

I woke up from my dream, rubbing my eyes. I recalled my childhood for some reason. Then I saw my hands… I had a brain fart…

"Eh, my hands got less… developed..."

In my original life, I rarely saw my parents. I had two caretakers. When I was 8 my parents had died in an assassination that was covered up as an accident. I learned of this after like 20 years during the Apocalypse when those mortals did a background check on me.

I walked into the living room and saw a calendar that had marked July 1st box with a diagonal cross out. I turned the television on to 7 hoping for some news then tried 5. The television had an oversized remote, luckily.

Deep male voice: "This is ABCD news, good morning A city. Today is July 2nd 6 oh 7 in the morning, traffic is clear, weather will be warm at a high of 77. Interstate 1 has a new toll booth of 25 cents going over the bridge into B city from A city. Off to Jenny."

Young female voice: "Today is the anniversary for the steam engine patented by Thomas Savery in 1698. Half the year has past, if you haven't started your new year resolution yet you still have half the year to do it…"

(I have always been open minded, but this..)

This was a lie to myself. I have always been skeptical when growing up, but after experiencing the apocalypse where magic was common place broke my common sense and I became an open minded individual. I had originally thought my parents died May 6th 1986, but they were secret observers during the Chernobyl disaster on April 26th. My mom is a nuclear researcher and my dad is a botanist that researches radiation. They made money from selling hazmat suits. That's the type of superficial knowledge I had on my parents, even after all these years. I found out after the Apocalypse that they were two of the ten observers that was to double check the safety test. Everything was a setup to blow up the plant. It was mentioned in the report that they also attempted to ruin the sabotage, but died in the end.

(Oh yes, in my childhood I still had two caretakers. After my parents die, Bella Morris will leave due to an accident. This leaves Judith here as my caretaker.)

I found out that my caretaker Judith Lee was a spy after the Apocalypse. I was never in the know. All I ever knew growing up was that my parents had been rich, their assets were sold at market value and placed into a trust, with my caretaker having been granted executor of the estate for my care. Judith had managed to drain my original 500 million dollar trust to 1 million by the time I was an adult.

(I was very ignorant back then, not once had I questioned the outrageous endeavor due to the trust and care I thought Judith had for me.)

I had a little less than 10 months until the Chernobyl disaster would repeat.

(I wonder if I can use my ability.)

I attempted to use my telekinesis ability, but I couldn't even feel the presence of the attempt. It wasn't the Apocalypse yet, so the energy in the air was sparse; but not nonexistent. I couldn't feel it, but I knew how to harness it. I spent an hour looking blankly at some dust I had collected.

"Jim, what are you doing up so early." A soft female voice asked. I was startled and lost my focus from the dust. I turned and saw a woman I subconsciously recognized, it was Ms Morris. She wiped the dust off the table.

"I'll make you some eggs and toast for breakfast."

Ms Morris then left the room, leaving me staring where the table was wiped. Flabbergasted from having the table wiped left me in a stupor.

(What am I even doing…)

Then I remembered a case study I once heard: (when training before the Apocalypse with nonsense, you would consume willpower which would lead to the internal doubt to stop your effort...)

(That might explain my slight irritability…)

I walked to the dining table to sit and wait. After a few minutes of waiting Ms Morris brought a tray with two cups of milk, two plates of food, condiments, and utensils. Ms Morris placed my portion in front of me and placed the condiments between the two of us. I buttered the toast and added blackberry jam on top, my favorite.

(It's not bad being a kid again, I get to eat and sleep with no responsibilities…)

"Your so quiet today." Ms Morris asked sounding slightly troubled.

(What type of response do you want.)

I ended up just rolling my eyes with a smirk.

(I am no longer the Jim Lars the ability user nor the college student, but the Jim Lars the 7 year old. However, I am not an ordinary 7 year old either.)

"Just bored.."

(Doubt I can leave.. I should sneak out..)

"Got any interesting books to read?"

"Maybe you'd like to read green eggs and Ham?"

"I want to read Narnia.. I heard you can play in the snow throughout the entire year!"

(I know that's kinda forced..)

Ms Morris nodded, "It's a good story. You will enjoy it."

"Oh yeah, do you know anything about computers?"

(Probably not.)

I continued, "I heard you can play games and talk to people on the other side of the world."

"Oh, I've seen them in the library at T University."

"I wish I could go.."

(Not like I can really leave the house.)

I finished my breakfast, left the dishes on the table, and headed back to my room.

(My room is plain white like always. It should be a 12 by 14 room if my memory is right and eyesight not bad. The queen sized bed is nice though. I have a desk, what looks like a toy box, dresser, a two step stool, and a 14 inch CRT screen television. I don't think this has a remote, considering this uses a dial for channel selection.)

I laid down on my fluffy bed staring at the ceiling.

(I can't really show too much change to others, but I don't want to pretend either. I can't leave written evidence of plans with a spy in the house either. I could ask for a computer, but I have not really touched old technology before and have no idea how to use it without help or tools. I did give a hint that I would want one, but I doubt that will do much.. I guess I'll be learning basic or an assembly language..)


(I also don't want to go to school again, maybe I could get 'taught' at home or self paced option.)

Instead of any target for my theoretical telekinesis, I just thought to aim at the empty air above my head.

(It's time to think.. my goals.. )

(I want to save my parents of course. How though..)

(That spy needs to be eliminated.. and my money.. no one will steal my things again.. I could start a company to make money too.. electronic and technology companies could be good investments..)

(My telekinesis.. maybe I should train it differently..)

(I don't want to go to that boarding school again.. I think I will convince everyone that I can 'self study' like I was thinking about earlier.. )

Like this, I continued attempting to use telekinesis.


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