expert] - [Darts: Lvl 5], [Archery: Lvl 1]

* [Martial Combatant: Lvl 3 Competent] - [Wrestling: Lvl 3], [Boxing: Lvl 3], [Krav Maga: Lvl 3], [Jeet Kune Do: Lvl 3], [Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Lvl 3], [Judo: Lvl 3], [Karate: Lvl 3], [Aikido: Lvl 3], [Muay Thai: Lvl 3], [Kalaripayattu: Lvl 2]

* [Meele Weapon: Lvl 3 Novice] - [Daggers (Krav Maga): Lvl 3], [Wooden Boken: Lvl 3], [Staff (Bojutsu): Lvl 1], [Fencing: Lvl 1]


* [Mental Map: MAX] - For any places visited by me, I have constructed a mental map model using cartography for navigation. Additionally able to analyse 2D images and text descriptions to form a mental model as a supplement to the Mental Map.

* [Meditation: Lvl 4]

* [Yoga: Lvl 4]

* [Running: Lvl 4]

* [Multilingual: Lvl 3] - [English: Lvl 5], [Latin: Lvl 3], [Sanskrit: Lvl 3], [Hindi: Lvl 3], [Punjabi: Lvl 2], [Marathi: Lvl 2], [Spanish: Lvl 2], [Italian: Lvl 2], [French: Lvl 1], [Portugues: Lvl 1]

* [Life Arts: Lvl 4] - [Cooking: Lvl 4], [Music: Lvl 1], [Sketching: Lvl 5], [Dance: Lvl 3], [Singing: Lvl 1]

* [Skiing: Lvl 3]

* [Swimming: Lvl 4]

* [Parkour: Lvl 1]

* [Surfing: Lvl 3]


* [Wand Casting: Lvl 0]

* [Wandless Casting: Lvl 1]

* [Occlumency: Lvl 2]

* [Leglimency: Lvl 1]

* [Flying (Broomstick): Lvl 0]

* [Apparition: Lvl 1]

* [Duelling: Lvl 0]

### MUGGLE STUDIES {CSEs -> Diploma Level (DL) -> Bachelor Degree Level (BDL) -> Master Degree Level (MDL) -> Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)}

* [History: Lvl 3] - MDL in British History, BDL in European History

* [Geography: Lvl 4] - DL for UK, World Atlas

* [Mathematics: Lvl 4] - Bachelor Degree Level

* [Physics: Lvl 3] - Diploma Level

* [Chemistry: Lvl 3] - Diploma Level

* [Biology: Lvl 4] - BDL

* [Programming: Lvl 3 DL] - [FORTRAN: LVL 2], [COBOL: Lvl 2], [C: Lvl 3], [SQL: Lvl 3]

* [Economics: Lvl 2] - CSEs

* [Law: Lvl 5] - Complete Legislature of UK (Now I only need to keep myself updated for amendments every year)

* [Engineering: Lvl 3] - Diploma Level

* [Medicine: Lvl 4 MDL] - [Anatomy], [Nutrition], [Physiology], [Common Ailments & their Remedies]

* [Psychology: Lvl 4] - Bachelor Degree Level

* [Meteorology (Weather Science): Lvl 4] - Diploma Level

* [Astronomy: Lvl 3] - CSEs

* [Navigation: Lvl 3] - Diploma Level

* [Architecture: Lvl 4] - Master Degree Level

### MAGICAL STUDIES (Novice -> Amateur -> OWLs -> NEWTs -> Masteries)

* [History of Magic: Lvl 0]

* [Transfiguration: Lvl 0]

* [Charms: Lvl 0]

* [Herbilogy: Lvl 0]

* [Potions: Lvl 0]

* [DADA: Lvl 1] - Novice

* [Dark Arts: Lvl 0]

* [Care of Magical Creatures: Lvl 0]

* [Arithmancy : Lvl 0]

* [Study of Ancient Runes: Lvl 0]

* [Divination: Lvl 0]

* [Alchemy: Lvl 0]