

Chapter 57. Reactions and Revelations for Artemis!.

After dropping Antares into the sun and teleporting back to Ryuu, Artemis and my Kanto starters, I immediately went to check on Artemis who was just standing there looking rather confused as to what happened.

She looked at me the moment I approached her and tilted her head "Rean... you really did save me but... what happened to you?".

I smiled at her and used my Akashic Dragon Eyes to check her condition just in case, thankfully it seems like she was fine now that her divinity was back to where it was supposed to be and that there was no damage to her body and soul.

The only worrisome thing is that when Antares absorbed her he had pull her entire self into this avatar body so now she was a full on Goddess and she was in the lower world, luckly though I don't think anyone will notice as long as she keeps a low profile "you seem to be okay and you don't seem to have any damage to your body and soul... I was worried that there might be some problems from when I got you and your divinity out of Antares since it did fought me back and it seems like you received the memories of the Artemis shard too that's good".

Ryuu smiled seeing how Rean was still the same as ever, always worried about the people he cares about and even though he's now a being way beyond the scope of mortals he was still her Rean.

Artemis softly smiled and then reached over with oneof her hands and caress my cheek "you must have been very worried about me Rean, I'm sorry about that but thank you for saving my life and for keeping your promise... I'm so happy that I'm able to live and continue to experience this warmth in my chest that appears whenever I'm with you".

I smiled at Artemis, it seems like the memories of the Shard Artemis have helped Artemis stay the way she was with us, I'm glad and admittedly I was very worried that she would go back to being miss president of the no sex before marriage club "I'm glad to Artemis but I'm going to have to explain quite a bit to you but for now let go back outside and back to camp, I'll explain there".

Artemis nodded and then Ryuu, my Kanto starters, Artemis and I began to leave the Temple, along the way we found out that the monster eggs had shriveled up and stopped spawning monsters, the Scorpion like monsters also seemed to be dying on the floor.

Without Antares supplying energy to the monsters they couldn't sustain themselves anymore and began to die, all of them where on the floor twitching while slowly turning into black dust.

Once we walked out the temple we frowned at the damage of the entire area, Antares had absorbed a lot of the life force of the surrounding land and it had effectively killed all of the nature and animal life.

Artemis sadly frowned and looked down, she must still feel guilty about all of this, it was Artemis's energy and power that allowed Antares's influence and power to grow so fast and cause this much damage.

My Pokemon also sadly growled their names, Pokemon are creatures highly attuned to nature and them seeing so much of it destroyed made them sad, I patted Charizard belly, I then patted Venusaur on his head and Blastoise on his belly as well "its alright everyone, luckly I can fix all of this, just give me a minute since this is still new to me".

Artemis, Ryuu and the Kanto Starters looked at me intrigued but I just smile at them and stepped forward and a little bit away from them *let's see. I have concepual domain over both Nature and Life so I should be able to restore the entire area*.

[That's right Rean! plus you also have domain over creation! so you can fill the forest with animals as well~.]

*To think that my beloved master would become so powerful and even more incredible after becoming a Dragon God, I still remember when you used to think you weren't worthy of me and now it is me who doesn't think I'm worthy to be you blade anymore*.

I closed my eyes and inwardly smile as I heard the voice of Astrea and Excalibur in my head *Excalibur, your my one and only partner, I would never use another weapon that isn't you just as you accepted me as your wielder that time a while ago I now accept you as my weapon, we'll be together forever and the same goes to you Astrea I would never have come so far without both of you*.

[Oh Rean... your the best you know that? I love you Rean! and you can count on me to always be by your side!].

*I love you too master! I look forward to an eternity of battles and adventures with you and our family, our treasure!*.

I smiled and then focus on my new conceptual domains, the power over Nature and Life immediately answered my call and I found myself easily being able to mold the concept of these domains *so this is what it mean to have full control over a concept... it's as if I were playing with clay and I can shape however I want*.

I smiled and nodded to myself, I then raised an open palm and gathered a bit of my Stardust energy and the very concept of Nature and Life into my hand.

Artemis and Ryuu watched as Rean raised an a open palm, he seemed to focused for a second and then both girls witnessed the most amazing thing they have ever seen, the very power of Nature and Life gathered on Rean's hand and combined with his very own purple energy.

As a Goddess Artemis can feel how Rean pulled on the very concepts of Nature and Life and coalesced them into a small orb in his hand, Ryuu as an elf could feel the true nature of what Rean was doing and the scope of it.

Both of them did not know how to react to this and could only watched in shocked silence as Rean suddenly turned his hand and dropped the small orb into the ground where it fell like a rain drop.

As soon as the small orb hit the ground a small circle of purple light spread from the collision point and the girls watched in silence as the circle palpitated for a few seconds before it instantly spread throught the entire area.

Both Artemis and Ryuu watched in awe as the circle spread and life and nature came to life within the purple light, trees grew at an accelerated pace, streams, rivers and lakes filled with crystal clear water, the new forest and water bodies then began to be filled with life as animals, insects, birds and water life began to appear out of nowhere.

In an instant Rean had brough life and light to the world, in a second he had restored everything Antares had destroyed and even made the life in the surrounding area look more vibrant and full of life.

Rean had single handedly done a miracle, one worthy of the Gods of old, a miracle not one in Orario could ever hope to accomplish even if the Gods were allowed to use their divinity.

I opened my eyes and smiled as I saw that life had returned to everything Antares had destroyed, Charizard walked up to my side and softly growled "I'm okay, that just took a tiny part of my energy to do but I am going to have to train a bit to learn how to control my new strength and powers... I kinda over did a bit here".

Charizard grinned and seemed to find it funny that I over did it with my restoration of the surrounding area, Venusaur the walked up to my other side and softly growled "your right, there's nothing wrong with more life and nature, besides it looks beautiful out here now right?".

Charizard continued to grunt at me but nodded in agreement, Venusaur nodded as well and gave me a smile with Blastoise gave me a thumbs up.

I turned around towards Ryuu and Artemis who were watching me from behind and I gave them a smile "let's go girls".

They seemed to snapped from whatever had them out of it and nodded at me, we all then began to walk back to the camp area while looking around at the now restored forest.

Both Ryuu and Artemis grabbed hold of my hands and together we walked through the forest with my Kanto Starters following close behind me, there's a lot I have to explain to Artemis but since she seems to have been chosen by Serafall to join the harem I have to tell her a few things but for now I'll just enjoyed our walk back to camp.

Astrea and Excalibur where standing within Rean's soul and watched as Gaea continue to sleep while snoring a bit, Excalibur giggled at bit when Gaea began to drool in her sleep "I'm surprised she hasn't awaken yet".

Astraea smiled "well she did leave almost all of her power with her body and her being a Primordial means that it was quite a considerable amount but Rean's evolution into a Dragon God should help her recover quickly, she should awake soon... I'm more surprised that Rean got domain over the Concept of Nature, she must be the reason as to why Rean got that Domain".

Excalibur nodded "if I remember correctly, Gaea is know for being a God of life and the earth itself so its not surprise Rean got a domain like Nature from her, she might have bolstered his Domain over Life too".

Astrea nodded "we also were empowered, I can feel far more power within us than before, our bond with Rean has granted us even more power".

Excalibur smiled "we'll be able to help Rean even more with our new levels of power, I can't wait to see what sort of adventures we'll have now that he has ascended".

Astrea smiled and looked up, she's till remembers that time when she found his soul a drift in the void between worlds, alone and heartbroken Rean's soul rested in the void for many, many decades until he awaken and agreed to merge with her so both could have a second chance in life.

And she can honestly say that she doesn't regret ever meeting Rean and granting him the Gamer System, without him she might have disappeared already after all and she wouldn't have ever get to experience all of this amazing things she's seen within Rean's soul.

She can honestly say that she's looking forward to what the future holds for all them as they continue to grow stronger and live their new life together.

In Orario, Hestia and the Pokémon were all waiting for Bell and his party to come out the Dungeon, a few minutes after the massive mass of black and purple energy that had blanketed the city disappeared everything calmed down and the townspeople of Orario were able to relax.

It certainly was quite the few tense hours for Adventurers and Townspeople alike especially not knowing why all if this was happening to begin with but it seems like everything was somehow resolved which is why Hestia was very happy at the moment.

She knew that Rean was able to help and and save Artemis and that they were soon to come home so she was really happy at the moment and not even Loki who had walked up to his side could ruin her good mood.

Loki gazed at Hestia from the corner of her eyes and frowned, she noticed how happy and cheerful Hestai was and she was curious as to why she was like that, something was telling her that Hestia knew far more of what was going.

She looked around and stared at the creatures all around the tower of Babel, she had heard about the Pokémon that Rean seems to be able to summon and lead into combat but she had no idea of the scope and power these creatures held.

Some were small and cute, even she couldn't help but smile as she caught sight of the adorable fox like Pokemon playing with the children of Orario but there were the big and scary ones like the massive red, black and spiky one that was silently watching over everyone around the tower.

Or the massive green serpent one floating in the sky, even the beautiful looking ones like the rainbow hued or blue birds roosting on the roofs of the buildings closed by the towers felt incredibly powerful and the less its said about the really intimidating purple humanoid one that was glaring the better.

Like everyone in Orario she had heard about how Rean had taken down the Freya Familia with all of these creatures with ease and how he dealt with the Soma Familia with just a few of them before Freya and now that she can see them up close and personal she can see how.

These creatures, whatever they were weren't normal, in fact they were something a kin to Spirits of Nature and the they are disgustingly powerful.

She could feel their power rolling off their bodies, the only problem she was having is that she couldn't discern the nature of that power, something was blocking her from fully sensing the creatures and it was very powerful.

Loki looked to her side and stared at Hestia *just what are you and your Familia hiding shorty... whatever it is one thing is obviously true... I definitely do now want to mess with you and your Familia".

Hestia suddenly began to wave and Loki turned her gaze towards where Hestia was was waving only to see Bell, Lili, Welf and Mikoto stepping out of the tower of Babel, they looked a bit tired and their gear was very dirty which it's quite normal since they were fighting hoards after hoards of monsters.

But what caught Loki's attention was the fact that none of them had any wounds or anything of the sort, they were perfectly fine which made no sense with the amount of monsters they should have faced.

Then came out her Familia, Tione, Tiona, Lefiya and Ais like Bell and his party seem fine but the rest of her Familia looked mighty tire and worse for wear and that made her frowned, she didn't know how but those four girls of hers had not only increased their stats but they had become far more powerful and skillful than before and she just knew that Rean and the Hestia Familia had something to do with it.

Even now she watched as her four girls cheerfully spoke and joke around with Bell and his party, she even saw Ais smile and pet Bell! *aahhhh! no Ais don't pet that rabbit!*.

She wanted to scream and bitch about Bell getting too close to Ais but when she was about to a massive white Lion walked pass her left side and made her froze in fright.

Then more and more Pokemon began to walk towards where Bell, his party and her girls were as if they were going to to meet up with someone really important.

And it was here when it happened, Loki bare witness to the most beautiful girls she had ever seen step out of the tower of Babel, these women were not only gorgeous but frighteningly powerful as well.

Everyone stared in silence as the Pokémon approached the women and began to rub their noses, faces, snouts and beaks on the girls faces who smiled and petted them and then there was the adorable ninetailed Renard who cheerfully began to say hi to all the Pokémon who looked very happy to see her.

Loki was speechless, who were these girls? where did they come from!? suddenly Hestia began to walk towards the woman and Loki snapped, she reached and grabbed hold of Hestia's head so fast that actually made the petit Goddess squeak in surprise "shorty! who are these gorgeous women and why are you approaching them like you know them!?".

Hestia frowned and turned around to glare at Loki not liking that she was grabbed by the head but then she began grin which in turned made Loki feel rather nervous, suddenly a shadow engulfed Loki which made her eyes widen.

Loki suddenly felt the hot breath of something big right on her neck and she nervously turned her head only to gape when she saw that the green serpent had come down from the sky and was now glaring at her.

Hestia giggled "you might want to let go Loki or Rayquaza might just use you as a chew toy ~".

Loki let go of Hestia's head and raised her hands in surrender towards Rayquaza who intently stared at her for a minute before huffing and then leaving to go see Rean's mates.

Loki let out a big breath and drop to her knees "holy shit! that was scary...".

Hestia grinned "mighty stupid of you to manhandle me like that in front of the Pokémon Loki but then again I know your not the brightest".

Loki growled "shut up short-".

She was caught off as all the Pokemon suddenly turned their head towards Loki and glared at her which made Hestia giggle "you better calm down Loki, the Pokémon are very over protective of everyone in my Familia".

Loki nodded and the nervously smiled "ah right... sorry! it won't happen again...".

The Pokémon narrowed their eyes at Loki not really believing her and stared at her for a few good seconds before deciding to just let it be and go back to getting attention from Rean's girlfriends.

Loki tiredly sighed while Hestia smugly grinned at her which made one of Loki's eyebrow twitch in annoyance, Hestia then decided to give Loki a break and answer her questions "those girls you're asking about are members of my Familia and Rean's girlfriend so you better not try anything funny to them Loki, Rean has killed for less not that he needs to do anything, those girls are way more scary than he is when they're pissed".

With that said Hestia turned around and walked over to her children and friends and gave them all a hug while Loki was left by herself cursing Rean's good luck and praising his tastes in woman.

Hestia walked up to Serafall and the rest of her Familia who smiled at her, Hestia then looked everyone over and made sure they were okay before she began to speak "is everyone okay?".

Serafall nodded "we're fine Hestia, the monsters weren't that tough, they were a lot of the sure but nothing we couldn't handle, how were things out here?".

Hestia smiled "everything and everyone is okay, they were a little frighten and nervous but once everything calmed down everyone relaxed, it also helped that the Pokémon were out here many of the townspeople seemed to relax and be less afraid with them around".

Serafall looked around and smiled as she saw the Pokémon stand around their group and stay with them while rest of the girls showered them with affection "looks like Rean finally resolved everything, he should be returning in a couple of days".

Hesta looked up in the sky with a fond smile on herface "ah! so he's going to taking scenic route huh?".

Serafall giggled "well by now I'm sure Artemis will be joining the family so he'll need to spend some time with her".

Hestia shook her head in amusement "I still can't believe you want Artemis in the harem but if she's happy then I'm happy for her, still is hard to believe that anti romance Artemis will fall in love and join a harem of all things".

Serafall grinned "she's looks like she need a little bit of love plus she's cute so in she goes, it also seems like Rean did it".

Hestia moved her gazed towards Serafall and nodded "yeah, you felt it too huh?".

Serafall smiled "yes, in fact we all did, Rean has ascended... I can't wait to see him when he gets back".

Hestia sadly frowned "I take it that you guys might be leaving soon right?".

Serafall softly smiled at Hestia and then hugged her "yeah, we already achieved everything we wanted to do in this world and it's time to go back but don't worry Hestia, it isn't a permanent goodbye I'm sure we can visit again at some point".

Hestia nodded and hugged Serafall tightly, she was sad that her children will be leaving but she also knew that they had other things to do in their world so she'll say goodbye with a smile on her face and await for them to visit.

After getting back to the campsite and after making sure that Artemis was fine we then sat down with her and began to explain my and the girl's situation.

Through my entire explanation Artemis listened to me intently and waited for me to finish telling her about what I am, where I come from, about the girls and the fact that were in this world as a sort of mini vacation in order to get some things we needed.

Ryuu had already heard all of this before and had accepted the fact that we would have to leave this world on our own to our surprise though, she decided to leave with us and we even got Mama Mia's blessing as well.

Ryuu will be coming back with us to our world and that made everyone very happy, Artemis however took her time to digest everything I just told her and after a few minutes she finally decided to speak her mind "so your a Dragon and just a few hours ago you ascended to a Dragon God?".

I nodded while Artemis tilted her "I see... it's hard to believe but you did turn into a Dragon that blanketed the whole world and then I saw you become a even smaller Dragon though you were still pretty massive...".

I smiled at Artemis who looked to be really thinking hard about everything she saw "that massive form was me letting out all of my power, you could say that it's my true form, the other Dragon form is my Heavenly Dragon form though it did get bigger which sort off caught me off guard".

Artemis looked me right into my eyes "and that other form? I believe you called it a Hybrid Form".

"Oh! that was actually new! I didn't even notice I had taken that form until Charizard grabbed me by the tail hahaha it certainly shocked me to find myself with horn, wings and a tail".

Ryuu giggled finding my excitement of my new form funny and the fact that Charizard had to point it out made it extra funny, speaking about my Fire Type friend who was sitting besides me and giving me a very smug grin, I'm going to have to get back at him for this embarrassment.

Artemis closed her eyes and sighed "this is just a little bit much for me... to think that other worlds exist and that beings far stronger than Gods exist in them and not one in Tenkai is even aware of this is very unnerving".

"Well, not many are supposed to know about other worlds, I'm sure there's some Gods in tenkai that know about this but chose to keep quiet besides it would caused unnecessary panic and fear amongst the Gods if they were to find out that beings far more powerful than them exist somewhere out there".

Artemis nodded "yes... that does make sense, if that's the case then I'm sure Ouranos knows".

I raised an eyebrow at the mention of Ouranos and I was then suddenly slapped by a realization "son of a bitch! Ouranos knows about me and the girls... I'm sure he's aware we're not of this world too".

Artemis nodded while Ryuu frowned "I see... this explains why Ouranos is supporting you Rean, it was quite strange and rather confusing that he supported you when you did something extreme like killing two entire Famlias now it makes sense why he did it".

Artemis closed her eyes "ah... he must have known or suspect the true nature of your power Rean and he doesn't want to go against someone who can easily destroy this world so he chose to support you instead... it is the most logical choice to make, especially since your actually cleaning up Orario".

I scratched the back of my head and sighed "well he hasn't done any against us, in fact he's been a real help to us but I do wonder how he knows? I know for a fact that he wouldn't be able to sense me or anyone in my party because we're being actively cloaked".

Artemis open her yes and smiled "Ouranos is very old, more than likely he's come across other outerworlders, I'm sure your not the only one Rean".

"That makes sense... in any case, now you know the sort of thing you'll be getting into if you decide to come with us Artemis".

Artemis looked down and nodded "I don't mind Rean, everything my small shard self experienced so did I so even now your making me feel butterflies in my stomach... I'll come with you back to your world and besides there's nothing for me in this one anymore...".

I sadly smiled at Artemis, even now that I have evolved into a Dragon God I still can't bring her children back to her, it's just been too long and I don't have the appropriate skills but my next item in my list is to get is a way to find something that will fix this problem.

I can't very well continue to have this flaw and it is something I have to fix but that will have to wait until we get back to our world, I want to focus on Bell and the others until its time to leave since I want them to become even stronger before me and the girls go back home.

Ryuu gave Artemis a hug and a soft smile "your welcome to come with us Artemis your a harem sister now and that means your family".

I raised an eyebrow "she is? since when? I didn't think she had officially joined yet".

Ryuu giggled "Serafall wants her in and so she told me this 'as soon as Rean resolves whatever it is that's going and saves Artemis make sure you welcome her into the family' as you can see Serafall is very adamant about Artemis joining in".

I couldn't help but chuckle "is swear, I wonder just how many girls does Serafall plan on adding to the harem? she's certainly going all out".

Artemis tilted her head "well... if you would have told the old me that I would be joining a harem then that Artemis would have shot everyone but now, the current me can't help but feel excited about my future with all of you".

I smiled at Artemis while Ryuu seemed very happy, Artemis continued on "I look forward to learning more and more about being in love from all of you".

After that tender moment Ryuu, Artemis, the Kanto Starters and I spend the rest of the night talking about our trip back to our world and throughout the night I continue to tell Artemis about my world, my mom, dad, sister and our home in Kuoh.

Ouranos had an amused smile on his face after the events that occurred today, Antares was take down and no one had to ever worry about that horrendous monster.

The Adventurers of Orario worked together and were able to push back the hoards of monsters who were trying to escape the Dungeon but the most important and amazing thing was the ascension of Rean Hayashi.

He knew that Rean was extraordinary and very powerful but to think that he was a Dragon in human form was something that he never would have imagined.

For the first time in many centuries Ouranos was utterly shocked and surprised, Rean's True form was amazing to behold and had left an everlasting impression on Ouranos "... Rean, you never cease to amaze me".

Ouranos stood up from his throne and put on his cloak covering his face and identity, Orario was celebrating their victory over the monster hoards and today Ouranos felt like joining in the celebration.

Today was a good day to go drink for the fact that a crisis was averted and that he had witnessed something he was sure no one else has.

So with a soft smile on his face Ouranos left his throne room and headed to the street of Orario to have a little party.

Apollo was grinning right now, not only had he seen some of the most beautiful and powerful looking creature he has ever seen but he has also seen the most gorgeous women he had ever had the pleasure of ever seeing.

He had become obsessed the moment he had seen both the creatures and women and he knew right then and then that he had to have them.

The problem was, that they all belong to Hestia "not fair Hestia... to keep such beautiful beings to your self... I must have them at any cost~".

Apollo began to scheme and plan of a way to get what he wants, he must have these creatures and women to himself, there's no way he could only watched on for a far.

So as he kept watching the Pokémon and woman of Hestia's Familia laughing and celebrating the fact that Orario was saved, Apollo watch them from a far with a wide and malicious grin on his face.

This selfish and arrogant God will be the first being to feel the wrath of a newly ascended Dragon God and after everything is said and done things in this world would never be the same again.

A few days have passed and since Ryu and Artemis wanted to spend some time with Rean he decided to take the scenic route back to Orario, it would only take them a few day to get back so why not spend some time with his two of his girlfriends.

Ryuu took advantage of this extra time with Rean to help Artemis ease into her relationship with Rean and help her learn what one should do with a lover.

So Artemis found herself often sitting on Rean's lap, kissing him or holding hands with him very often, it was a suggestion from Ryuu who learned all of that from Serafall and Artemis was very motivated to follow through.

So Rean found himself with a lap full of Godess or elf or sometimes even both, of course Artemis was very nervous at first but she eventually got used to doing things like these and found herself enjoying her time with Rean.

She often say how she regretted not giving love a chance but Ryuu just told her to enjoy it now and to make up for the time she missed something that Artemis was more than will to do.

Along the way they help any villages that were damaged or almost destroyed by Antares's influence spreading out so wide so Rean would often find himself fixing towns using his new powers and abilities.

It took a while to get used to his new power output, he often found himself easily destroying things by just moving around but eventually he got the hang of it and he was now able to control his new powers with ease.

That still didn't prevent him from having fun with Ryuu and Artemis who were also enjoying their time and dates with Rean, he was also keeping in touch with his other girlfriends via Mew post.

He found out that everyone in Bell's party and the Loki girls had leveled up after they had to defended Orario from hoards of monsters, Rean was really proud when he learned of everyone new levels.

Bell was now Level 4, Lili Level 3, Welf Level 2 and Mikoto Level 3 and were now training extra hard and grinding non stop in the Dungeon which made Rean feel really proud of them and of how far they have come.

The Loki girls were more impressive though, Ais reached Level 7 now making her one of the three new strongest Adventurers 'besides Rean, and the girls of course' Lefiya reached Level 5 and she was very excited about it.

Tione ad Tiona both reach Level 7 as well and like Ais they were very happy about their new accomplishment, though they're far more excited about the talks they have had with Serafall which they refused to elaborate but Rean had a strong suspicion of what it was.

But eventually their short trip came to and as they arrived back in Orario five days after Rean had killed Antares and the new Dragon God couldn't wait to meet up with everyone and tell them about everything that happened in this out of town Quest.