

Chapter 74.

Kaede seemed completely caught off guard after I had questioned her as to why she wasn't at home, but then again I can't blame her for being completely confused at this moment.

She just got attacked after all and she just saw my Pokemon mercilessly kill a few men but I was really concerned with her reckless behavior, I understand the need to think or even vent somewhere but she knows she's been targeted and her doing stuff like this is dangerous.

Though I can understand why she chose to do this, she must have been feeling suffocated with everything that had happened and being told that she wasn't human to begin with also must have made things worse so I'm not mad or anything like that.

Rather I'm worried, looking at Kaede now she reminds me of how Rika used to be before my so called Grandfather awaken her Dragonic Instincts, back then Rika was a shy and quiet girl.

She would hide behind me and follow me around everywhere but whenever she would be afraid she would she would cling to me for dear life and Kaede seems terrified right now, she just doesn't have anyone to cling to like Rika did back when we were kids.

Of course the Rika of now is a very confident and tough girl nothing like she used to be back when we were kids.

The awakening of her Dragonic Instincts brought about a bout of confidence that helped her blossom into the girl she is now though she sometimes tends to act like she used to back in the day.

Especially after the whole Hayashi event but watching Kaede look so small and afraid made me feel a little bad for her situation, suddenly Kaede looked down and sadly spoke "I just needed to get out of the house and think... I...".

I sighed and nodded at her, like I said I don't blame her for wanting to do so but I still have to let her know that doing something like this is not a good idea "alright, give me a second and then I'll take you home oh! my name is Rean Hayashi and I'll be acting as you bodyguard from now on but we'll talk more once I meet with your father okay?".

Kaede looked up at me and nodded though she also seemed rather confused and intrigued with what I just said, I turned my head towards the dead Onmyōji and then snapped my fingers.

With that snap of my fingers I teleported the dead bodies to the sun so I wouldn't have to deal with them, I then turned back towards Kaede who was staring at me with wide eyes.

I give her a little grin and the recall Gabite and Grotle back to the Pokéhome for now, I then nodded to myself and then spoke out to Kaede "come one, let's take you home by now I'm sure they must have noticed your gone and everyone is probably having a panic attack".

Kaede nodded at me and then got up from where she was sitting and walked up to my side, together we began to walk back to her house though our walk there was full of silence.

It didn't take us long to go back to her house and as predicted everyone seemed to be running around in a panic looking for something or rather someone, honestly I'm surprised no one noticed she was gone until now but then again who knows what Kaede did to leave the house.

The security guard saw us walking over to the house and immediately sprung into action, they all suddenly surrounded us and pointed their firearms at me which really annoyed me.

I wasn't even doing anything suspicious other than walking Kaede back home but then again all of them must have have been in high alert so I can't really get too angry at them.

They are after all just doing their job, Kaede on her part panicked and jumped in front of me "everyone! Rean is good guy! calm down!".

She must be afraid I would do the same thing I did to the Nakiri Onmyōji which in all fairness is a legit concern, of course the security guards tensed up when Kaede jumped in front of me one of them who seemed the oldest and quite possibly the head of security spoke up "Lady Kaede please step away from that young man and walk towards me!".

Kaede shook her head "no! all of you calm down now and put your weapons away!".

Kaede seemed desperate now but the security guards refused to do as she asked which in hindsight is the right thing to do but this was getting out of control.

So I waved my hand and used my Ferrokinesis, one of the skill I rarely use in battle but rather use a lot on my forging, each and every handgun in the security guard's hands turn into a liquid metal and flew towards me.

The plastic parts of the firearms dropped to the ground with a soft clack while above my hand all the liquid metal began to gather and form a big ball of metal floating above it.

Everyone was stunned and watched with wide eyes as I put the metal ball in my inventory "I know your just doing your job but I don't take kindly to anyone threatening me... so relax and do not do anything stupid".

Everyone tensed up and Kaede began to tremble because she could feel how tense the situation got "please everyone, calm down Rean helped me and he's not doing anything wrong!"

The head of security narrowed his eyes as was about to say something but a voice cut him offbbefore he could even say the first word "Tanaka stand down, in fact all of you stand down".

The head of security whose last name was revealed to be Tanaka turned around and gaped as Isamu Nakashima walked out of the gate leading to his house "but Nakashima sir! he's a stranger!".

Isamu shook his head "he's not... in fact he's an ally, an old friend sent him to us to help us with what has been happening as of late though the fact that he came here with Kaede is a surprise".

I sighed and crossed my arms "Isamu Nakashima... I wish we had met under better circumstances, Yasaka spoke good things of you".

I smiled as Isamu chuckled "ah so Yasaka spoke about me with you? I must admit I didn't expect for her to send someone so quickly, I was in fact preparing to wait out this whole situation".

I nodded "Yasaka informed of the situation this morning and I left to get here as soon as I was ready, it's a good thing I did so because the Nakiri has been active here".

I turned my gaze towards Kaede who flinched and looked down, Isamu got what I was trying to say and frowned once he understood the implications "are you okay Kaede?".

Kaede looked up from the ground and turn her head towards her father and nodded "yes dad, Rean saved me...".

Isamu sighed in relief and then turned his head towards me with a tired smiled "it seems like I already owe you one, thank you for taking care of Kaede".

I nodded but then the head of security suddenly spoke "sir! can you please explain what's going on and we can't just let this boy go! we don't know if he really is an ally! who even is Yasaka?!".

The security guards began to move forward with the intent to arrest me or something, rather foolish of them because even though it seems like I'm alone, I'm never alone and that fact was proven true as soon as the security guards got close to me.

Giratina who took it upon herself to always be in my shadow sprung out from it and roared scaring the living shit out of the approaching security guards who yelp, screamed and back pedaled away from both me and Giratina.

Giratina who was in her Origin Form coiled her body around me and them leaned her head over my shoulder where I gave her a soft pat on her chin making her softly growl "it's alright girl these guys have a right to be nervous and concerned though I wasn't about to let them touch me, thank you for having my back though".

Giratina softly growled, I'm sure her presence must have terrified the security guards because not only is she big but there were tendrils of darkness whiping around her coming from my very shadow.

Surprisingly Kaede didn't seemed surprised or shock at Giratina's presence but rather she was staring at her with awe, Isamu sighed and shook his head "all of you go back to your posts, I'll have a talk with our guest and he's not to be antagonize... as you can see it won't end well for any of you".

The security guards all began to cautiously walk away from me and Giratina while the head of security just stared at us with shock evident on his face, he then nodded and walked away from us.

Kaede suddenly spoke up "... that's Giratina right? I-I have a plushie of her, she's a Pokémon right!? my dad brought my a bunch of plushies a while ago and I've been collecting them since then!".

Isamu chuckled at his daughter's excitement of meeting a real life Pokémon, he had gone to Kuoh once to meet up with Yasaka and speak about the two towers she wanted to build and she invited him to a very nice sweet shop in town.

There he found a lot of new things and all sorts of sweet things to eat but what had caught his attention the most were the plushies found there for sale and the very creatures they were based of.

The creatures were everywhere in Kuoh and the shop and he had taken quite a few pictures of some of them finding them cool or cute so when he found the plushies he bought a bunch for his daughter.

Kaede fell in love with all of them and had even demanded he sent the pictures he took of them to her phone which he did but since then his daughter had become what is now coined as a Pokémon Fan.

So of course she would recognize one of them, especially when she had a plushie of Giratina on her bed and it all made him sighed in relief, glad that his daughter was able to smile again.

I smiled at Kaede and nodded "yes this is Giratina, I was told you like Pokémon but it seems like your a bigger fan than I thought".

Kaede smiled and I couldn't help but be glad to see her be happy and forget her worries if only for a time "yeah! I have a bunch of plushies my dad bought for me and I have a Giratina one too! I like it a lot because its very big~".

I grinned "ah the special addition Giratina plush I made, I was wondering who had gotten it and it seems like your dad is a brave man".

Kaede tilted her head in confusion while Isamu awkwardly chuckle, Kaede then asked me "huh? why?".

I smiled and chuckle in amusement "well to get a special edition Pokémon Plushie you need to overcome the Tomato Berry shake challenge and that shake is very spicy".

Isamu sighed "years of eating Hanako's cooking prepared me for that day! my stomach and tongue had survived worse especially when she wasjus learning how to cook! though it didn't taste bad in fact it was a very good Milkshake!".

I couldn't help but chuckle and nod "it's actually a very popular drink much to my surprise" I turn my gaze towards Kaede who was nervously reaching out a hand to give Giratina a pat on her snout.

But Giratina stare seemed to be making Keade nervous, the funny thing about this is that the stare is Giratina's way of letting you know to hurry up and give her pats.

Eventually Kaede reached Giratina' snout and began to caress her which made the Ghost and Dragon Type Legendary Pokémon happily growl.

Giratina might look intimidating to some and the pressure her presence constantly gives off makes everyone except me and the girls nervous but she really is a kind and caring Pokémon, well as long as you don't piss her off that is.

Kaede happily smiled as she caressed Giratina while Isamu walked up and reached a hand to me "you might already know but I'm Isamu Nakashima. thank you for coming to my aid".

I smiled and nodded while reaching my hand over to his and clasping his with mine "it's nice to meet you, I'm Rean Hayashi".

Isamu's eyes widen a bit when he heard my last name but he seemed to choose to leave it alone for now as he let go of my hand after a strong handshake "well then how about we move this get together to the house, I believe Hanako my wife is almost done with lunch and thankfully her cooking has improved a lot!".

I nodded and then turned towards Giratina and Kaede "sorry Kaede, I have to send Giratina back to my shadow since she won't fit in your house".

Kaede seemed a little down but nodded nonetheless, Giratina softly growled at me making me smiled and then she jumped back into my shadow.

Kaede then looked up to me and had a curious look on her face "those two creatures you summoned a while back, those were Pokémon too right? but I haven't seen any pictures of them or a Plushie...".

I smiled and nodded to Kaede "they are Pokémon but they're new and we haven't had the chance to make plushies of them but we should have some out soon".

Kaede smiled and nodded, Isamu smiled as well and then led me along with Kaede to the Nakashima household while Kaede barraged me with questions about the Pokémon and the upcoming Pokémon plushies.

It seems like Rias has a rival for the number one fan of Pokémon in Japan because I can tell that Kaeded simply loved Pokémon just as much or even more than her.

We all went inside the Nakashima home with Kaede asking all sorts of questions about Pokémon and me answering all that I could because she was asking questions in rapid fire much to Isamu's amusement.

But as soon as we went to the Kitchen Hanako who was setting up the kitchen table for dinner tense up and turned around to stared at me so fast that I'm not surprised when we all heard her neck crack.

Whether it hurt or not stayed a mystery because Hanako stared at me with wide eyes full of shock and fear which made feel a bit odd, I admit that I haven't had any interaction with other Supernatural beings since I've became a Dragon God aside the usual ones.

But now that I think about it Rias and the other devils might have already gotten used to my presence, I don't know if Gabriel felt anything either but she's always very polite to me and Kokabiel was utterly terrified but his reaction to fear was just getting angry.

Even the Onmyōji who attacked Kaede seemed terrified the moment I appeared, Supernatural beings might no be able to sense my energy or the nature of my power but it seems that instinctively they new I was not someone to be messed with.

Especially the weaker ones, strong and powerful Supernatural beings might be able to ignore or downright overpower their own instincts as to not get affected by my presence but the weaker ones can't and it shows on Hanako who was staring at me with wide eyes full of fear.

Though I honestly don't know what to do to alleviate this, I already have all my energy and power surpress to the lowest level possible and Astraea is cloaking my energy signature but what can we do about instincts?.

Hanako suddenly began to slowly move to the side while keeping an eye on me almost as she expected me to pounce on her and eat her or something.

Isamu, Kaede and I followed her with our gaze very confused as to what she was trying to do until she got close to Kaede and pulled her into her body much to the surprise of Isamu and Kaede herself, she then pointed at me "i-if your going to eat anyone eat my husband! but not my daughter! let my sweet Kaede live! I'll even serve myself up!".

I couldn't help but sweatdropped while Isamu just deadpanned at has wife like this sort of thing happens all the time and he was used to it, in fact Isamu just sighed "well... it's good to know how much you really love me Hanako but you don't have to worry, Rean here isn't going to eat anyone...".

Isamu suddenly looked down as he seemd to think of something for a few moments, he then turned his head towards "you aren't going to eat anyone right? cuz I assume you aren't human... please don't eat anyone".

*What the hell... do I look like eat people or something?* I could hear Astraea, Excalibur and Gaea giggle at my predicament.

In my defense though, I've never had anyone ask me not to eat someone before and quite honestly it was disturbing that people saw me like that.

Just what sort of image do I make? but before I could even ponder that Kaede suddenly pushed herself off her mother's body "mom! that's a horrible thing to say to someone the first time you meet them! and Rean doesn't eat people! don't be ridiculous!".

Hanako shook her head and then grabbed on her daughter's face "your still new to the Supernatural Kaede! there's some really scary things out there! beings that eat beautiful girls like you and I for breakfast! in more than one way too!".

Okay this is getting a bit ridiculous and poor Kaede was embarrassed enough, the fact that her face was Crimson red right now proved that "... look, I don't eat people, I eat regular food so can everyone just relax?".

The Nakashimas all turned to look at me, Hanako looked doubtful which made me roll my eyes at her while Isamu nodded, Kaede though looked very embarrassed but was looking rather sorry as well.

Hanako stared into my eyes "are you sure?".

I sighed and nodded "yes, I'm sure...".

Hanako didn't seemed convinced but nodded, Kaede escaped her mother's grip and walked up to me "err.. I'm sorry Mr Hayashi, my mother can be very silly sometimes".

We both ignore the loud 'hey' coming from Hanako and the nod Isamu gave in agreement to his daughter's words, I just nodded "it's fine, I was just surprised... I mean who sees someone an automatically think they people?".

Kaede and Isamu turned to give Hanako a deadpan which made her nervously sweat "okay! look! I don't know what or exactly how powerful you are but the moment I saw you every inch of my body wanted to run away! I just couldn't leave my sweet Kaede behind!".

No one said anything for a few seconds until I just sighed, honestly I can't believe Hanako is an Oni since she certainly doesn't act like one.

I've met some Oni in Kyoto before but all of them even the female Oni acted like bros rather than the bloodthirsty way they're depicted in myth but Hanako is way too different, not only is she short for Oni standards and I say that because the ones I met were huge.

But she also seemed sort of docile, I don't know how to explain it very well, I just sort get the feeling that I'm staring a a small cat who in reality is a tiger but a cat to me nonetheless if that makes sense.

So I stared into Hanako's red eyes for a few seconds "you don't seem very Oni like... in fact other than the red color of your eyes and hair your pretty much seem more human than Supernatural, your also too short...".

Hanako winced and then drop to the ground on her hands and knees while crying big fat tears "... it's not my fault I was born short! and was raised by humans! so what if I'm not a bro like the other Oni! I'm a very good stay at home Oni damn it!".

Okay so I stepped on a landmine, I turned my gaze towards Isamu who was awkwardly chuckling while Kaede patted her mother's head to console her, Isamu then sighed "well since Hanako has always been short and skinny compared to other Oni her parents abandoned her in a forest nearby a town, a young couple found her and adopted her so she hadn't had a chance to learn how to act like an Oni since she was raised as a human girl".

Ah okay that made sense, I turned my gaze back to Hanako who was not sitting on a corner with a dark depressing Aura around her while Kaede just continued to pat her head *well at least she's not terrified of me anymore... though I don'tthink this is any better*.

Still now I felt a little bad so I sighed and then called the one being that can cheer up anyone "Mew! can you please come here!".

With a flash of pink light Mew appeared and floated around while giggling for a little bit before stopping in front of me with a curious look on her big blue eyes "hello Mew mind cheering up the depressed woman in the corner over there?".

I casually pointed at Hanako who was still sulking in the corner while Kaede was staring at Mew with sparkles coming out of her eyes, Mew nodded at me and then floated towards Hanako while Kaede followed her with her gaze.

Mew smiled at Kaede as she passed by her and the floated up to Hanako's face upside down, she then poked the small Oni on the forehead with a small mewl.

Hanako looked up and then came face to face with Mew's big blue eyes and then stared at her in silence for a few moments until she squealed loudly, stood up while hugging Mew and then smiling brightly "so cute!".

Mew smiled and looked quite content getting hugged while Hanako gushed at her "... well no one can resist Mew's cuteness that's for sure".

I look over to Kaede who was trembling and reaching out to Mew to pet her head but her mom kept moving away leaving her all heartbroken, it made sweatdropped at how dramatic these two are.

Isamu walked up to me and chuckles "ah yes... as you can see this is the sort of thing I have to live with but... I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world".

I grinned at Isamu and nodded since his feelings were something I could fully understand and even agree with, a family like this would make anyone's life worth living for and me having my one quirky family of mine could only smile in agreement.

After a few minutes everyone was ready to finally eat lunch which was a very delicious soup with some sour bread, Hanako might not be your typical Oni but she was a hell of a cook, though it seems that Isamu was a bit traumatized at her early days of learning how to cook because he was eating the soup with a cautious look in his yes and as we sat on the kitchen table we all spoke about what's been going on.

Throughout the entire talk Kaede seemed rather sad about it which alerted Mew, who in an attempt to cheer her up floated down to her head and hung there like a hat.

Kaede having Mew on her head cheered up and reached a hand over to give her a pat while me and Isamu spoke about the problem the Great Five Principal Clans were causing for him.

First of all the Nakiri want to force him back into the clan so they can use his political connections and be able to freely move against the other four Great Clans while limiting their movements.

No matter the prestige or power one of these Onmyōji Clans might have, they're still humans and as such they must follow the law and such other human limitations since they're a not protected by any Supernatural Faction.

Even the Shinto didn't involved with them to much, the Hayashi were the only Japanese Clan of Monsters Hunters that had their full support and were allowed to do practically what they wanted in exchange for them being on the beck and call of Amaterasu.

This is something the Five Great Clans desperately wanted and with the disappearance of the Hayashi they were all fighting amongst each other for their spot and Isamu was caught in between all of this because of his high political position.

Meanwhile because of that very same political position the Himejima, Shinra, Doumon and Kushihashi want him and Kaede dead in order to prevent the Nakiri to gain an advantage with Isamu's political position.

It's all a big ass mess caused by greedy and selfish people who just want more power and Kaede was caught in between all of these, she might be a half Oni but other than that she's just a normal high school girl who has even been in dragged into this whole mess.

Kaede doesn't have any friends either, because of her father's high society position she learned from a very young age that people would sometimes want to get close to her because of her father and that made making friends very hard for her.

Not that she minded since for her, her dad and mom are her best friends and even still all of this entire situation only served to destroy the peaceful life she had.

So as Isamu spoke to me I kept and eye on Kaede and the sad expression on her face was heartbreaking, Hanako was staring at her daughter with concern and I can understand that sentiment.

My parents didn't want me to get involved with the Supernatural because it's dangerous and full of horrible people this sentiment is something that both Isamu and Hanako share with my parents.

So seeing their daughter so sad and worried must make the Nakashima parents feel so useless and angry.

After that Isamu told me his plan to raise laws that will force the Great Five Principal Clans to lose a lot of power and limit their movements thus destroying their ability to move around and attack them plus with those laws up Isamu can launch a full scale investigation on everything to donwith them.

That's something that the Great Five Principal Clans definitely don't want to happen "so while you get those laws passed down you need to have Kaede and Hanako safe from the Great Five Clans right?".

Isamu nodded "yes, once I have those laws up I can move out and bring them down by the law I'm sure you already know this Rean but the amount of shady stuff the Clans get up to is enough for me and then authorities to cripple them forever".

I nodded, the Five Great Principal Clans have committed atrocious acts before, from killing children because they were born with a Sacred Gear to attacking peaceful Yokai for no reason other than because they exist.

The government is very well aware of Kyoto and the Yokai Faction and because people like Isamu everyone can live in peace but the Great Five Principal Clans are always causing problems for them with the way they do things.

In fact the Clans are what the Fallen Angels are to the rest of the Supernatural world meaning that no one likes them and if they were to disappear no one would care.

Harsh but that's the consequence of their actions, is only because the current head are actively trying to change things withinthe Clans that eeveryone is even allowing them to continue to exist "then don't worry about Kaede or even miss Hanako, I'll keep them both safe".

Isamu sighed in relief "that makes me feel much better... thank you Rean, you're a life saver, still to think that Yasaka would send her lover to protect us".

Hanako suddenly turned her head towards me "what!? your lady Yasaka's lover!?".

I smiled and nodded "yup".

Hanako looked so utterly shocked that she just stayed there sitting and gaping until Mew reached over her jaw with her tail and closed it for her while giggling in amusement.

Kaede tilted her head in confusion "who's Yasaka? you mentioned her to the guards dad but who is she?".

Isamu smiled "Yasaka is a nine tailed fox and the leader of the Yokai Faction but to me she's a sort of an older sister, your grandpa and grandma used to be caretakers of hers but when they adopted me they retired to raised me but they did introduce me to her and she has been like a family to me".

Kaede nodded "a none tailed fox? aren't those supposed to be evil and trick humans all the time?".

I chuckled because I couldn't even imagine Yasaka being evil, sure she could be destructive when pissed but not evil "the Yokai had been trying to live a peaceful life away from what they used to be in the past, so most of them are very mellow and kind beings though like any other race out there they have both bad and good people".

Kaede nodded in understanding, Isamu smiled at his daughter and then turn his head towards me "how is this going to work Rean?".

I grinned at Kaede "well I'll be keeping an eye on Kaede from a distance while some of my Pokemon will be going with her everywhere at all times so don't worry, no one will be able to lay a finger on her and I'll leave some Pokémon here so Hanako will be safe as well".

Kaede eyes sparkled all over again at the idea of having Pokemon with her all the time ,Isamu smiled and nodded while Hanako snapped out of it "but where are you going to stay? you can't really protect her if you're staying far away from her".

I was about to answer that I was planning on staying at an Inn or something but Isamu beat me to the punch "you'll stay here with us until this mess is resolved, I can't have my daughter's body guard staying away from her right?".

I was about to protest but the look on Isamu's eyes told me that he wasn't going to accept a no from me so I just nodded which made him smiled, Hanako nodded and then stood up "well then I better prepare the guest room and Rean?".

I turned my head towards Hanako who smiled at me making me glad that she at least stopped being afraid of me, she then spoke "thank you for protecting Kaede".

I nodded and with a happy smile on her face Hanako left to go prepare the guest room, Kaede then looked towards me "Mr Hayashi, how are you going to keep an eye on me while I'm at school?".

I smiled at Kaede "just called me Rean, I'm only a year older than you after all and don't worry, you might not be able to see me but I'll be around".

Kaede softly smiled and nodded, she seemed calmer now that she knows someone will be there to protect her at all times, Isamu smiled noticing the same thing.

The rest of the day was spent with Isamu and Kaede showing me around their home and around the walls of the property so I can familiarized myself with the area.

Tomorrow me and the Pokémon will be going with Kaede to her school and keep an eye on her, Isamu told me that he would be done with his plans soon so all I have to do is make sure nothing happens to his family so he can focus and I intent to do just that.