
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs


"Damn the soldiers found the others already!" Beast mutters as he ran off, holding a walkie talkie in his hands. That's how he found out that they found his team. How'd he learn the language? He didn't. The enemies said the word sidekick in between some random shit, plus Beast started hearing gunshots and explosions. 

After a while of running, the gunshots died down before a last explosion sounded out. Taking that as his que to get there, Beast sped up a bit. 

"Oh shit." He curses in surprise as he spots three heroes in the distance. Two... young ladies. "Hehe." And a redhead speedster in a black suit. "Yo!" He yells while running down the sand hill, gaining the three's attention, causing the lady with the bow to draw an arrow in his direction. 

"Wait! I'm pretty sure we're together!" Beast yells, trying not to end up with an arrow in his head. 

"Together?!" "Together?!" Both Artemis and Wally exclaim. 

"Yeah..." Beast slows his speed as he almost reached them, looking directly into Artemis' eyes. His emotions leaking through his mask. This change caused the three heroes to go silent as the stared at Beast. "Like a team. Heh." Beast chuckles before going into full blown laughter. "You shouldah seen y'alls faces. Haha!" His finger pointing at Artemis' face before being hit away by the latter. 

"Tsk." Wally clicked his tongue, berating himself for falling for such an obvious prank. 

"C'mon." Megan speaks up. "Robin and Superboy needs our help." 

"Cool. More teammates." Artemis says sarcastically. 

---Few Hours Later---

The four of them quickly reached Robin before helping him with the soldiers who surrounded him. Afterwards, they were busy discussing what each of them remembered before all of this. 

"I remember Batman ordering radio silence." Robin exclaims. "We must be working for him." 

Kid Flash interjects. "How do you know we're not working for my mentor?" He asks, pressing his thumb up to his chest causing his suit to turn yellow, more befitting of his lineage. "Whoah..." That of course makes him keep pressing it. 

"Thinking about suits..." Robin speaks, looking at Beast. "Why is your suit like that?" 

"Heh." Beast sneers. "Past me must've known this looks 100% better. Deadpool n shi. But what caused me to change suits?" He unconsciously rubs his right shoulder, which grabs both his and Robin's attention, but couldn't be dug into as they appeared in this trippy place where images of Megan's memories played out. 

"I've brought you into my mind to show you what I've remembered so far." Megan's voice sounds out. "But I need your help. Together our broken memories could form a whole. If..." Megan appears before the three confused sidekicks. "If you open your minds to mine." She explains. 

"You want to read our minds?!" Artemis asks, her tone not so friendly. 

"You need to hack our minds to figure out what happened. I'm in." Robin speaks up. 

"Count me in too." Kid Flash also agrees, before taking Artemis' hand in comfort. 

"Fine..." Artemis reluctantly agrees. "But only the last six months." She says before the team turn their sights to Beast, who seemed to be in thought. 

'Wait... If I remembered this episode's happenings, why didn't I stop it from happening?' Beats thought. 'I for sure as hell don't want people to be messing with my mind considering I got some info in here that might make some people have an existential crisis...' 

"Hello! Earth to Beast!" Robin yells, snapping Beast out of his thoughts. 

"Huh? What? Oh. Mind reading. Gotcha." Beast speaks in rapid succession . "I'm all for it." He throws a thumbs up in Megan's direction. 

Wasting no time, Megan connects the five minds together, reading the last six months' memories.

Beast frowns and touches his shoulder after seeing and remember himself getting burned by a stupid tight wearing fuck. Plus his earlier question got answered. He did try to stop Megan but she was too emotional to listen.

"Aqualad!" Megan exclaims, remembering their last and most important teammate. 


The team quickly zeroed in on a downed Aqualad before Megan flew off, yelling something about Superboy being in danger or something. 

"Bunch of lovebirds in this team I swear." Beast mutters with a shake of his head. 

"What about me?" Robin raises an eyebrow at Beast, ignoring the other two who seemed to be in another couples argument. 

"Dude." Beast deadpans. "Don't even get me started on you." 

"Duck." Robin grabs Beast's head and hides behind cover as a team of soldiers ride past close to them. 

"Goose." Beast mutters. "We need to distract the soldiers somehow. And get moving." He speaks, looking at the mass of patrolling soldiers before turning back around and seeing Robin missing. "Fuck." He cursed. "This guy did not leave me here to eat dogfood alone..." 

"I'm back." 

"Ahhh~~Riba!" Beast catches and corrects himself, and started dancing. "Did you know this is a Mexican dance?" He questions. 

"Where were you?" Kid Flash asks. 

"Breaking Radio silence." Robin states before his iconic laughter echoes throughout the desert attracting the soldiers' attention. 

*Boom!* Tshhhh*

The Birdarangs that had Robin's laugh recorded, exploded into smoke, knocking the soldiers out. 

"Let's go." Robin commands as the team left towards the Bio-ship. 

After a few long and boring minutes, Megan and Superboy showed up with a sphere that seemed to have consciousness. 

"Fuck you guys are finally back." Beast groaned as the new arrivals stepped into the ship. "Y'all took so god damn long I thought I was gonna be an uncle." He states, causing Megan to blush and Superboy to look away. "O-oh-ho! Ree~aly" Beast rubbed his palm together, before being promptly hit by the Superclone, effectively shutting him up. 

"Alright." Beast chuckles. 

---Mount Justice---

Newt quietly entered his room and took off his mask. Sighing, he reached for his phone and sent a text message to Bruce. 

[Yo. Iz ya boi. Need 2 talk. Whenever u free. xoxo

He sent the message and went to bed, tired by the happening of today.