
Getting Familiar

Dad said we were going to depart Silph Co at noon, and that I should get dressed well. in preparation for that. So until then, I got this whole big house to explore.

First I decided to get some breakfast. Walking into the enormous kitchen, I was greeted by the personal chef of the family. This whole house was littered with these paid servants.

After ordering a full English, containing beans, tomatoes, eggs from a Torchic, and sausages and bacon from a Lechonk. It was my first time eating Pokemon and stuff from Pokemon but it was good.

I ate my food quickly, wanting to get to the coolest part of the house. The food was delicious, way better than any of my old life food. Being rich is too amazing.

Finishing scarfing down my food, I made my way to my favorite place of old Aster Morningstar's memories. Our Backyard.

Going into our Backyard, I marvel at the size. It was the biggest backyard I have ever seen. I wasn't here just to marvel at the size. I was here for the beasts inside of it.

It seems like my mom was a dog person, or lover to be exact, as she liked to collect these canines from all over the world.

As I ran onto the grass I was rushed by these animals. I wasn't worried or scared about these Pokemons, because from my memories, they're really gentle with me.

The first one of these was Arcinine, the only Kanto native dog here. Arcanine's fur is a vibrant shade of rich orange, reminiscent of a blazing flame.

The fur appears to ripple with energy and intensity, giving it a fiery and dynamic quality.

The next dog I saw was Houndoom. Houndoom possesses a lean and imposing figure that exudes power and malice.

Its body is cloaked in midnight black fur, adding to its ominous allure. The darkness of its form seems to absorb the light around it, further emphasizing its connection to the depths of evil.

I saw a Manetric.This electrifying feature stands out against its blue fur, creating a captivating contrast. Its face showcases a pair of keen, amber-colored eyes that glimmer with intelligence and intensity.

The Pokémon's most striking feature is the pair of large, pointed, lightning bolt-shaped tufts that extend from its cheeks.

I also saw a Stoutland, Fufrou, and Boltund. All these Pokemons were the least of my favorite of the dogs as they were not that memorable to me.

My favorites of these were from the region of Aloha. It seemed like my mother got 2 versions of them.

Lycanroc, the mid day form, resembles a quadrupedal, light brown wolf. It has a white underbelly that extends up around its muzzle and eyes in a mask-like marking. It has pointed ears with dark brown tips and pink insides, big blue eyes, and a triangular, dark brown nose.

In it's midnight form, my favorite of the two, Lycanroc instead resembles a slouched, bipedal wolf or werewolf. It has short red fur with white on its lower legs and a white streak that covers its face, underbelly, and tail.

The dogs were tossing me around, and I landed on Arcanine's back. I rode on the Arcanine as she rode across the whole backyard, the other dogs following close behind.

I played with the dogs, almost forgetting that I have to get dressed for Silph Co. My first time with Pokemon, as magical as I could ever have imagined. I'm so lucky I crossed over to this world.


After playing with those Pokemon, I went over to my room to get dressed in my best clothes.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw my well dressed figure.

I was a small, skinny 5 year old boy with snow white hair. I wore a jet black suit just like my father. I dress my best because in all honesty, I wanted to impress my dad.

As I walked downstairs, I headed to my intimidating father's whereabouts ,which was the living room.

"You finally came down. Took you long enough. Straighten your back, your slouching", my father hastily said, which I complied immediately.

I followed him outside of the house to his car, which was a very old car. Guess he had that since forever.

I got into one of the only two seats in the car. Strangely enough, he didn't start the car and just waited. After a while, he started to talk.

"Once we get there, I need you to be on your best behavior. We have a reputation to uphold. If you do that, you may get something nice", my father told me.

" The Morningstar family, it's a big name. But I know you can rise up to the expectation. You are my son after all", he continued.

I guess I had to lock in. I need to get used to this rich life.

As dad started driving to Saffron, he began to talk more.

"Silph Co is the biggest company in the world. In Kanto, you will see our influence all over and in other regions, you will still see it.", Darren continued, letting me know all the details.

For the whole ride to Saffron, he let me know all about Silph Co.

He did not overstate Silph Co's power. We develop the most commercially used Pokeballs, including Great Balls, Ultra Balls, and soon enough, the Master Ball. All other variations are made from companies such as Devon Corps and the Poke Ball Factory in Kalos.

We are the only manufacturers of Potions and Repels though. That includes Super , Max Potion and Repels.

We are also always the biggest sponsor of any big tournaments like the Indigo League and the World Coronation series.

I also noticed while we were driving, we were followed by these black cars. Dad filled me in and said those were his bodyguards. I wonder how strong they are?

It didn't take us long to get to Saffron, Kanto's biggest city, a metropolis. Everything here is big.

After a couple more minutes of traffic, we made it to the Silph Co Hq, the head of the largest snake of a company there.

We got out of the car, dad tossing his keys to a man in the front of the building to take care of it.

I mentally psyched myself, trying to mirror all of dad's body language in an attempt to merely make a small copy of his presence.

Let's make a good impression.


If I get 5 power stones and 25 new collections, I'll give 2 bonus chapters for today.