
Political Mask

This is a novel that relates to the current political space. It talks about Mzuzu Kingdom which suffered under poor leadership. A young man by the name Kwame was born under weird circumstances and he was destined to save the kingdom.

anthony_murigu · Hiện thực
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86 Chs

The Corrupt Throne

In the heart of Mzuzu kingdom, nestled amidst rolling hills and fertile fields, the people clamored for change. The mountains stood tall and proud reaching for the sky while guarding the valley below. The corruption wind whispered its secret through the Mzuzu kingdom as the flowers nodded in agreement. For too long, they had suffered under the rule of corrupt politicians, their promises as empty as the wind that swept through the grasslands. The people yearned for a leader who would serve them with integrity and honor, but such figures were scarce in the political landscape of Mzuzu.

As the sun set on another day of broken promises and misplaced trust, a shadowy figure moved through the corridors of power. Governor Malachi, a man known for his silver tongue and dubious dealings, held sway over the fate of the Kingdom. His rise to power had been marked by backroom deals and coercion, his pockets lined with the ill-gotten gains of his schemes.

The people of Mzuzu kingdom whispered of the darkness that lurked within the kingdom chambers, the sinister machinations that propelled the kingdom towards ruin. Malachi's insatiable thirst for power had led him to tread upon the very souls of the people he was meant to serve. His legacy was one of betrayal and deception, a stain upon the fabric of Mzuzu kingdom.

Anxiety was sitting on the face of the citizenry of Mzuzu Kingdom.