

I don't own anything but my character everything else goes to their owners

Spectra_Phantom · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

meeting the Dimitrescu family

(Daikon's pov)

Duke:ahhh mister winters do you need anything

Ethan:yeah do you mind if we and someone talk in here

duke:no not at all

Ethan:ok thanks.

Daikon:so how did you end up here

Ethan:a friend betrayed me I'm here looking for my daughter

Daikon: well I hope you find her


I then left the room and stealthily hopped around the mansion I came across Alicia aka lady Dimitrescu

having a rough time with work so I decided to bug her

by using psychic to speak to her


Alicia:who's there!!

Daikon: nobody really I just seen you were having trouble with work and stuff so I wanted to check on you

Alicia:show yourself!!

Daikon:as you wish

I then came out of hiding and transformed back into my human form and she tried to attack me and I used protect and psychic to lift her up in the air

Alicia:put me down!!

Daikon:as you wish

and I dropped her and she crashed on her bed and I pinned her down

Daikon:you need to chill out and listen

Alicia:ok I will hear you out fleshbag

daikon:thanks , now I think you and your daughters should leave with me or you will die I promise you that you under estimate Ethan and his love for his daughter I will even leave behind clones of y'all so they know you didn't leave

Alicia:I don't know if I would be able to with mother Miranda watching us all the time....

Daikon: leave that to me call your daughters and we will get outta here

Alicia:fine fleshbag but if anything happens to my daughters because of this I will kill you

Daikon:fine by me

so she called her daughters and we talked it over and I told them to pack and then when they were done I used teleport to an apartment my dad Arceus had prepared for me me

Alicia:what is this small shack

Daikon:it's where we will be staying oh by the way can I restore you and you daughters to your former glory

Alicia:you can do that? if so yes

and that's exactly what I did when the light died down I see four beautiful maidens and

Daikon:oh I also changed where you basically what we call a meta-human I will explain what powers each of you have.

Daikon:daniela has fire control she can transform into a phoenix she also has enhanced everything she can also summon flaming wings and stronger when it's sunny

Daikon: Cassandra can manipulate earth and metals she can transform into a winged serpent she can summon pure white wings she also has enhanced everything like her sister and is stronger on land

Daikon: Bela can manipulate water and ice she can transform into a big light blue bird(Articuno) she can summon big blue wings she also has enhanced everything and is stronger in the cold

Daikon:and finally Alicia you have power over darkness and shadows you can transform into a giant crow(corvaknight) she can summon her pitch black wings anytime she has super advanced everything and is stronger by 100% at night

Alicia:I appreciate it man thing

Daikon: you can call me Daikon🙂

Bela, Cassandra, & Daniela dimitrescu:we appreciate it Daikon


me and the girls fell in love and we trained our powers


Lucario: lvl 52

Aura sphere


Force palm

Quick attack

Power up punch

Swords dance

Bone rush

Dragon pulse

Close combat

Extreme speed


Flash cannon

Frogadier: lv 22

Quick attack

Water pulse

Double team

Power up punch

Ice punch

Water pledge

Ice beam


Aerial ace

Dark pulse



Noivern: lvl 42

Air slash


Dragon pulse


Dual wingbeat

Shadow claw



Shadow ball

X scissor

Dragon claw

Dragon dance

Bisharp: lvl 47

Metal claw

Night slash

Swords dance

Iron defense

Sucker punch

Quick guard

Thunder wave

Giga impact


Psycho cut

Poison jab

Stone edge

Lycanroc: lvl 42


Double team

Quick attack


Stone edge



Rock slide


Thunder fang

Fire fang

Earth power

Zebstrika: lvl 36

Shock wave

Flame charge


Double edge

Double kick





Giga impact


Double team

Krocorock: lvl 32



Foul play


Aqua tail

Rock slide


Shadow claw

Thunder fang

Fire fang

Brutal swing

Sludge bomb

Medicham: lvl 48

Fire punch

Ice punch

Thunder punch


Low kick


Bullet punch

Dynamic punch

Psycho cut

Quick guard


Energy ball

Combuskin: lvl 24



Quick attack

Flame charge

Blaze kick

Flare blitz

Crush claw

Night slash

Fire blast

Aerial ace



Umbreon: lvl 32

Foul play

Double edge

Dark pulse

Mean look


Shadow ball

Double team


Sleep talk

Quick attack

Confuse ray


heal pulse

and rotom finally woke up to guide me and received the first mission from my dad Arceus

First mission:help Ben and Gwen against the dn-aliens and forever knights

oh boy this is gonna be interesting

(to be continued)

if we can get 2 votes I will upload 3 new chapters thanks for reading let me know what you think