
Your Alive?

Several hours have past and a figure approached the gate. The trainer guarding noticed that someone was approaching. He didn't see anyone who left for a mission from this side. Even in his registry he doesn't have any signature of trainers leaving last night.

The blurry figure became a little clearer. Although the guard couldn't make out his face, he notice a silver furred hat on his head. The person approaching seemed young like the newbies who survived yesterday's ordeal.

He then recalled that one of the Chosen didn't return yesterday and was assumed dead. The guard was not sure if it's him but he waited for the person to get to the eastern gate.

Austin was really happy when he saw the gate. He still didn't let hit guard down as anything can happen out here. He kept walking increasing his pace as the gate got clearer. Austin wanted to cry but didn't.

Eevee felt Austin's emotion fluctuate so it let out a sound to calm Austin down. "Eevee eev"

"Thanks buddy. I'm ok I just can't wait to rest on a bed. I'll take you to buy some food when we're back."

Once Austin was in front of the gate he heard, "State your name, age, and purpose for your visit."

Although Austin was confused why the guard wanted to know his age, he was tired and didn't think much of it.

"My name is Austin Catcher. I'm 14, I was out on my Ordeal and just returned today."

"Is the Pokemon on your head the one you caught. Your pokeball isn't registered yet so it isn't possible for you to release the Pokemon."

"No sir I took too long yesterday to find a Pokemon I was satisfied with. Due to that by the time I made a deal with Eevee here, night descended.

Also in the grassland night time is very dangerous, I hid in a small ditch and used repel to cover my scent. That's how I survived the night. I'll catch Eevee right now sir."

Austin looked at Eevee on the way to the gate he told her about pokeballs. It understood that these were the rules, but mainly due to its trust in Austin it agreed.

"Hey partner rest in here for now I'll release you for some fresh air in the training ground."

Eevee then touched the center of the pokeball and was officially caught. This sight surprised the guard as new Pokemon are usually hostile until they are tamed. Yet in front of him was a new trainer who gained the trust of his Pokemon even before catching it. The City-State got a talent this year is what he thought.

Austin's voice got him out of his thoughts. "Sir before I enter I want you to know I got another Pokemon." He points on togepi in his pouch. "This Pokemon is known as togepi sir and I got it as an egg. It hatched this morning, recognizing me as it's parent. It's not old enough to train and fight or even enter a pokeball. So I want to know am I allowed to raise it out side a pokeball till it can fight. If not I'll wait out here until it can grow a bit to fight. Then I'll catch it and enter the city."

"Let me ask the league as I don't know if they will let you do that. You are a talent so maybe they will compromise especially since you survived the night outside." The guard replied after pondering for a bit.

The guard allowed Austin to enter his office and made a call to the gym leader. When the gym leader heard what happen he left district 10 immediately. After waiting for a dozen minutes, the gym leader arrived.

He started at Austin with a weird expression then laughed. "I can't believe your alive kid."

Finally our hero returns to the city. Maybe he can finally rest. Or maybe he will feel even more struggle. What will happen to togepi? Will the league compromise? Find out on in the next chap that will be released later today

harem4lifecreators' thoughts