
Pokemon: Unlimited Growth

Our protagonist mike died and meet GOD and get some wishes and got sent to reincarnation. he wants living like a random npc but problems always come in front of him. He is not like a hero but will always help out when there is a need for. He is almost invincible but don't want to make moves unless necessary. Disclaimer : I don't own pokemon or any original characters only my own character . Also you can support me in Patreon at patreon.com/DangerZone69

Danger_Zone_69 · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Ch 22: Gym Battle start

In those month of training his Pokemon make a significant progress for the Gym battle.His Pokemon now become more than enough for the initial Gym.

The first Gym leader usually use 3 Uncommon rank Pokemon, as only the Mid Junior Rank trainer can hope to defeat.

The 2nd Gym leader will be using at least one Rare Rank Pokemon.

The progress of his Pokemon for the month was.


Name: Sylveon

Rank : Peak Rare

Ability: Cute charm, Pixilate

Move: Helping hand, Tackle, Quick attack, Swift,Charm, Take down, Double Kick, Mud slap, protect, Disarming voice, Draining kiss, Play Rough, Misty terrain (new), Moonblast (new), Magical Leaf (New), Substitute (New), Rest (new), Baton pass ( new), Shadow ball (New), Hyper beam (new).


Name: Nidorino

Rank: Peak Rare

Ability : Poison point, Hustle

Move :Leer, tackle, Horn attack, Horn drill, Poison string, Sucker punch (new), Venom Drench (new), Counter (new), Toxic Spike (new), Toxic (new), Poison Jab (new), Dig (new), Sludge Bomb (new), Endure (new), Shadow claw (new), Brick break (new), Head smash (new).


Name: Poliwhirl

Rank: Peak Rare

Ability: Water absorb, Swift Swim

Move: Hypnosis, Protect, Pound, Water Gun, Bubble beam, Mud Shot, Surf, Rain Dance, Hydro pump (new), Belly Drum ( new), Double Eadge (new), Low Kick (new), Brick break (new), Endure (new), Liquidation ( new), Focus punch (new), Ice punch (new), Ice beam (new), Earthquake ( new).


The progress of themselves is very good, as they are all become more powerful, with his Pokémon Absol and Lucario they sometimes help them with move learning.

With the help of those two, the rest of them has now a variety of move, with this the first two gym will not be a problem for him.

He could have evolve to Poliwarth with Poliwhirl and Nidoking for Nidorino.

He didn't do that because there was no good or excellent quality Water or Moon stone in the town he visited.

He has to get them from somewhere else.

He thought about getting them from Mt.Moon and Cerulean city respectively.

Mt. Moon is said to be the originator of Moon stone as there is a large amount that can be found in there.

Cerulean city is a coastal city, with a water type Gym, so the probability of getting a excellent quality Water stone is probably higher.

The stone can be divided into 4 quality normal, Good, Excellent and Supreme.

The normal quality resources has low density of element inside.

If used in a Pokemon evolution the foundation needed for the later Rank up become difficult, as the energy stored inside didn't give Pokemon that much of a foundation.

So using normal quality evolution stones a Pokemon can only get to Duke Rank maximum.

Good quality has a better elemental energy inside. With this Pokémon have potential to get to Emperor Rank.

Excellent quality resources is the highest that can be found in the wild. Give Pokemon a chance to the Legend Rank.

Supreme quality is a strategic resources as even league didn't have more than 10 of such resources stored.

This type of resource is mainly found in place where legendary Pokemon live.

He energy coming from the legendary Pokemon help upgrade a Excellent quality that produces naturally to get this Rank.

With the blessing the Pokemon using it to evolve have a chance to be in the God Rank.

It is mainly a chance or have potential to get there, but the difficulty is immeasurable as even the 1000 year old Professor Oak didn't have any Pokemon in this Rank.

Mike after some walk finally come in front of the gate. He then have use his poke phone that has a Pokedex, as this was a ID for the new trainer.

Technology in this world is pretty high, as the poke phone has everything in it.

It was a communication devices, information device, Pokedex for the Pokémon information that was invented by Prof. Oak, Bank account and many more features.

The reason he couldn't communicate with his family in the wild, because he was a new trainer, as the new trainer limited access to the range where they can communicate.

In the wild the signal was poor soo he can't communicate with anyone. After leaving the forest areas he has a chance to contact with his family.

This problem will solve after he get to Advance or Senior Rank trainer.

They have wider access to the special signal tower, this kind of tower has a good coverage even in the wild area.

But it was limited to the league access ground, any other area didn't have network access.

After the process is done, Mike with Sylveon by his side with a ribbon around his wrist.

They come in front of the Pokecenter. Mike then get his room card from the Pokecenter front desk Nurse joy.

He go to his room take a quick shower, the he open his phone to check on the Trainer website.

Here everyone can found anything Pokemon trainer related connect to the league.

There were Gym leader information, what they use, there Pokémon level etc can be found.

This helps Rookie trainer with there Gym challenge some more.

He also check about the Rock Gym. There was many videos of the Gym challenge.

The Gym leader Flint who was Brocks dad, as he was now the Gym leader. He has Pokemon from every Rank that was available for the Gym challenge. From Peak Uncommon to peak Rare Rank.

He mainly uses mainly Graveler, Onix, Rhydon against Rookie Rank trainer. Mainly a three on three format battle.

He sometime uses some powerful Pokemon as Ace. They were Golem, Rhyperior and Kabutops.

When meets with higher level trainers, who has at least a Rare or many Rare Rank he uses those.

This type of trainer was a repeating trainer, who once again participate in the league tournament.

Because of the repeating trainers league set a limits on the higher Rank that can be used on the Gym challenge. This does not include the new trainer. They can use any Rank of Pokemon they want.

The first two Gym has a peak Rare Rank Pokemon as a limit. So Gym leaders and the older trainer who also wants to participate in Gym challenge can only follow this limiter.

Those type of trainer is rare as they typically the top 32 have qualifications to participate in league tournament directly for 3 time.

As Mike already has Rare Rank his chances of encounter with the flowing Pokemon is higher.

He will at least be fighting with two of the Rare Rank Pokemon.

With the plan of using all three of his Pokemon for the upcoming Gym battle, he goes to sleep for the day.

The next morning...

After getting his breakfast done he come in front of the Gym. He already booked a fight the previous day.

The front of the Gym is very big compared to the anime, but the design is almost the same. With Rock theme going around everywhere.

With a big door on the front. He push the door open. The door is somewhat challenging to open if you don't have the require strength.

After opening the door there was a small receptionist that was like curve in a rock. There sit a woman who looks to around in her late twenty. She has black hair tide to a ponytail with tanned color skin.

But this is Pokemon world where no one can tell the age as every successful trainer has a longer life span.

"Hello Miss!! I came for my Gym challenge today. I booked the fight yesterday, please tell me when I can get my Gym battle," Mike come in front of the receptionist desk to ask about his schedule for the battle.

"Hmm! Let me check...Ok, Here you go trainer Mike Wood. You can start already, I will go and infom the Gym leader, please come with me to the Gym field where the battle will begin shortly," Said the woman after she done with her check up on the computer.

Then she lead Mike toward the battlefield where the battle will be taking places. The reception is left for another person.

After some small talk Mike know about the identity of the women. She was Geon, Flint wife, as well as a ground Pokemon trainer.

After going through the hallway Mike found himself in a beg room. In front of his was a field full of uneven rock everywhere. There are two stand where the trainer and the Gym leader will stand.

The area lit up when he arrived in front of a stand, then the door of the opposite side open came a Man. He has black hair with trimmed beard on his face. He has the iconic close eyes of Brock.

"Hello there, my name is Flint," Flint come in front of his stand and introduce himself.

"Hello, sir. My name is Mike Wood from Bright town," Mike also introduce himself.

"Wood, Huh!! Seems familiar, where have I heard that. Hmm!!" Flint hearing his surname beginning to think.

Hearing this from his side Mrs. Geon said," The champion of the indigo league 5 years ago was name Robert Wood."

"Ahh!! Now I remember, so young Mike is related to Robert. That's why the surname sound familiar," Flint also said after hearing from his wife.

"Yes, he is my Dad. I don't think you would remember that after that long," Mike said with surprise as that happened 5 years ago.

"Well Robert and I are very familiar with each other. We can be called friends, as we are go through life and dead battles together. We have got to know each other from the mission we did. This happened with the Team Darkness base raids that was happening sometimes back," he seems to having flash backs when he was going through the memories.

"Your dad was a very powerful trainer. Although he was not a Gym Rank trainer himself. His Pokemon was already as powerful as many veterans Gym leader. He was with the police force the last time," said Flint as he was taking about the past.

"So, are you a new trainer," after going through that Flint asked.

"Yes, I start a month ago," Replied Mike, but he still has a lot to think about. He didn't know that his dad was also participate in that incident. Well he did told us about a long mission about poachers, that the police were assigned to help with.

Maybe other know about this, as he was busy with his own work and don't really asked more about this.

At this time in the audience sit, some kids were come to see the battle, they were Brock and his siblings. There were 4 people in total.

Brock looks much younger about the same age as himself.

"Mike if you don't mind them they will observe our battle, what do you think!!" Said Flint after seeing his kids come to observe what is going on.

"I don't mind," Mike told shaking his head as there was nothing to hide about, as every video of the Gym will be recorded.

Some were hidden if the challenger don't want to let everyone see. The majority can be found in the league trainer website.

"Ok, then let me explain something. There are rules to Gym battle. This will be a three on three format. Only challenger can withdraw there Pokémon. Gym leader will send there Pokémon first," Flint told him about the rules of Gym battle. Although it was already know by everyone, this is a formality to introduce the new trainer.

"If both the challenger and the Gym leader is ready, Gym leader please send your Pokemon first, then the Gym battle begin," said Mrs Geon after she come to the side of the battlefield to act as a referee.