
First member

As Poseidon strolled through the labyrinthine streets of Orario, his divine senses attuned to the myriad forms of life that thronged the bustling city. The overwhelming presence of mortals, each pursuing their own trivial ambitions, did little to impress the god of the seas. Yet, amidst the cacophony of mundane existence, a unique essence caught his attention—a presence that seemed to resonate with the very core of his being.

Following this intriguing sensation, Poseidon found himself at the edge of the city, near the district where demi-humans and other races mingled freely. It was here, in a modest tavern frequented by adventurers and travelers, that he encountered the source of the resonance—a young demi-human girl with distinct fish-like features, including scales that shimmered under the tavern's dim lighting and eyes that reflected the depths of the ocean.

The girl, named Marina, possessed an aura of tranquility and strength that was uncharacteristic of someone so young. Her talents were not well known; she was but a humble server at the tavern, her potential unnoticed by the patrons who were preoccupied with tales of their own exploits.

Poseidon, intrigued by this unique individual who bore the essence of the sea within her, decided to approach her. Disguising his divine presence, he struck up a conversation, inquiring about her life and aspirations.

Marina spoke of her love for the sea, a passion that seemed innate, as if born from the ocean itself. She confessed to having strange dreams where she wielded the power of the seas, controlling water with a mere thought. Yet, in the waking world, she felt disconnected, unsure of her place in a city far from the open waters.

Sensing the latent potential within her, Poseidon made a decision. "Marina," he began, his voice carrying a weight that immediately drew her attention. "I see a greatness in you that you have yet to realize. Would you be willing to join my family and explore the depths of your true power?"

Marina, taken aback by the sudden proposition from a stranger, hesitated. Yet something in his words—a resonance with the dreams that haunted her nights—stirred her heart. She nodded, a mix of uncertainty and excitement in her eyes.

Poseidon smiled—the first genuine smile since his arrival in this world. With Marina's induction into his family, he performed a ritual, bestowing upon her the blessing of the sea. As the divine energy flowed through her, Marina's fish-like qualities became more pronounced, and she felt a surge of power coursing through her veins.

To her astonishment, she found herself able to manipulate water, creating swirling torrents and gentle streams with mere gestures. The dreams that had once seemed so distant were now a reality—she was a wielder of sea magic, a gift from the god of the seas himself.

As word of Marina's newfound abilities spread, adventurers and scholars alike sought to witness the spectacle of sea magic in the heart of Orario. Poseidon, watching from the sidelines, knew that Marina was just the beginning. She was the key to establishing his family's dominance and reclaiming his place among the gods.

With Marina by his side, Poseidon set forth to recruit more members, each chosen for their unique talents and affinity with the sea. The formation of Poseidon's familia marked a new chapter in the annals of Orario, a testament to the god's unwavering resolve and the untapped potential of those who dream.






Poseidon in this is going to be heavily racist against any race without a connection to water but it'll mainly be to humans

freddie_willscreators' thoughts