

Chapter 6. A Pokémon Trainer on this Wonderful World!.

The week before i took my first world jump was full of fun and excitement, as promised Serafall spent her time with me going on dates but she did make an abrupt decision which surprise me.

Serafall decided to take the entire week off just so she can spend it with me before i left to a new world, I did ask her why and she told me "well as my boyfriend i want you to sent you off on your trip with fond memories of me, so asked my queen Behe-Chan to cover for me while i spent time with you!" after that she practically moved into my room, but me and my Pokemon didn't mind we actually like spending time with her since she was always fun to be around.

The entire week during mornings we spent it in the Dungeons grinding for money and items, got to say that having Serafall with me in the Dungeons made things more fun and exciting, plus she seemed to have a lot of fun being able to let loose after so long.

My Pokemon loved fighting along side of her and even listened to her commands, this was the first time i ever seen a glimpse of the Serafall who fought in the Civil war against the Old Satan faction and that made me and my Pokemon respect her, it's sad that in the show, she's not taken very seriously even by her sister, her job as the maou in charge of foreign affairs shows how smart and powerful she really is, how else would she be able to deal with other factions?.

But we didn't spend all of our time in the Dungeons, we also went on a lot of dates and we enjoyed each one, from the one where we went to an amusement park, to the picnic deep in the forest where the small pond i found is located.

My Pokemon went with us to that picnic and we all had fun playing in the water or in the forest, we even took a nap on top of my Snorlax which i summoned with a Pokemon Token as a Munchlax.

I found that Token on one of our Dungeon dives during the last few months of grinding but i got to say that Snorlax's belly is indeed very comfy.

Serafall loved playing in the water with my water Pokemon, especially with Lapras who got very attached to her.

Vaporeon and Milotic also seem to like her a lot, it did made me wonder if her being a member of the Sitri clan made her more compatible with water and ice type Pokemon? because even my Frosslass and Alolan Ninetales followed her around all the time.

Serafall also gave me the idea to plant a few of the berries i have around the lake, that way this place can be a sanctuary to me and my Pokemon, she even helped by buying that whole area around the lake which was all forest and warding it to keep anything or anyone away from this place that had become very special to us and my Pokemon.

During this week of grinding i also got two new Pokemon Tokens and the Pokemon i chose were a male Nidoran and a female Igglybuff, now I'll be honest and say that Serafall chose the small pink balloon Pokemon and once i summoned it she never let go of it, i kinda feel bad for the small pink Pokemon.

Eventually Saturday arrived and me and Serafall spent the entire day in my room just being close to each other, i cooked for us the entire day and we wawatched ime together by the time we noticed, night had already arrived and Serafall had to leave.

I smiled when Serafall hugged me tightly and began to fuzz over me "Rean make sure you eat healthy! and don't just spent your entire time training! have some fun too! meet more people and travel around, experience all kinds of new things!".

I chuckled and nuzzled Serafall's neck " okay, I'll make sure to do all of that, i promise".

Serafall nodded and then let go of me "text me as soon as you came back! even if time doesn't move here i still want to hear about you're adventures right away okay?!".

I nodded and smiled, Serafall then gave me a kiss and then she let me go, suddenly she twirled stopping on a cool pose and disappeared in a flash of pink light and her magic circle while waving good bye to me.

I chuckled and shook my head amusingly *got to admit, that looked cool* i then decided to go ahead and go to another world "Astraea, I'm ready!".

[Okay! initiating World jump!.

Randomly selecting world!...

World chosen!...

Preparing for World jump in 1... 2... 3!.

Let's gooo!.]

With that the world around me cracked like glass and suddenly broke apart, i found my self floating in the void i spent my time before i became a Gamer.

But i didn't spent to much time there as a bright light suddenly engulfed my entired body causing me to close my eyes and then i felt myself being pull to a unknown direction, i couldn't help but to grin in excitement as a new world and new adventures awaited me, I couldn't wait to see which world i would get to explore.

The next thing i knew felt my feet touch ground and the wind softly blowing on my skin, i opened my eyes and saw myself on a enormous open field, i took a look around and noticed a town a far distance away "hmm it seems that i was teleported far away from the town, well it's for the best, i rather not have to explain how i suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Astraea do you know where we are?".

[Yes! the world's name is known as Konosuba! and that town in the distance is named Axel! the town of beginnings.]

"... shit.."

[Rean! what's wrong? are you okay?.]

I couldn't help but to rub my eyes in annoyance "I'm fine Astraea, it's just... i know what world we are in and the amount of nonsense and stupidity here is overwhelming...".

[... But it is a good beginner world to get stronger right?.]

I let go of my eyes and sighed "don't get me wrong, this world is perfect for getting stronger, it's the protagonists in this world that bother me but I'll just have to stay away from their nonsense while I'm here... hopefully".

[They can't be that bad right?.]

I stood there lost in thought, while i mentally go through everything i know about this world "... you'll see eventually but anyways let's go to Axel! i have to register in the guild before i can take quest!".

[Okay! let's go! this is all very exciting!.]

I chuckled and spread my wings, with one mighty flap from both of them i took off flying towards Axel.

It didn't take me long to arrive and i chose to land on a rooftop and then jump down to the streets, no one payed me any mind when i landed on the ground but i guess that everyone in this town is used to adventurers doing weird things like this all the time.

After asking a couple of people where the guild is i was able to find it, immediately i went in and came up to a very familiar scene.

The goddess Aqua had gotten up from her seat and confidently approached an old priest enjoying some tea "you there, Priest! state your denomination!".

I visibly cringed knowing what was about to happen *looks like i arrived at the beginning of the main plot...*.

The old priest stopped drinking his tea and looked up towards Aqua who just kept on talking " my name is Aqua!, that's right the object of worship for the religious order of Axis!, the goddess Aqua! if thou are one of my followers...".

I just sighed, I didn't really like both Aqua or Kazuma for that matter, both them were a mess and not very good people to begin with plus both of them are idiots.

Suddenly Aqua bowed and said "it'd be a huge help if you would lend me some money!".

The old priest looked a little surprised but still responded " I'm in the Eris sect actually...".

I tried not to, i really did but I couldn't help but to chuckle at the shocked faces of these two idiots when they heard the old priest say that he belonged to a different religious group.

Aqua awkwardly began to apologize and walk away in shame "oh? you are?... I'm sorry..".

But the old priest spoke and called out to Aqua "young lady? are you a member of the sect of Axis? the relationship between goddesses Eris and Aqua is one of superior and subordinate, this must be fate, i saw early that you couldn't afford the entry fee correct?".

Aqua looked surprised but then the old priest lifted his hand and revealed four golden coins of some kind and then spoke "here, please consider this a blessing from Lady Eris but still no matter how devout you are, you mustn't call yourself a goddess".

*Damn... i can feel the shame from all the way over here* i watched a gloomy Aqua walk back to the table and pick up the coins "uh... yes, I'm sorry..".

I shook my head and walked inside, i took a seat at the other side from these two idiots and a maid approached me to take my order, since i was curious about what this world can offer food wise i told her to get me her recommendation and she took off skipping to get my order ready.

From here i could hear Aqua speak to Kazuma "he didn't believed that I'm a goddess... by the way Eris is ranked beneath me... a believer of my subordinate took pity on me and lent me money ha..ha...ha...".

She looks like she's about to cry and all Kazuma could say is "y-yeah...".

I just ignored them after that not wanting to catch their attention, there's no way I'm going to be dragged to their nonsense, so when they got up and went to Luna to get their registration, everyone in the guild was trying to ignored them too.

But eventually Luna got everything ready for their registration while i began to enjoy my food which the maid brought to me while Luna was getting ready, though i was paying attention to what was going to happen next.

Luna smiled and turned to speak to Aqua and Kazuma "allow me to formally explain, Adventures each have an occupation, this is your registration card" she pointed at the two cards on her hand " it keeps track of how many monsters you vanquish, as you level up you'll gain points that you can use to learn new skills, please do work hard to raise your level".

As I continue to eat i nodded * hmm pretty standard...Astraea how would that work with me?*.

[The system will synchronize with your adventurer's card allowing you the ability to learn the skills of whichever occupation you choose]

*I see, that will be very useful to me, thanks Astraea* i return my attention to Luna while i continue to eat.

What happened next was Kazuma and Aqua each taking turns to place their hand on the weird blue crystal, nothing new or different happened here, Kazuma stats were average except his intelligence which was a bit higher and his high luck and Luna recommended a few non battle occupations like Merchant and such * this dude sure is a mess...*.

Aqua's stats were the same as depicted in the anime, all of them were high except her lower than average intelligence and luck stat *so technically she's both stupid and unlucky which makes sense now that I think about it*.

She ended up choosing the Arch Priest occupation too and i have to admit that this occupation interested me a lot, i need more healing skills and if i remember correctly this occupation has revival skills too which wouldbe extremely good to have.

Everyone in the guild cheered like it was a big accomplishment and Aqua enjoyed all that attention too bad that the idiot will end up wasting all her points on useless magic tricks *what a waste...*.

I just ignored everything going on around me and ate in peace while i waited for the two stooges to leave and for everything to calm down.

*If I remember correctly, these two will be wasting around two weeks doing hard labor, well at least until Kazuma remembers that they're adventurers, so i have some time before all of their nonsense begins, I'll spend that time doing Kill quests and using Mimicry to copy some skills, plus i already decided on picking the Arch Priest occupation, so I can have more healing spells this way i can support my Pokemon and future allies better*.

After a while Both Kazuma and Aqua left and the tavern finally calmed down so I got up, payed for what i ate and drank and approached Luna who was once a again behind her counter.

She smiled at me the moment she noticed me approach "hello! are you registering to this guild?".

I nodded and handed her two gold coins from my inventory "yes and if possible i would like this to be done in private, I'm not much for attention".

Luna smiled and nodded "of course if you would follow me to my office outback we can proceed once we're there".

I nodded, she then walked around her counter and opened a door for me to step through, i nodded in thanks and walked inside, i saw a small office inside while Luna came in after me and placed the odd blue crystal i saw a while ago when Aqua and Kazuma were getting their adventurer's card.

Luna then place the crystal on the desk and then a blank card below it "okay, if you would please place your hand on top of the i don't think i have to explain right? i did see you out there when those two other people registered with the guild".

I nodded to let her know that she didn't need to explain again and i walked forward, once I got close to the crystal I place my hand on top of it and it then began to glow.

I watched the whole process out of curiosity, but i got to admit, it looked kinda cool to see all of my information being written on the card like that.

After a few more seconds the crystal finished with it's job and Luna took a look at what my card had written on it "what!? your stats are way off the charts!".

I glared at her for making such a loud fuzz about my stats causing her to blush and look sheepish *this is exactly why I wanted this done in private, i don't need anyone to everyone and their mother to know about my stats...* Luna soon after apologized "sorry... it's just very surprising after all.. do you know what occupation you want to take?".

I nodded "yes, I'll take Arch Priest for now, i need some good healing skills, I'll changed it to something else later".

[Ding! due to the Gamer's actions, you have obtain the Perk Healer, this perk will allow you to learn new spells from the healer branch of magic as you level up and grind the spells!.

Note: Thanks to the players preference, the perk Healer will contain spells and skills from the Tales of Games series, enjoy!.]

[Ding! Ding!.

You have learned the Spells: Heal!, Pow Hammer and Photon!]

I couldn't help but to smile, the Tales of Games series have been an all time favorite of mine and i know how useful the techniques are but I'll leave that for later, right now i have to pay attention to Luna.

Luna nodded and handed my card "then thank you and welcome to the guild".

I smiled "do keep this a secret, like i said before, i don't want any attention right now and can you tell me if you have any quest to do right now?".

Luna nodded but i could tell she was confused at the fact that i don't want any attention to myself "yes... I'll make sure to keep all of this information a secret from anyone except for the guild and yes we have a couple of kill quests, are you going to start right now?".

"yes, might as well get things done plus i want to get a feel of this adventurer work".

Luna nodded and went behind the desk in the office and took out a couple of papers "lets see we have a mine that has been taken over by Goblins and Trolls so we need it cleared up, a band of bandits have taken over a forest nearby and had been attacking and stealing from the town and lastly we also have a pack of giant wolves attacking the cattle in the farms around the town, so which one do you want to take?".

I grinned "I'll take all of them, they all seem kinda urgent so i might as well take care of them".

Luna gaped at me "a-are you sure? you seem to be all alone... are you sure you can handle it by yourself?".

I chuckled a bit, me alone? no that's never going to be a problem with me "yes I'm sure, is the pay good at least?".

Luna nodded as she began to sign the quests sheet and then handed it to me "yes the rewards offered upon completion of this quests are quite generous so it is worthwhile the effort"

I took the quests sheets and read through them really fast, suddenly a notification alert appeared in front of me but i push it a side until i was out of town "okay then I'll be leaving right, I'll see you when i get back Luna".

She nodded but still seemed worried about me but i just give her a smile and waved at her while i walk out of the office.

Once i was outside the guild building i checked my mini map and saw that it was added as an important location, i decided to walk around a bit to see what this town how to offered while i ask Astraea some questions.

"Astraea, will the system allow me to change occupation whenever i want? once I learn all the skills from the Healer perk all i need to do is grind them so they can become stronger and what will happen when I leave this world?".

[Yes, you can change occupation anytime you want and you can keep doing so even if you leave this world, the system already absorbed the ability to do so from the world itself so don't worry!.

The occupation just grants you their perk which once you have it it will alway be active regardless of what occupation you equip and a stat boost depending on the occupation you have currently equipped, for example with the Healer occupation you have and extra 25 points to your Int, Vit and Luck stat while it's equipped.

I also decided to do this since you can just just copy any spell or skill from this world so it would be wasteful to have a class with the same skills you can just copy so i gave you a completely different set of skills to learn!.]

"Hmm that's a very neat class system and very versatile too, thank you Astraea!".

I could literally feel the happiness radiating from Astraea while I walk around town, It took me a while but i was able to located a few important locations, like Wiz's shop and the cemetery where she helps the undead pass on later in the anime.

But right now i had a few quest to complete so i left the town and once outside i checked my notifications.

[Ding! Ding!.

Quest received.

The Goblin nest cleanse!.

In a Mine north of Axel, a hoard of Goblins and Trolls have made their nest, soon their numbers will increase to so many that Axel could cease to exist if they decide to attack.

Stop that before it could happen and clean out the mine of all monsters.

Objective 1: kill all Goblins and Troll within the mine.

Objective 2: Kill the monster boss within the mine.

Reward 1: Skill orb - Spell Drain (Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Survivor Series).

Reward 2: Cancel Abnormal Condition.]

*this quest seems very suspicious my Gamer instincts were telling that the boss in this mine is goingto extra difficult... I think I'll leave it for last*.

I then looked at the next one which was the one about the bandits taking over a nearby forest.

[Ding! Ding!.

Quest received.

The bandit camp assault!.

A band of bandits and thiefs have taken over one of the forests near Axel and have been attacking approaching caravans and nearby homes.

Take them down so the people of Axel can sleep in peace at night!.

Objective: Kill all bandits!.

Reward: Skill Orb - Sonido.]

*This one seems more easier, i might choose to do this one first but I got the check that last quest notification before i decide what to do first*.

[Ding! Ding!.

Quest received.

A howl under the moonlight!.

A pack of giant wolves lead by black lighting Wolf have been attacking the local farms and eating their cattle, if this keeps going there will be a shortage of food in Axel.

Kill all the wolves to secure the food supply in Axel.

Objective: Kill all the wolves including the pack leader.

Reward: Perk orb: Shadow Striker.]

*Hmm this one seem suspicious too and the reward suggest that the pack leader is going to be very strong... this is might be a bit difficult*.

I thought about it for a while but in the end i decided to do the bandit quest first since it seems the easier of them all and leave the other two for later.

However the moment i decided to do the bandit quest first a small arrow appeared in my mini map "hmm? Astraea is that arrow pointing me to the location of the quest?".

[That's right! everytime you have an ongoing quest the mini map will show you were to go! pretty convenient right?.]

I chuckled and nodded "yeah, it is thank you Astraea".

[Your welcome Rean!.]

Feeling ready and excited for adventure i spread my wings and with a flap from them i took off flying towards the direction my mini map was guiding me to.

It didn't take me long to reach the forest marked by my mini map, it was dense and dark the perfect place for bandits to hide.

I landed just outside the tree line and crouch down on one knee, i closed my eyes and focus with my Aura sense skill.

Suddenly an image or the surrounding area takes form in my mind allowing me to see the entire forest, it didn't take me long to find the bandit's camp right in the middle of the forest within a small clearing.

My Aura sense immediately marked all the bandits in red but to my surprise, in one of the tents four of the people in there were highlighted in green letting me know that they were non combatants or civilians.

"Tch... either they capture some adventurers that tried to take them down or they kidnapped some people from the houses around and outside of Axel... this complicates things a bit, i can't just go in there and blast them to hell hmm".

I opened my eyes and think about what to do with this situation, i couldn't just go in attack the bandits, i might accidentally hurt a hostage or the bandits might use them against me.

"Hmm looks like I'll have to be a bit creative with this, Liligant, Pidgeot, Gardevoir and Frosslass come out!".

The four Pokemon i called out appeared in flashes of white "hey guys, i need your help with a quest but we have to be a bit careful okay? so for now let's wait till nightfall".

My four Pokemon nodded and then together we waited until night had arrived, then me and my Pokemon entered the forest, after a while we reached the clearing used by the bandits to camp, we stop at the edge of the tree line and hid in the darkness of the night.

"Okay, here's what we'll do, Gardevoir you see that tent in the middle of the clearing" I pointed out the tent were the hostages were being kept, Gardevoir turned to take at look at the tent I'm pointing at and nodded at me "i need you to teleport in there and kill any guards inside, then quickly raised a psychic barrier around yourself and the four hostages inside okay?".

Gardevoir nodded and smiled at me, i smiled back at her and gave her a pat on her head, she then teleported to fulfill her part in my plan, i then turned to Liligant and Pidgeot "okay, next Liligant use Stun Spore towards the camp and Pidgeot you use Whirlwind to make sure it spread around the entire campsite".

Pidgeot and Liligant nodded and immediately began to follow my orders while i turn towards Frosslass " you and me will finish the bandits while they're incapacitated make sure you get the one inside the tents I'llhandle the one outside, sounds good Frosslass?".

Frosslass nodded and grinned, i chuckled and caress her under the chin causing her to smile and dance around, meanwhile Liligant's Stun Spore began to quickly spread around the camp with help of Pidgeot's Whirlwind.

"Great job guys! me and Frosslass will begin taking out the bandits, you guys stay here and keep an eye just in case any bandit is able to somehow still move and tries to get away".

Both Liligant and Pidgeot nodded, Pidgeot took off and began to circle the campsite from high above while Liligant spread her roots into the ground and began to monitor the area, i smiled at my Pokemon actions all the time spent training and dungeon diving had allowed my Pokemon to gain massive amounts of battle experience and they already knew what to do in all kinds of situations like these, so I'm very proud of them.

I nodded to Liligant and gave her a pat on her head getting a cheerful chirp from her in return, then me and Frosslass took off and began to finish off every bandit in the camp while they were paralyzed.

The poor bastards couldn't do anything but to just lay in the ground and stare at me as i stabbed them in the heart with my Tachi while Frosslass froze their head and then shattered them into pieces.

Ruthless? yeah but me and my Pokemon learned to no show mercy against enemies like these, do i feel guilty about taking a human life? a little bit but i can rationalize this with the fact that these guys made their decision to be thieves, killers and just plain bastards to everyone plus my dragonic instincts helped me accept all of this rather easily.

However when i reached the biggest tent my instincts told me to dodge and i immediately did so by jumping back fast enough to prevent a dagger from entering my belly.

As soon as i landed on the ground i stared right into the entrance of the tent and a tall and lanky bandit came out of it, he glared at me the moment he saw me "pretty quick on your feet kid and clever too... I take it that the guild sent you to take care of us huh?".

This guy is strong, more than likely an ex adventurer since he was able to resist Liligant's Stun Spore "yes, the guild issued a kill quest on you guys".

The bandit who i assume was the leader of the whole gang here looked around and saw that he was practically the only one left alive "i see... just who are you? you're to smart and too strong to belong to that town of weaklings, there's only one strong adventurer in Axel and that idiot doesn't bother with quest like these".

So Kyouya doesn't bother with these kinds of quest, what an idiot he probably thinks that these kind of quests are beneath him or something "tch, you don't need to know my name".

I disappeared in a blur and appeared behind him but he block my strike with his daggers however with my strength i was still able to pushed him away easily, he recovered quickly enough and took off towards in an impressive speed and got ready to attack me but a Grass Knot attack made him trip and rolled towards me uncontrollably, i easily dodged him by getting out of his way and sweatdrop when i saw him crash against a tree, suddenly i was able to hear Liligant giggle her self silly from a distance away.

"... well that took off the intensity out of this situation rather quickly.."

Even Pidgeot sweatdrop at the situation since she was watching from the sky, i shook my head and walked towards the boss bandit who was groaning in pain while he layed there on the floor, as soon as i reached him i immediately stabbed him in the chest causing him to gasp and glare at me "b-bastard...".

He died soon after cursing at me, i sighed and turned around to head towards the middle tent where Gardevoir was waiting for me with the hostages.

As i walk i got a notification letting me we completed this quest which tells me that Frosslass finished off the rest of the bandits while i was busy with the boss bandit.

I immediately checked on my rewards which was the skill orb containing the Skill Sonido which is a high speed movement technique that doesn't require any exertion of energy which makes the target unable to detect the user during movement making this technique extremely useful for hit and run tactics and surprise attacks.

Instantly i use the skill orb and obtained Sonido which then combine with my Pokemon priority attacks like Quick Attack, Extreme Speed, Bullet Punch and some my swordstyle techniques making me undetectable while using these type of skills.

"Hmm how very useful..." soon after, i reached the the tent and step inside, i immediately noticed the guards inside laying on the ground with their heads turned all the way backwards, more than likely Gardevoir did this to take them out instantly with Psychic.

When i was done looking at the dead guards i noticed Gardevoir in a corner surrounded by a pink barrier, three young girls were huddled and trembling on the ground behind Gardevoir while the fourth was on the ground unconscious and with a fist size bump on her forehead, for some reason she seems familiar but i couldn't remember from where.

I approached Gardevoir and she let the barrier break apart letting me approach her and the girls, i raised an eyebrow towards the unconscious girls but Gardevoir just shook her head "so she was already unconscious when you found her?".

Gardevoir smile and nodded "I see well that's fine" i then turned towards the scared girls, then i take out my adventurer's card and showed it to them "hello, I'm an adventurer and I was sent here by the guild to take down the bandits, are any of you hurt?".

One of the girls stood up and shyly approached me "no were okay, these people said something about selling us so they didn't want to hurt us, she's the only one who's hurt...".

She pointed at the unconscious girl "I see, I'm glad everyone is okay, but what happened to her?".

The girl nervously laughed and scratched her head "well you see... she saw us getting kidnapped this morning and she then confronted the bandits but when she tried to attack them she tripped and hit her head pretty hard on the ground and so she's been unconscious since then the bandits took her too... I've never seen the ground crack like that before...".

Me and Gardevoir sweatdrop, who the hell just trips and knocks themselves out like that, i turned towards the girls and it was then that i immediately recognized her "son a bitch...".

Gardevoir and the girl gasped at my swear while Gardevoir began to weakly slapped the back of my head to teach me a lesson in manners while i stare at the girl * that's YunYun... if i remember correctly she's the self proclaimed rival of Megumin and a very powerful Arch Wizard but the girl was just very unlucky and the proof is there in the form of a fist size bump on her forehead".

I couldn't help but sighed at my luck, this girl was another person who knows how much loneliness sucks and now that she's right there in front of me i can't just ignore her plus she's actually pretty competent when she's not being unfortunate.

"Well.. I'll take all you back to Axel, I'm sure the guild will be able to help get you all home, this girl is an adventurer she just had a bit of bad luck so I'll take her back to the guild too, is that okay?".

The girls nodded and picked up YunYun into my arms and carried her outside where Frosslass, Liligant and Pidgeot were all waiting for us.

The girls awed at my Pokemon and began to pet and hugged them, i let them enjoy the attention for a while, they deserve it after all.

After a while i sent my Pokemon back after thanking them for their help and teleported myself and the girls back to Axel, we walked a bit towards the guild and immediately went inside, it was pretty late but it seems like the guild and tavern where still open so i approached Luna who was wiping her counter.

She smiled at me the moment she saw me but then frowned and raised an eyebrow when she noticed the girls hiding nervously behind me and me carrying an unconscious YunYun in my arms "err... I can explain?".