
Polymorph Mage

'I am not going down alone.' Rowan declared. He gave up all restraint and expanded his body mid-air to become as large as half the empire. The ministers had pale faces as they activated all their treasured defences, but how could they protect themselves from the human calamity that had declared them dead? Just like that the empire collapsed under his weight. 'This doesn't look like hell so where am I right now?' 'It appears that I have reincarnated, let's use their sacred magic for myself in this life.'

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Keeping it under wraps

As he chanted, Noah started feeling a drain on his energy which only increased as he went on. He started feeling lightheaded as he came to the end.

A red-coloured portal appeared in the middle of the room but was way bigger than when the wisp came out. Out of it came a creature that had scales over its body and large curved teeth that extended out.

Just as the head was almost out it disappeared and with that Noah came crashing down, good thing he was caught by his mother who came out of her shock just in time.

'That could only have been a wyvern, but how did the song of wisp call that thing over? I must go see Fredrick.'

With that thought, she went flying with the unconscious Noah in her hands, faster than she had before and then she landed abruptly in front of the tower, the shock absorbed through another spell. She quickly walked in after verification and didn't bother chatting with the receptionist, who understood her urgency and pointed towards a room.

She opened the door and Fredrick looked at the unconscious boy with concern in his eyes, "Did you feed him a mana potion yet? He looks like he drained a lot of mana at once and at such a young age."

Kyra frowned at his question, "Why do you think I haven't done that already? I sell potions, remember. I have already done that and his vitals are returning to normal. The reason why I came over in a hurry is because a wyvern almost came out as a summon from the 'Song of Wisp'. How is that even possible? "

This got Fredrick's attention," And I presume Noah was the one who cast the spell? Although I have never seen a wyvern come out of such a spell I have read a case study for my thesis in which a 'youngling water croc' was summoned by a young mage apprentice who chanted the 'water blob summon' spell."

"The apprentice in question had a very great affinity for water, Although I already know Noah's affinity let me make another check."

He chanted in a spell and a great light emerged from Noah which blinded them for a while.

When they calmed down, Fredrick had a weird look and stated flatly, "His affinity with fire has increased by several times, I've heard of people getting a slight increase by living where the element is dense for a long time but such a large amount is preposterous to even talk about."

They stared at each other and then at Noah for a while when Fredrick spoke up, "The law requires that I report this incident".

Kyra gave him an angry look, "But you won't, right?"

Fredrick had an incredulous look now, "Of course, I won't, we have had several adventures together, How about you call Ergon here first and then we can discuss what to do next?"

Kyra thought about it and took out an enchanted pendant which she sent mana through.

"He should be here soon"

Both of them were waiting with patience when Ergon walked in and looked at the unconscious Noah placed on the table.

With a grave look, he asked, "What happened to Noah?"

Kyra started explaining from the start with a worried expression and Fredrick added details in between.

Then all three of them sat down on the chairs.

Ergon spoke, "I doubt that we will be able to run away during the frost phase, The only other choice we have is to pretend like this never happened and teach Noah to manage the mana he puts in his spells until he is an adult and is no longer obligated to be an experimental subject for the academy."

"Let's not send him for primary education because the absence can be explained by the frost phase and use that time to teach him output control."

Both Kyra and Fredrick agreed with his judgement and parted ways after a quick word.

Noah finally opened his eyes when they were already back home.

'What was that creature, it couldn't have been a wisp.'

He got up from his bed while rubbing his aching head.

His mother had already seen him wake up and walked up to him, asking him to follow her to the dining table where Ergon and Sabrina were already present.

When they were all seated, Kyra looked at Noah and asked him what he remembered from before passing out.

"I remember a large mouth coming out, before being too tired and passing out.", Noah stated like an innocent kid.

'So that wasn't supposed to happen after all. Did I push out too much mana which ended up calling a mythical dragon? I haven't even been practising any magic, Is my affinity with fire that great? Is it because of all those explosions I went through during the war?'

His mother spoke up again, "Listen to me closely now Noah, from now on I'm going to teach you how to adjust the output of your mana, until I say that you are ready, you mustn't use any magic and you may only learn the chants. Bad people might come to take you away if they realise your talent."

He acted like he was afraid and nodded,' Let them try, I have never shied away from bloodshed. If they want

to experiment on me they'll pay with their lives sooner or later, now that I can be far stronger in this life. I'd still rather avoid such a scenario.'

His mother smiled at him, " Good, you don't need to be afraid just follow my words and I'll never let you be taken away from me."

'It appears I still don't need to worry, but getting ready never harmed anyone.'

And so, his mana control training started.