
Potion Maker

This is a story about a young man named Will! While playing his favorite game "Potion Maker" after installing a mod, his computer shorted out. Will then woke up in a new world with the ability to make any potion he wishes! With a system that allows him to gain new abilities, will he be walked on by those stronger? Or will he rise to the top? Release rate: unstable, as my schedule is very tight. Buy me coffee? ko-fi.com/heavensp Please check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HeavenShakingPalm9/ Or check out my discord: https://discord.gg/M3ejYvV The first volume is available on amazon! https://amzn.to/2NCUlRc If the link doesn't work, I am sure you can find it with the good ol' fashioned manual search ;D

HeavenShakingPalm9 · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs


Walking out of his room, Will stretched as he watched a couple of chickens chase a random person down, he could only shake his head… This had become a common occurrence since the time his potion drafted. It turned out, that potions that give permanent benefits alter your genetics, which allowed the chickens to pass their new intelligence to their chicks, allowing them to be as smart or even smarter than their parents.

Even till this day, Will refused to admit that he was the cause of this…

Laughing as he he neared his destination, he watched Klein get chased by a large group of chickens, spewing many threats and vulgarities as he tried to find a place to hide.

It was a surprise to be honest, Klein actually cared enough about the civilians that he wouldn't go and kill the chickens in his anger, and since flying wasn't allowed on sect or clan grounds, he had no choice but to run as fast as possible.

Ignoring whom he had determined was the current antagonist in this part of his life, Will has decided that it would be best if he got some battle experience to solidify his foundations.

'How many points do I have?'

-You have 5000 points currently, Will. Note, the points you gain will fluctuate on a regular basis.

'Thanks, though I find it strange you would act all mechanical in the beginning, I don't know whether or not I should feel happy or creeped out that you actually are sentient...'

Looking at the path he walked on that was patterned with smooth stones of varying colors that sparkled in the sunlight, he requested the system to notify him of how many points he currently has. He was satisfied with the current amount, although he made more than enough potions to surpass the amount mentioned, but even a system has it's problems it seems. Though he still couldn't figure out why, even with some things clearing up, that the system or assistant that is a middle man for the system would pretend to be non-sentient…

He figured long ago that the "system" he is speaking to is a middle-man of sorts for the actual system, though he apparently has some amount of control considering he is able to add new things or just mess around in general.

Though he still has to ask to verify, he'll do that later…

Speaking about the voice, every time Will mentions his past behavior the system starts to make a bunch of noises very similar to that of dial-up…

Almost like he is embarrassed because of how he acted in the past.

Will approached a training ground as he decided to train with Klaus, not only to help himself with solidifying his foundations, but to try to get Klaus in a mindset that would allow him to successfully cultivate once again.

Approaching the now partially grey haired man, Will watched as he tried to cultivate again. Several minutes later, Klaus started to violently cough up blood, his face paling from the internal trauma of mana deviation as he wiped the blood from his mouth with shaky hands.

Waiting for him to recover before helping him up, Will brushed off his shoulders before giving him a friendly smile.

"Would you like to spar old man?" Will asked as Klaus took a few breaths causing some color to return to his face.

Looking at Will as he chuckled Klaus went and grabbed a short sword nearby and checked to make sure it was dulled.

"Did no one teach you to show respect towards your elders?"

"Yeah, but me and you both know that such formalities are too troublesome"

Will grinned as he released his aura, causing some dark clouds to appear in the sky above him, 'troublesome' he thought as the clouds formed.

"Haha! It seems your strength increased yet again! Maybe this time you can make this old man sweat!"

Klaus laughed as he got into a stance, prepared for the upcoming spar, as a cheerful look appeared on his face.

Will took a stance, his legs a shoulder's width apart, his eyes sparkling as he lightly tapped his foot his fists raised as he charged towards Klaus.

Fists clashed into a sword as maniacal laughter came from the two as they separated at high speed as shock waves rocked the training ground alerting all clan members and sect disciples to the commotion.

Will and Klaus traded blows for over half an hour, Will getting many kicks in and grazing Klaus with his fists on multiple occasions. Klaus managed to shred some of Will's clothes in multiple places, though the sword is dull, in the hands of a master it's still lethal just easier to reduce the harm caused to your allies.

It's safe to say, that the shock waves from the spar increased over time as the impact from treading the ground and colliding with Klaus's sword caused Will to hit harder as time passed.

The shock waves on multiple occasions caused some sect disciples and clan members to fly through the air crashing into buildings and each other, a spectating Klein ended up landing in a chicken coup, half unconscious from the force of the shock waves allowing the chickens to have fun pecking the crap out of him.

When the half an hour mark was passed, Will and Klaus met in the center of the training ground with a massive shockwave, a sword at Will's throat and a claw froze in a grabbing motion just above Klaus's adams apple.

Before Will could thank him for the spar, Klaus's face paled as he started to spit blood violently. Grabbing him before he fell to the ground, Will passed him a potion he made a while ago, one that would force you mind into a highly focused, clear, and stable state. After taking it, Klaus thanked Will as he managed to stabilize and progress his cultivation due to his highly focused state, for now at least, he has gotten rid of his case of mana deviation.

It is I, the author!

I haven't posted in a LONG time. I was contemplating not typing anymore.


I noticed a comment on the last chapter after I looked in curiosity that managed to bring some of my drive back.

I won't set specific numbers or anything, but the more spirit stones I see, the more I know my novel is liked!

The more frequently I'll type, motivation!

Comments work too!


ko-fi.com/heavensp (Phone bill is expensive ya'll)

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