
A Shadow Is Born

Time 1:00 A.M.

Ashley it's time for your shift on watch.

hmmhmhm. 5 more minutes.

No. Now it's your turn on watch, or do you want to be a human poke egg!

Aaahh! No, no I don't want to be an living poke egg!

Then get up. It's your turn on watch till 3:00.

Fine! Buzzkill. I was having a good dream too.

Of what? being at home. Stuck with nothing to do except doing boring house hold chores all day long.

Maybe. Hey why are your hands glowing?

Eric then looked at his hands to see that they if were glowing or more specifically the burned symbols on his hands where glowing.

What the! How, why, when?

As Eric is trying to think of why the symbols were glowing, something else was also glowing in his tent.

Hey? Eric did you leave light on in your tent?

No. Why?

Cause there's something glowing in your tent.

that's not posi-. What the hell is going on.

Instead of switching shifts Eric and Ashley ran to Eric's tent to find what was glowing in it. As both Eric and Ashley entered his tent they both noticed the glowing was coming from the egg that he rescued almost a day and a half ago.

Eric when and where did you get that egg!?

I found it on the beach the same day I got Dratini, who is surprisingly still asleep.

As Eric looked over at Dratini the egg slowly dimmed and appeared to have cracks on it.

Do you hear that Ashley?

No. What? What do you hear?

I hear something that sounds like a person humming or singing.

No I dont hear anything. Maybe it's just lack of sleep.

Maybe. Well anyways it's your turn to be on watch.

Yeah, yeah I know it's my turn! Me and Pichu got it covered, so get some sleep before it's your turn again.

Alright, see you in 2 hours for my next shift.

See you?! (Ashley Whispered to herself) Oh come on he's already asleep! Well I cant blame him, he did set most of camp up on his own trying to teach me. Come on Pichu, time for us to keep an eye out for trouble.

PI-CHU-U.(Right behind you).

Eric fell asleep with the egg in his arms and didn't wake up until 3 A.M. to start his next shift, but thing didn't go quite as planned. Cause when Eric woke up he found Ashley sound asleep with Pichu sleeping in her lap. Eric grinned and thought of how he was going to wake her up. One if the ways was to release Caterpie and have him crawl up her arm and start to wrap her up in silk and just as Caterpie would be just about done wrapping her up, Eric would Yell her name found enough to wake her up in fright. The only thing that stopped him from doing this is that he didn't want to cause her to panic thinking she was going to die. So instead he had Dratini who also woke up with Eric crawl up he arm and start to either like her or nip her shoulder.

Hhm. Wha-what, oh it's just you Dratini. Wait Dratini! Oh shit I must of fallen asleep! Quick, Pichu get up, we fell asleep on watch!


So how was you nap? Cause now it's time for both of us to either train or we both remain on watch till 5:00.

I'm sorry Eric. I don't mean to fall asleep.

It's ok Ashley. but like I said now we either train now or remain on watch until 5 then eat breakfast.

How about I train and you keep watch. So this way we're both awake and neither is in danger.

I'm ok with that plan. Well me and Dratini will get the fire going again. While you think of how you're going to train both Pichu and Munchlax.

While Ashley was thinking of how to train Munchlax and Pichu Eric Decided to check on his egg. After all I did just progress a couple of stages, but when he entered his tent the egg was gone. As Eric started to look for where the egg went, there was some rustling coming from inside his sleeping bag. Eric was thinking that a Rattata, or a Sentret. But when he opened it up her found a black and red pokemon that resembled one of the EON pokemon, and the one it most closely resembled is Latias. (Latias: A Dragon and Psychic type pokemon it is also considered a mythic legendary pokemon along with its sibling Latios. A normal Latias is red on the back half of its body including its wings and is white on the front half except for the red mask like coloring on the upper part of its face and a blue triangle on its chest, But this Latias is blood red on the back half of its body and black on the entire front half except for the blood Red mask on the upper half of its face and a gold triangle on its chest instead of blue, even its eyes where a different color, instead of the normal amber gold they where deep sea blue. Eric who was shocked by what he found called out to Ashley.


What's wrong Eric?!

As Ashley walked into the tent she then saw why he called her into his tent and she too was shocked.

Where, where did she come from Eric!?

I think she hatched from the egg I had.

And as if in response to hearing Eric's voice the Latias squealed and flew towards Eric smiling. Eric also heard a voice in his head. Eric, Eric I'm finally here. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for being kind unlike that meanny who tried to kick me back into the ocean before you found me. Ashley also heard the voice this time.

Is that telepathy?! how does she know you already and what does she mean by other person? Eric!? Are you even listening to me.

huh oh sorry I was trying to recover from shock.

As Eric and Ashley continued to talk about Latias and how he found her and heard her voice multiple time the day he got his starter, Dratini. Latias was hanging on Eric waist and rubbing her head on his stomach.

It is now about 4:45 in the morning.

So are we going to start training or are you going to continue to be lost in thought?

Oh sorry. Yeah we can start training now. Well more you can start I got to make some breakfast for everyone. Especially this little one.

Eric then starts to rub the head of his newest pokemon.

So what type of pokemon is she anyways Eric?

I think she's a shadow type.

What do you mean by shadow type?

Well you know of the oddly colored pokemon that are usually cast out of family groups. The ones that are more brightly colored. Those are shiny type pokemon. this one is a darker more sinister looking version of the shinies, that's why she's called a shadow type.

So does that mean shes more powerful then the normal ones or the shinies?

Yes and no. It all depends on how the trainer raises them, and if they understand their pokemon really well or not.

So she could either be extremely good in terms of combat, or not so good for it.

That's right. Now Latias may I please have my hand back so I can make some food for everyone.

The shadow Latias looked up at Eric still smiling and cooing.

So that's a no then. Well Ashley looks like training will have to wait, cause I'll need your help cooking until she falls asleep, goes to play with Dratini or Caterpie.

Ugh! Fine I'll help you make breakfast but as soon as breakfast is done, Me, Munchlax, and Pichu are going to train.

alright! Dratini you and Caterpie go and get some more sticks and wood for the fire and I'll starts by cutting up some thin slices of Grumpig, and Ashley I need you to gather some berries along with finding some Taillow, Pidgy, and Wingull eggs. So I can make some omelets along with some good food for our pokemon.

On it. So this means I have to climb trees the find nests and eggs right?

Yup, so be very careful, and try not to get seen by any of the Taillow's or you'll be in danger of being swarmed by the flock.

So Make sure not to be seen by other bird type pokemon or fall from a tree got it.

Ashley and her pokemon then run off deeper into the forest in search of some eggs, Eric's Dratini, and Caterpie also run off in search of some wood for the fire.

So little one. Was it you who was calling out to me?, or was it someone else?

The Shadow Latias tilted its head to the side and Eric then heard her voice, not out loud but in his head.

Yes it was me. And I'm glad to finally meet you Master.

Hey no need to call me master. Call me by my name. Eric.

Ok. I hope I can become strong like that Dratini. She seems to be very sure of herself as well.

Hey dont worry about getting strong right now. First thing first. You need to practice with your powers before I can train you and also you will have to wait till you are at least 2 months old before I would even consider putting you into a battle.

But why? Caterpie's not that much older then me. He's only 4 days old.

Wait he's only 4 days old? How do you know?

Parts of his egg are still on his feet.

So he's just a baby as well. Well I've reconsidered when you'll be able to train and battle. As soon as you can withstand Dratini's attacks you'll be able to fully train and battle others but until then you will have to study Dratini and practice control over you types.

Latias then looked down and her voice sounded sad as she said, Ok Eric. I'll watch Dratini and practice my control over my powers.

Hey this doesn't mean that you cant train, it means that you cant go all out in training until I give you the ok to do so.

this cheered Latias up as Eric saw her head rise up and she was smiling again.

Now do you want to help me make some food for the others, Latias?

Latias that pushed herself off of Eric and started doing little flips in the air.

I'll take that as a yes. Well then we better get started.

As Eric and Latias are getting some of the food prepared Ashley and her pokemon are having a rough go at finding eggs, they've been able to find a lot of berries, but eggs where proving harder to get.

Why does Eric want these dammed eggs?! It's not like we dont have the supplies to make breakfast already. Unless. Munchlax!!! Did you eat all of our food yesterday?

Munchlax looked down at his feet with an expression that looked like guilt.

Munch, Munchlax.

So that's why he's having us look for the eggs and berries. I should have known. Well Munchlax your going on a diet, and no if, ands, or buts, about it. Am I understood.


As Ashley was scolding Munchlax for eating almost all their food, Pichu was rolling on the ground laughing.

Laugh it up all you want Pichu but that also means that you can't eat all you want either. None of us can, or our food supplies will be gone and we'll have to do this every day for the next 15-17 days. Is that what you want to do or do you want to get stronger?

Munchlax and Pichu looked at each other then nodded and looked at Ashley and nodded to her that they both understand.

Good, now let's get back to finding those eggs. And now slacking Munchlax, because you are the one who will either knock the egg out of the nest and catch it or you will be the one who has to sniff them out, while Pichu over here will climb up the tree in needed and grab the egg before the other pokemon notice.

Pichu and Munchlax nodded at Ashley again and followed her for the next 2 and a half hours. They only found 5 eggs that they could us, due to the other eggs they found actually having a baby pokemon in them.

Back with Eric and Latias.

So Latias how would you like to be my taste tester?

Latias smiled and flew over to him.

I would love to try some.

As Latias was watching Eric cook, she began to drool.

Hey Latias remember we need to save some for the others, you cant have that much solid food yet. you can have some, just not as much as the others. This also goes for Caterpie.



Well good to see both of you are back. Oh and Caterpie. I know you only 4 days old so you cant have much solid food yet either. You and Latias are to drink the baby pokemon formula I've made for both of you. I don't want to hear any sass about it.

Hey we're back, and I hope it was worth getting these eggs. Cause it was a nightmare trying to find them.

Oh it will be. How many did you bring?

5. We could only find 5 eggs that weren't guarded or fertilized.

That's ok. it'll be more then enough for what I'm making us.

45 minutes later Eric called everyone over for breakfast.

So Eric what di-ii-id, oh my. You really went all out on this didn't you?

Not really. there was a few thing that I didnt have on hand. Otherwise it would have been a little bit bigger.

Are those, omelets, made from the eggs we got earlier?

Yes it is. Now dig in we have to start training in 30 minutes.

Ok, ok. you heard him everyone time to eat.

Meanwhile in Kanto

I'm back from my latest mission Professor.

Aw. Red. good to see you. How did it go? Did Blue go with you or did he go off on his own again?

It went well, and your son went his own way.

Oh that's to bad. His daughter is missing him terribly, so is Green for that matter.

Oh by the way professor I met a unusual person a few days ago in Slateport.

Oh. what do you mean by unusual?

Well he did seem affected by my KI (Killing Intent)(Killing Intent is the pressure / presents a person gives off to others, depending on the person, there skill, and rank in the league, the intensity of said KI can range anywhere from slight loss of breath to complete dispare and paralysis, and even death. Depending on how skilled the trainer is they could direct their KI at whomever they wanted. For example you could direct it at just 1 person or pokemon, or you could direct it at a whole group of people or pokemon.) He didnt even flinch at it.

Now that is something. Tell me did you happen to get this kids name?

Yes. His name is Eric Johnson, he also has a Dratini as his starter pokemon.

Wait did you just say Eric Johnson?

Yes. Why? Is there something wrong Professor?

No, nothing is wrong. I just knew a person by that name a long time ago. Back when I was but a young wide eyed kid starting his journey almost 50 years ago.

Oh, he must have been something if just hearing his name brought back strong memories.

Oh he was quite the monster. even more so the you, me, Blue, Green, and the Elite Four combined. Well you should probably go visit your wife. She's been coming by worried about you.

Alright I'll go and see her. Hopefully she's not mad that I was gone longer then expected. see you later Professor.

Bye Red, and thank for confirming your missions success.

It wasn't really a success Professor. I'll tell you more later. Bye.

As Red leaves Professor Oak's lab, Professor Oak turned and walked to a desk in the back of the lab which was covered in scetches of both pokemon and people but one of of a 25 year old man with a dark shadow on the ground next to him along with, a large and powerful Dragonair on his left with a black and red Charizard, Skarmory, Slowking standing behind him and a silver Glaceon standing at his feet.

I hope it is you old friend. Now it's my turn to return the favor and help you.

What type of abilities does this new Shadow Latias have? How much food does Eric, and Ashley have thanks to her Munchlax? how does Professor Oak know Eric? For the answers to these questions and more tune in next time!!!